
I seem to remember that this issue has come up on the myfaces list, and that
the solution was to use forceId. 


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] På vegne av Laurie Harper
Sendt: 30. mars 2006 00:07
Til: user@struts.apache.org
Emne: Re: SV: [Shale] commons client side validation not working inside a

Why would that be needed? The s:commonsValidator tag should render 
Javascript referencing the actual rendered ID of the component it's 
attached to. I haven't played much with validators, much less validators 
for components inside dataLists, but I would have thought this should be 
able to work as it is.

Paul, could you include your sample JSP and, if possible, copy/paste the 
rendered HTML as well, in a Bugzilla ticket so the issue gets tracked?


Hermod Opstvedt wrote:
> Hi
> Did I hear forceId? - You need to use this attribute to force the name to
> what you want.
> Hermod
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: Paul Devine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sendt: 29. mars 2006 22:47
> Til: user@struts.apache.org
> Emne: [Shale] commons client side validation not working inside a dataList
> I tried using the commons validation features of Shale. The application is
> using Myfaces 1.1.1.  The validation javascript is being written back to
> browser.  The server side validation is working fine but a javascript
> error occurs during the .  However there is a problem with the client side
> input element Id's that the javascript validation is looking for versus
> client side id's that are generated by the dataList. The page i tried
> validation on has a Myfaces dataList inside a form, and for each iteration
> through the list there are inputs. Basically a dataList will append the
> index` to the client side Id to guarantee uniqueness, as in
> "myForm:myDataList_0:someRequiredField" for the first row,
> "myForm:myDataList_1:someRequiredField" for the second, and so on. But in
> the rendering of the javascript by the struts validatorScript tag, the
> clientId of the input components lose their row index.
> I have created an illustrative example that generates the same problem.
> code is included below and the inline comments hopefully explain what's
> happening.  To keep things simple there is no backing bean, and I use a
> class from shale-core to give me some objects to edit, so all you'd just
> need to deploy into a shale-core based "blank" web-app. My application
> is more complex than this but I am running into exact the same problem
> withthe validation javascript
> Does this look familiar to anyone? Any workarounds, solutions?...
> Thanks
> -- Paul Devine
> <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*,
> org.apache.shale.dialog.impl.DialogImpl"%>
> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"; prefix="h" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"; prefix="f" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions"; prefix="t"%>
> <%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/shale/core"; prefix="s" %>
> <%
> /* Put a couple of Shale DialogImpl objects into the session (we just need
> an object with a getter and a setter
>  * and this class is readily accessible)
>  */
> List inputObjects = new ArrayList();
> inputObjects.add(new DialogImpl());
> inputObjects.add(new DialogImpl());
> session.setAttribute("someInputObjects",inputObjects);
> %>
> <f:view>
> <%--
> A form with a dataList of inputs. The client side id's of the components
> will be
> someForm:someDataList_0:someRequiredField and
> someForm:someDataList_1:someRequiredField
> --%>
> <h:form id="someForm" onsubmit="return validateForm(this);">
>   <t:dataList id="someDataList" value="#{someInputObjects}" var="object"
> rowIndexVar="index">
>     <h:outputLabel value="Name"/>
>     <h:inputText id="someRequiredField" value="#{object.name}" size="20"
> required="true">
>       <s:commonsValidator type="required" arg="Name" server="true"
> client="true"/>
>     </h:inputText><h:message for="someRequiredField"
> errorClass="errorMessage"/>
>   </t:dataList>
> <%--
> The dataList is now closed. Before we close out the form, write out the
> validator javascript. But
> this results in a mismatch on the client side id's in the required
> Note the uniqueness
> indexes _0 and _1 are missing. Because we are outside the
> dataList there is no "row index" anymore (and for some reason the
> HtmlInputText components `calculate`
> their clientId's again when asked for getClientId from Shale's
> ValidatorScript findCommonsValidators method
> Here's what the validatorScript comes up with:-
> function required() {
>   this[0] = new Array("someForm:someDataList:someRequiredField", "Name is
> required.", new Function("x", "return {}[x];"));
> }
> --%>
>   <s:validatorScript functionName="validateForm"/>
>   <h:commandButton action="submit"/>
> </h:form>
> </f:view>

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