Re: Still need help with layered Map iteration in JSP

2004-08-16 Thread Kris Schneider
I guess the first thing to make sure you understand is that, when iterating over
a Map, the object exposed by JSTL via the var attribute is of type Map.Entry.
It's equivalent to doing a map.entrySet().iterator(). As for getting the size
of an array, Collection, or Map, use the bean:size tag.

Quoting Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have a c:forEach over a Map. The value for each key in the Map can be 
 an array of objects, or I can make it a List. I don't care at this point.
 All I want to do is get the length of this array or List, before I start 
 iterating over *it*, during the current iteration of the Map. I am told 
 that I access the array or List like this:
 1) Given this Map iteration:
 c:forEach items=myMap 
 2) access the value of the current Map entry (which will be either an 
 array or a List) like this:
 But I have tried all of these, none of them work:
 0}!-- where the value of the Map entry is an array --
 0}!-- where the value of the Map entry is a List --
   0}!-- where the value of the Map entry is either an array or a 
 List --
 Not that they would have worked, because I was merely guessing in every 
 This is the type of thing that makes me sorry I ever got involved with 
 tag libraries.
 I have a Map of Lists. I didn't invent this. This is a common structure 
 to use in Java. So someone please show me a single document that tells 
 you how to work with JSTL tags (or any other tags) to do such a simple 
 thing as to do a nested iteration of a Map of Lists or a Map of arrays!
 Here is the Java equivalent of what I need to do:
 //Map, stored as request attribute, has String keys, MyClass[] values
 Map map = getMapWhichIsARequestAttribute();
 Iterator i = map.keySet().iterator();
 while (i.hasNext()) {
 String key = (String);
 MyClass[] values = (MyClass[]) map.get(key);
 int size = values.length; // *HOW DO I GET THIS VALUE USING TAGS?*
   if (size  5) {
   //do setup for a big array
   for (int x = 0; x  size; x++) {
   //do output for each item in array
 else {
 //do setup for a small array
   for (int x = 0; x  size; x++) {
   //do output for each item in array
 else {
 //no records found for this key
 Failing that, I would appreciate it if someone could show me how to do 
 this using Struts tags. If I had used scriptlets, I would have been done 
 hours ago.
 Erik Weber wrote:
  I have a c:forEach where items refers to a Map, and var refers to 
  the current Map entry.
  c:forEach items=myMap var=currentEntry
  The value for each Map entry is an array. How do I switch on the 
  length of this array? I tried this:
  c:when test=${currentEntry.value.length  5}
  But I get a syntax error; it says I supplied the . operator with an 
  index value of type java.lang.String to be applied to an array, but 
  that the value cannot be converted to an integer.
  Is there some sort of way I can use items.length or items.size or 
  something similar? More importantly, WHERE IS THIS DOCUMENTED?
  I have searched the Internet for decent documents on JSTL and cannot 
  find a simple complete guide to tag usage -- something similar to what 
  Struts has for its tags. For example, where is a document that 
  explains what you can do with var, varStatus, items, etc. on a 
  c:forEach tag, and covers all the tags? The Sun web services tutorial 
  does not do this, it only gives examples.
  Thank you,
  Erik Weber wrote:
  Thanks again.
  Kris Schneider wrote:
  c:forEach supports a varStatus attribute. The value of that 
  atrribute is a
  String that names an instance of 
  javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus. The
  LoopTagStatus instance has nested visibility so that it's only 
  available within
  the enclosing c:forEach tag. LoopTagStatus exposes a number of 
  but the one you're probably interested in is index:
  c:forEach var=bean varStatus=status items=${entry.value}
  %-- ${status.index} is the current index --%
  Quoting Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  How can I refer to the index of the current iteration with 
  c:forEach (analogous to the indexId attribute to logic:iterate)?
  Kris Schneider wrote:
  %@ taglib 

Re: Still need help with layered Map iteration in JSP

2004-08-16 Thread Erik Weber
Kris, once again you have helped me get my work done. bean:size did the 
trick. I was looking over and over again for a JSTL tag or expression to 
do this; I probably never would have thought of bean:size.

To complete the post for any other reader who is as suicidal as I am 
after trying to figure this out:

c:forEach items=myMap var=currentEntry!-- where Map has String 
keys and array or List values --
 bean-el:size collection=${currentEntry.value} id=size/!-- page 
scope variable size (of type java.lang.Integer) will now contain the 
size of the array or list associated with the current Map key --
 . . .
 c:when test=${size  5}!-- how to test how big the current array 
or List is --
 . . .
 c:forEach items=currentEntry.value var=currentItemInArrayOrList 
varStatus=iteratorStatus!--- how to iterate the current array or 
List --
 . . .
 c:out value=${currentItemInArrayOrList.someProperty}/!-- how to 
print some property of the current item in the current array or List --
 . . .
 c:when test=${iteratorStatus.index % 2 == 0}!-- how to tell if 
you are on an even-numbered row in your iteration --

and so on . . .
Thank you,
P.S. I would love to know how you learned all this (I suppose I must buy 
a JSTL book).

