Hi all,

Whenever I set the enctype on my form to multipart/form-data (in order to handle some file uploads), it sporadically will stop the parameters interceptor from receiving any data at all.

When this happens, the log shows:
12:47:23,999 [http-8080-Processor24] DEBUG erceptor.ParametersInterceptor - Setting params
as opposed to something like:
12:46:31,516 [http-8080-Processor25] DEBUG erceptor.ParametersInterceptor - Setting params ferm.weight => [ ] ferm.program => [ ] ...

If I take off the enctype attribute, it always works fine (except for uploading files of course).

I've seen one other reference to this problem here: http://forums.opensymphony.com/thread.jspa?messageID=56353&#56353
but no solution.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

-Joshua Szmajda

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