Re: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-28 Thread Zoran Avtarovski
Sadly, I have kids so I either have no time for video games or can¹t get
access to the gear. My past time is daydreaming about having a past time.

As for testing, and documentation these tasks are as valid as any others,
but again the problem from my perspective, and I don¹t mean that in a
negative way, is finding which tasks need to be done. I have so much trouble
navigating through the dev management part of the site. I guess what I was
trying to say is that if the outstanding items could be broken down in
manageable tasks, I¹d find it much less intimidating to take them on.

 I would say the biggest help we can get right now is on the
 documentation and get help testing releases. One thing I have always
 seems lacking in the struts community, is support from users to help
 testing releases *before* they are actually released.
 As for coordinating effort, I am not sure it would work (besides the
 usual..hey I am working on this cool X thing.. email in dev@), I
 think that working as volunteers doesn't fit well with commitment
 because we also have other priorities, you know, like playing video
 games and stuff :)
 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Zoran wrote:
  I have to agree. Our touch with the JSF Oracle was both painful and
  fruitless and lead us to truly appreciate how bad things could be.
  Having said that, I think Martin has raised some points about how S2 can be
  improved and I think S2 is at a stage where there needs to be some general
  discussion on where all interested parties (devs and users)  think the
  framework should be heading and where there are deficiencies.
  I for one think, that with S2¹s improved plugin architecture, there is a
  huge amount of scope in what can be achieved. We need a few key people to
  guide the process. I know my biggest fear is over committing and not having
  the time to deliver. If there was a centralised coordinator who could
  organise a second tier of developers, for example, who can help on a
  scale then I believe more of the niche development could be achieved.
  On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Andrey wrote:
   I agree with Matt Rable that JSF programming based on RAD methods
 makes us
   transition to JSF.
  I think many, many people have crossed that bridge and came back in
  rush after a while.

RE: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-27 Thread Andrey Rogov
Thank you Martin,

Sooner or later we start considering programming as business. 
It's critical to develop new products or new versions with parameters that
would be faster, more quality and less expensive. 
I agree with Matt Rable that JSF programming based on RAD methods makes us
transition to JSF. 
I think that big companies are destined to make this step to
increase the customer base and to be able to offer high quality
services. I liked ADF very much, primarily for its visual development
environment, quantity of objects, code generation and quality of
applications. Today I'm spending extra time to transition to JSF+ADF

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [] 
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 5:01 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors

support for Toplink
support for EJB3.0
the struts plugin-extension is for Struts1 core development and UML
diagramming editor
so if you want to use JDev IDE you'll only see support for Struts and not
good support for JSF-faces ..the JSF chair is a Sun Senior Fellow and since
Sun was just purchased by Oracle

this describes incorporating Struts1 extension

what is your impression of ADF?
Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte
Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht
dient lediglich dem Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine
rechtliche Bindungswirkung. Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von
E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le
destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire
informez l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la copie
de ceci est interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura
pas n'importe quel effet légalement obligatoire. Étant donné que les email
peuvent facilement être sujets à la manipulation, nous ne pouvons accepter
aucune responsabilité pour le contenu fourni.

 Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors
 Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 03:59:25 +0300
 What do you think about Oracle ADF ?
 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gainty [] 
 Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 4:42 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors
 Raible rated Struts as poor support
 support in JSF is based on implementing container: e.g. glassfish users
 group or tomcat users group..
 usually all questions are answered in TC but not so with GF
 Struts is Front Controller based ..basically one event/one request
 JSF is Page Controller  n events are parsed from one Request
 In Struts navigation is tied to Action
 in JSF navigation is tied to Page
 ASP.NET is specific to Microsoft platforms which means 75% of the
 servers cannot run it
 Martin Gainty 
 Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und
 Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
  Ez az
 üzenet bizalmas.  Ha nem ön az akinek szánva volt, akkor kérjük, hogy
 jelentse azt nekünk vissza. Semmiféle továbbítása vagy másolatának
 készítése nem megengedett.  Ez az üzenet csak ismeret cserét szolgál és
 semmiféle jogi alkalmazhatósága sincs.  Mivel az electronikus üzenetek
 könnyen megváltoztathatóak, ezért minket semmi felelöség nem terhelhet
 ezen üzenet tartalma miatt.
 Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
 Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte
 Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht
 dient lediglich dem Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine
 rechtliche Bindungswirkung. Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von
 E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
 Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le
 destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire
 informez l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la
 de ceci est interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura
 pas n'importe quel effet légalement obligatoire. Étant donné que les email
 peuvent facilement être sujets à la manipulation, nous ne pouvons accepter
 aucune responsabilité pour le contenu fourni.
  Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:31:18 -0700
  Subject: Re: Struts vs Other competitors
  dig around Matt Raible's blog/presentations, he has plenty of stuff

RE: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-27 Thread Martin Gainty

first started using struts in 02 and have been a strong advocate of Struts 
implementations since 
I believe the incorporation of Ajax enabled Dojo controls and interceptor call 
stack from freemarker pushed usability
of Struts ahead of JSF in those areas
unfortunately Struts RAD tools are not as well developed as JSF so teaching 
Struts to new college grads who use only  IDEs is not so easy..also the 
addressing of bug assignments and what gets accomplished has devolved since 
Craig and Tad left..incorporation of IOC technologies such as Spring gravitates 
to Spring accomodates Struts
instead of the other way around
Oracle/Sun JDeveloper IDE seem to be gaining marketshare on Eclipse.. combined 
with easy WAR/EAR deploy to either Weblogic or Glassfish the details of a j2ee 
ejb-configuration and incorporating connection-pools  and Persistence 
architectures are easily handled by user-friendly UI gracefully which populate 
deployment descriptors 

In Academia Struts seems to have the lead but measuring actual business revenue 
JSF seems to edge iut Struts as managers prefer a Oracle or Sun backed product
support is  another matter as the the 2 JSF support avenues i know of are 
tomcat-users-list or glassfish-users-list
where the expertise is more on tc container configurations, tweaking perm-gen, 
using asadmin instead of
how do i get a faces control to receive JSON formatted response back to my div 
JSF's component based event handlers works well for folks coming from .NET but 
i wonder about the overhead

what do others think of jsf?
Martin Gainty 
Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene Empfaenger 
sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte Weiterleitung 
oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht dient lediglich dem 
Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine rechtliche Bindungswirkung. 
Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung 
fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le 
destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire informez 
l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la copie de ceci est 
interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura pas n'importe 
quel effet légalement obligatoire. Étant donné que les email peuvent facilement 
être sujets à la manipulation, nous ne pouvons accepter aucune responsabilité 
pour le contenu fourni.

 Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors
 Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 14:42:06 +0300
 Thank you Martin,
 Sooner or later we start considering programming as business. 
 It's critical to develop new products or new versions with parameters that
 would be faster, more quality and less expensive. 
 I agree with Matt Rable that JSF programming based on RAD methods makes us
 transition to JSF. 
 I think that big companies are destined to make this step to
 increase the customer base and to be able to offer high quality
 services. I liked ADF very much, primarily for its visual development
 environment, quantity of objects, code generation and quality of
 applications. Today I'm spending extra time to transition to JSF+ADF
 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gainty [] 
 Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 5:01 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors
 support for Toplink
 support for EJB3.0
 the struts plugin-extension is for Struts1 core development and UML
 diagramming editor
 so if you want to use JDev IDE you'll only see support for Struts and not
 good support for JSF-faces ..the JSF chair is a Sun Senior Fellow and since
 Sun was just purchased by Oracle
 this describes incorporating Struts1 extension
 what is your impression of ADF?
 Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
 Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
 Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte
 Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht
 dient lediglich dem Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine
 rechtliche Bindungswirkung. Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von
 E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
 Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le
 destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire
 informez l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la copie
 de ceci est interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura
 pas n'importe quel effet

Re: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-27 Thread Musachy Barroso
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Andrey wrote:
 I agree with Matt Rable that JSF programming based on RAD methods makes us
 transition to JSF.