Kris Schneider wrote:
I guess the first thing to make sure you understand is that, when iterating over
a Map, the object exposed by JSTL via the var attribute is of type Map.Entry.
It's equivalent to doing a map.entrySet().iterator(). As for getting the size
of an array, Collection, or Map, use the bean:size tag.
Quoting Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I have a c:forEach over a Map. The value for each key in the Map can be 
an array of objects, or I can make it a List. I don't care at this point.

All I want to do is get the length of this array or List, before I start 
iterating over *it*, during the current iteration of the Map. I am told 
that I access the array or List like this:

1) Given this Map iteration:
c:forEach items=myMap 

2) access the value of the current Map entry (which will be either an 
array or a List) like this:

But I have tried all of these, none of them work:
0}!-- where the value of the Map entry is an array --

0}!-- where the value of the Map entry is a List --

 0}!-- where the value of the Map entry is either an array or a 
List --

Not that they would have worked, because I was merely guessing in every 

This is the type of thing that makes me sorry I ever got involved with 
tag libraries.

I have a Map of Lists. I didn't invent this. This is a common structure 
to use in Java. So someone please show me a single document that tells 
you how to work with JSTL tags (or any other tags) to do such a simple 
thing as to do a nested iteration of a Map of Lists or a Map of arrays!

Here is the Java equivalent of what I need to do:
//Map, stored as request attribute, has String keys, MyClass[] values
Map map = getMapWhichIsARequestAttribute();
Iterator i = map.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
   String key = (String);
   MyClass[] values = (MyClass[]) map.get(key);
   int size = values.length; // *HOW DO I GET THIS VALUE USING TAGS?*
if (size  5) {
//do setup for a big array
for (int x = 0; x  size; x++) {
//do output for each item in array
else {
//do setup for a small array
for (int x = 0; x  size; x++) {
//do output for each item in array
   else {
   //no records found for this key

Failing that, I would appreciate it if someone could show me how to do 
this using Struts tags. If I had used scriptlets, I would have been done 
hours ago.


Erik Weber wrote:

I have a c:forEach where items refers to a Map, and var refers to 
the current Map entry.

c:forEach items=myMap var=currentEntry
The value for each Map entry is an array. How do I switch on the 
length of this array? I tried this:

c:when test=${currentEntry.value.length  5}
But I get a syntax error; it says I supplied the . operator with an 
index value of type java.lang.String to be applied to an array, but 
that the value cannot be converted to an integer.

Is there some sort of way I can use items.length or items.size or 
something similar? More importantly, WHERE IS THIS DOCUMENTED?

I have searched the Internet for decent documents on JSTL and cannot 
find a simple complete guide to tag usage -- something similar to what 

Re: Still need help with layered Map iteration in JSP

2004-08-16 Thread Kris Schneider
It's certainly not a bad idea to grab a JSTL book, but the spec itself is quite
readable and full of good information:

The only JSTL book I've even partially read is JSTL in Action by Shawn Bayern
and I have no reservations recommending it. There are also plenty of web
resources available:


Quoting Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Kris, once again you have helped me get my work done. bean:size did the 
 trick. I was looking over and over again for a JSTL tag or expression to 
 do this; I probably never would have thought of bean:size.
 To complete the post for any other reader who is as suicidal as I am 
 after trying to figure this out:
 c:forEach items=myMap var=currentEntry!-- where Map has String 
 keys and array or List values --
   bean-el:size collection=${currentEntry.value} id=size/!-- page 
 scope variable size (of type java.lang.Integer) will now contain the 
 size of the array or list associated with the current Map key --
   . . .
   c:when test=${size  5}!-- how to test how big the current array 
 or List is --
   . . .
   c:forEach items=currentEntry.value var=currentItemInArrayOrList 
 varStatus=iteratorStatus!--- how to iterate the current array or 
 List --
   . . .
   c:out value=${currentItemInArrayOrList.someProperty}/!-- how to 
 print some property of the current item in the current array or List --
   . . .
   c:when test=${iteratorStatus.index % 2 == 0}!-- how to tell if 
 you are on an even-numbered row in your iteration --
 and so on . . .
 Thank you,
 P.S. I would love to know how you learned all this (I suppose I must buy 
 a JSTL book).

Kris Schneider mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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