Sorry for a second post, however I cant also fathom this.  A TC5.028 project 
was working fine several months ago.  Went back to it and it apparently still 
works however if I put in a simple queryStr=request.getQueryString(), I 
impossibly get WebappClassLoader.java cannot be found.  Further this only 
happens if I debug on the line,and everything else seems to work; however there 
are problems with new data.  How can that happen?  I reconfirm my location for 
all the TC files and nothing has changed.  Any ideas?  tia

this is the other post

Is/how it possible to clear the cache on an action?  My action works 
perfectly, however when the user hits reload the previous values are 
repeated.  I have coded a reset with ="" and still it uses the old values.  
What am I missing?  I will trap the null or "" values in the action(I 
know I should do it in validation, but it is a case of jgid, grin).  I 
really need to truly reset the values either fed to the action class or 
somewhere cached by the framework for the action class.  tia.

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