I think many, many people have crossed that bridge and came back in
rush after a while.


Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd

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Re: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-27 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
The phrase OH GOD KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE! has been heard exclaimed
in relation to JSF on more than one occassion.

Frank W. Zammetti
Author of Practical Ext JS Projects with Gears
  and Practical Dojo Projects
  and Practical DWR 2 Projects
  and Practical JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects
  and Practical Ajax Projects with Java Technology
  (For info:
All you could possibly want is here:

On Mon, July 27, 2009 12:07 pm, Musachy Barroso wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Andrey wrote:
 I agree with Matt Rable that JSF programming based on RAD methods makes
 transition to JSF.

 I think many, many people have crossed that bridge and came back in
 rush after a while.


 Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd

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To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Re: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-27 Thread Zoran Avtarovski
I have to agree. Our touch with the JSF Oracle was both painful and
fruitless and lead us to truly appreciate how bad things could be.

Having said that, I think Martin has raised some points about how S2 can be
improved and I think S2 is at a stage where there needs to be some general
discussion on where all interested parties (devs and users)  think the
framework should be heading and where there are deficiencies.

I for one think, that with S2¹s improved plugin architecture, there is a
huge amount of scope in what can be achieved. We need a few key people to
guide the process. I know my biggest fear is over committing and not having
the time to deliver. If there was a centralised coordinator who could
organise a second tier of developers, for example, who can help on a smaller
scale then I believe more of the niche development could be achieved.

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Andrey wrote:
  I agree with Matt Rable that JSF programming based on RAD methods makes us
  transition to JSF.
 I think many, many people have crossed that bridge and came back in
 rush after a while.

Re: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-27 Thread Musachy Barroso
I would say the biggest help we can get right now is on the
documentation and get help testing releases. One thing I have always
seems lacking in the struts community, is support from users to help
testing releases *before* they are actually released.

As for coordinating effort, I am not sure it would work (besides the
usual..hey I am working on this cool X thing.. email in dev@), I
think that working as volunteers doesn't fit well with commitment
because we also have other priorities, you know, like playing video
games and stuff :)


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Zoran wrote:
 I have to agree. Our touch with the JSF Oracle was both painful and
 fruitless and lead us to truly appreciate how bad things could be.

 Having said that, I think Martin has raised some points about how S2 can be
 improved and I think S2 is at a stage where there needs to be some general
 discussion on where all interested parties (devs and users)  think the
 framework should be heading and where there are deficiencies.

 I for one think, that with S2¹s improved plugin architecture, there is a
 huge amount of scope in what can be achieved. We need a few key people to
 guide the process. I know my biggest fear is over committing and not having
 the time to deliver. If there was a centralised coordinator who could
 organise a second tier of developers, for example, who can help on a smaller
 scale then I believe more of the niche development could be achieved.


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Andrey wrote:
  I agree with Matt Rable that JSF programming based on RAD methods makes us
  transition to JSF.

 I think many, many people have crossed that bridge and came back in
 rush after a while.


Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd

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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-26 Thread Musachy Barroso
dig around Matt Raible's blog/presentations, he has plenty of stuff
related to that.


On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Ricardo wrote:

 Can you guys point me to some literature debating Struts 1 vs. Struts 2  vs.
 Asp.NET vs. JSF vs. etc..?

 The project on which I'm working on currently uses Struts 1 (+ Spring and
 Hibernate). Although I don't foresee a migration happening for the following
 years, it would be very interesting to make an analysis of all the
 state-of-art options. For this to happen, I really needed to find and read
 some high-authority text to provide me the base for this analysis.

 Any suggestions?

