can not enable I18N properties

2006-08-03 Thread Lixin Chu

I am trying to enable I18N in my struts based application, here is what I
have done:

- added a LocaleFilter, which I copied from Appfuse:

 String locale = request.getParameter(locale);
 Locale preferredLocale = (*null* == locale) ? *null* : *new*Locale(locale);
 HttpSession session = request.getSession(*false*);
*  if* (session != *null*) {
*  if* (preferredLocale == *null*) {
preferredLocale = (Locale) session.getAttribute(Globals.*LOCALE_KEY
 } *else* {
   session.setAttribute(Globals.*LOCALE_KEY*, preferredLocale);
   Config.*set*(session, Config.*FMT_LOCALE*, preferredLocale);
* if* (preferredLocale != *null*  !(request
*instanceof*LocaleRequestWrapper)) {
   request = *new* LocaleRequestWrapper(request, preferredLocale);
  chain.doFilter(request, response);
  // Reset thread-bound LocaleContext.

- created
- added message-resources parameter=ApplicationResources / in
- added %@ page language=java pageEncoding=UTF-8
 in each JSP file
- in my IE, I also added additional languages.

but i only saw english strings. no effect whethere I have html:html
locale=true/ or not.

anything else I miss out ?


ps. i debug the filter, it seems that the language is indeed saved in the
session though.

Re: can not enable I18N properties

2006-08-03 Thread Lixin Chu

I tried Appfuse on my machine, it works. so I assume the browser
configuration is fine.

I use Tiles, Struts, and Spring framework in my application btw.