Hello List,


I have a somewhat strange setup where my Struts 2 application is a proxy for
some other system.

In struts.xml I have:



<constant name="struts.action.extension"

<action name="*" class="wit.vf.yorn.struts.actions.ProxyAction">



This action does not have any result because it implements
ServletResponseAware and ServletRequestAware. In my code I will analyze the
requested url and redirect to the proper location.


My problem is that if I access the system with a url like
http://server/context/SERVICOS/index.html or
http://server/context/SOME_RANDOM_URL/index.html my code gets called and
everything works ok. But if I use http://server/context/SERVICOS/ I get an
error that: There is no Action mapped for namespace / and action name


How can I make it so that the requests with no file will get delivered to my





Gustavo Felisberto.

WIT-Software S.A. 

Coimbra, Leiria, Lisboa, Porto (Portugal)

San Jose (California)

Phone: +351239801033

Web:  <http://www.wit-software.com> http://www.wit-software.com 


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