 Best regards,


Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd

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RE: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Gainty

Raible rated Struts as poor support

support in JSF is based on implementing container: e.g. glassfish users group 
or tomcat users group..
usually all questions are answered in TC but not so with GF
Struts is Front Controller based ..basically one event/one request
JSF is Page Controller  n events are parsed from one Request
In Struts navigation is tied to Action
in JSF navigation is tied to Page

ASP.NET is specific to Microsoft platforms which means 75% of the installed 
servers cannot run it

Martin Gainty 
Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und 
Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
 Ez az
üzenet bizalmas.  Ha nem ön az akinek szánva volt, akkor kérjük, hogy
jelentse azt nekünk vissza. Semmiféle továbbítása vagy másolatának
készítése nem megengedett.  Ez az üzenet csak ismeret cserét szolgál és
semmiféle jogi alkalmazhatósága sincs.  Mivel az electronikus üzenetek
könnyen megváltoztathatóak, ezért minket semmi felelöség nem terhelhet
ezen üzenet tartalma miatt.

Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene Empfaenger 
sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte Weiterleitung 
oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht dient lediglich dem 
Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine rechtliche Bindungswirkung. 
Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung 
fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le 
destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire informez 
l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la copie de ceci est 
interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura pas n'importe 
quel effet légalement obligatoire. Étant donné que les email peuvent facilement 
être sujets à la manipulation, nous ne pouvons accepter aucune responsabilité 
pour le contenu fourni.

 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:31:18 -0700
 Subject: Re: Struts vs Other competitors
 dig around Matt Raible's blog/presentations, he has plenty of stuff
 related to that.
 On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Ricardo wrote:
  Can you guys point me to some literature debating Struts 1 vs. Struts 2  vs.
  Asp.NET vs. JSF vs. etc..?
  The project on which I'm working on currently uses Struts 1 (+ Spring and
  Hibernate). Although I don't foresee a migration happening for the following
  years, it would be very interesting to make an analysis of all the
  state-of-art options. For this to happen, I really needed to find and read
  some high-authority text to provide me the base for this analysis.
  Any suggestions?
  Best regards,
 Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd
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Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Store, access, and share your photos. See how.

RE: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-26 Thread Andrey Rogov
What do you think about Oracle ADF ?

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 4:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors

Raible rated Struts as poor support

support in JSF is based on implementing container: e.g. glassfish users
group or tomcat users group..
usually all questions are answered in TC but not so with GF
Struts is Front Controller based ..basically one event/one request
JSF is Page Controller  n events are parsed from one Request
In Struts navigation is tied to Action
in JSF navigation is tied to Page

ASP.NET is specific to Microsoft platforms which means 75% of the installed
servers cannot run it

Martin Gainty 
Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und
Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
 Ez az
üzenet bizalmas.  Ha nem ön az akinek szánva volt, akkor kérjük, hogy
jelentse azt nekünk vissza. Semmiféle továbbítása vagy másolatának
készítése nem megengedett.  Ez az üzenet csak ismeret cserét szolgál és
semmiféle jogi alkalmazhatósága sincs.  Mivel az electronikus üzenetek
könnyen megváltoztathatóak, ezért minket semmi felelöség nem terhelhet
ezen üzenet tartalma miatt.

Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte
Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht
dient lediglich dem Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine
rechtliche Bindungswirkung. Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von
E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le
destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire
informez l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la copie
de ceci est interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura
pas n'importe quel effet légalement obligatoire. Étant donné que les email
peuvent facilement être sujets à la manipulation, nous ne pouvons accepter
aucune responsabilité pour le contenu fourni.

