Re: Resetting session scope form bean values

2010-04-03 Thread Dave Newton

pundarik rajkhowa wrote:

After I submit the form and open it again for new data entry,
the form retains its old values. If I call form.reset(), it fails to clear
the bean. Do I need to override the reset method and manually clear values
of all bean elements?

Yes--that is the purpose of the reset() method, to implement whatever 
non-standard functionality you need. The default doesn't do anything, so 
session-scoped forms will retain whatever values are already in the session.


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Resetting session scope form bean values

2010-04-02 Thread pundarik rajkhowa

I have a data entry form implemented as a DynaActionForm form bean in
session scope. After I submit the form and open it again for new data entry,
the form retains its old values. If I call form.reset(), it fails to clear
the bean. Do I need to override the reset method and manually clear values
of all bean elements ? Please clarify.

thanks in advance,

Struts newbie