 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:31:18 -0700
 Subject: Re: Struts vs Other competitors
 dig around Matt Raible's blog/presentations, he has plenty of stuff
 related to that.
 On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Ricardo wrote:
  Can you guys point me to some literature debating Struts 1 vs. Struts 2
  Asp.NET vs. JSF vs. etc..?
  The project on which I'm working on currently uses Struts 1 (+ Spring
  Hibernate). Although I don't foresee a migration happening for the
  years, it would be very interesting to make an analysis of all the
  state-of-art options. For this to happen, I really needed to find and
  some high-authority text to provide me the base for this analysis.
  Any suggestions?
  Best regards,
 Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd
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 For additional commands, e-mail:

Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Store, access, and share your photos. See how.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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RE: Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-26 Thread Martin Gainty

support for Toplink
support for EJB3.0
the struts plugin-extension is for Struts1 core development and UML diagramming 
so if you want to use JDev IDE you'll only see support for Struts and not 
good support for JSF-faces ..the JSF chair is a Sun Senior Fellow and since Sun 
was just purchased by Oracle

this describes incorporating Struts1 extension

what is your impression of ADF?
Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene Empfaenger 
sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte Weiterleitung 
oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht dient lediglich dem 
Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine rechtliche Bindungswirkung. 
Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung 
fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le 
destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire informez 
l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la copie de ceci est 
interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura pas n'importe 
quel effet légalement obligatoire. Étant donné que les email peuvent facilement 
être sujets à la manipulation, nous ne pouvons accepter aucune responsabilité 
pour le contenu fourni.

 Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors
 Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 03:59:25 +0300
 What do you think about Oracle ADF ?
 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gainty [] 
 Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 4:42 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Struts vs Other competitors
 Raible rated Struts as poor support
 support in JSF is based on implementing container: e.g. glassfish users
 group or tomcat users group..
 usually all questions are answered in TC but not so with GF
 Struts is Front Controller based ..basically one event/one request
 JSF is Page Controller  n events are parsed from one Request
 In Struts navigation is tied to Action
 in JSF navigation is tied to Page
 ASP.NET is specific to Microsoft platforms which means 75% of the installed
 servers cannot run it
 Martin Gainty 
 Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und
 Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
  Ez az
 üzenet bizalmas.  Ha nem ön az akinek szánva volt, akkor kérjük, hogy
 jelentse azt nekünk vissza. Semmiféle továbbítása vagy másolatának
 készítése nem megengedett.  Ez az üzenet csak ismeret cserét szolgál és
 semmiféle jogi alkalmazhatósága sincs.  Mivel az electronikus üzenetek
 könnyen megváltoztathatóak, ezért minket semmi felelöség nem terhelhet
 ezen üzenet tartalma miatt.
 Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
 Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte
 Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht
 dient lediglich dem Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine
 rechtliche Bindungswirkung. Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von
 E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
 Ce message est confidentiel et peut être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le
 destinataire prévu, nous te demandons avec bonté que pour satisfaire
 informez l'expéditeur. N'importe quelle diffusion non autorisée ou la copie
 de ceci est interdite. Ce message sert à l'information seulement et n'aura
 pas n'importe quel effet légalement obligatoire. Étant donné que les email
 peuvent facilement être sujets à la manipulation, nous ne pouvons accepter
 aucune responsabilité pour le contenu fourni.
  Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:31:18 -0700
  Subject: Re: Struts vs Other competitors
  dig around Matt Raible's blog/presentations, he has plenty of stuff
  related to that.
  On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Ricardo wrote:
   Can you guys point me to some literature debating Struts 1 vs. Struts 2
   Asp.NET vs. JSF vs. etc..?
   The project on which I'm working on currently uses Struts 1 (+ Spring
   Hibernate). Although I don't foresee a migration happening for the
   years, it would be very interesting to make an analysis of all the
   state-of-art options. For this to happen, I really needed to find and
   some high-authority text to provide me the base for this analysis.
   Any suggestions?
   Best regards,
  Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd

Struts vs Other competitors

2009-07-25 Thread Ricardo Ramos

Can you guys point me to some literature debating Struts 1 vs. Struts 2  vs.
Asp.NET vs. JSF vs. etc..?

The project on which I'm working on currently uses Struts 1 (+ Spring and
Hibernate). Although I don't foresee a migration happening for the following
years, it would be very interesting to make an analysis of all the
state-of-art options. For this to happen, I really needed to find and read
some high-authority text to provide me the base for this analysis.

Any suggestions?

Best regards,