Re: homepage updated

2007-12-12 Thread studio
> i just updated my homepage with a new demoreel.. all of it was atleast 
> partially done with realsoft3d v5. i hope you like it.
> Gunnar

Absolutely Outstanding :

  Excellent example of what can be done circa 2007 . Man , I
was spellbound just trying to keep up with all the great CGI
that was coming at me , non-stop , for hundreds of seconds !

 I'm envious of your work ethic . You being a Pro , you are
obviously , being constantly challenged .

  This is , I think , the single most important difference
between Pro's & us poor 3D , CGI hobbiests .

  I'm blown away with your work , but at the same time I do
understand how other RSV5 users , who also have the potential
to create great works , do not , simply because they are not
challenged , and in fact spend most time completely idle .

  It seems to me that it takes 2 ingredients :

1) The task , and
2) The desire to complete the task (uniquely, of course)

  Those of us who are non-professional spend endless idle
moments trying to create ... simply for the sake of creating .

  Not for money . Not for fame . Not to try and prove to our
'significant-other' that those endless hours in the "Computer
Room" or at the office until midnight (on saturdays) are of
significant financial benefit to the family/relationship .

  We all are envious of your work and skills , of course , so
please don't take me wrong . I elaborate only in an attempt to
draw attention to the infinite problem of ... "Talent without
Purpose" .

 Purpose is key , and it is rare in this forum . How many
here are Pro's ? A dozen or so , I would guess .

  How many of the Pro's share their work methodologies ?
Maybe 1 or 2 (Gunnar , you have always shared [thanks] )

 The blank , white page ... yes , overwhelming sometimes ,
but much better with an Art Director dictating what should
be included in this 'shot' and that camera angle .

 OK ,well , maybe a semi-yearly RS animation contest will
help the challenge-challenged (did we just coin a phrase?)
to create inspiring digital movements from scratch .

  Hey , a tiny purpose . Maybe even reach down deep inside
and draw upon powers of creativity that we never knew we
had . Design-create-render .

  Eventually post our uninspiring non-pro demo-reel .

cheers .


Re: homepage updated

2007-12-12 Thread Zaug

Gunnar Radeloff wrote:


i just updated my homepage with a new demoreel.. all of it was atleast 
partially done with realsoft3d v5. i hope you like it.

best regards

Thankz for sharing, very nice and inspiring work.


Re: homepage updated

2007-12-12 Thread Arjo Rozendaal

Hi Gunnar,

Lot of nice jobs you've done. One thing I don't understand though. Why 
do you use different match move tools? I can understand you use 
different 3D tools as you can find different options in each software 
package. But match moving seems to be just one type of job.


Gunnar Radeloff wrote:


i just updated my homepage with a new demoreel.. all of it was atleast 
partially done with realsoft3d v5. i hope you like it.

best regards

Re: homepage updated

2007-12-12 Thread Gunnar Radeloff


thanks alot for all those nice comments :°)

of course i would not have such a demoreel today if i did not have customers 
which demand allways more from me. realsoft is a perfect tool if you have to 
deliver very fast, even though its renderer is quite slow.. it pushes you to 
optimize your scene and often use fakes to get the same result ;°) up to 
today i never used global illumination and such fancy stuff simply because 
you can get the same look with a nice lighting and light-shaders and some 
vertex painting..
but when it comes to sharing i must admit that i dont have too much time 
anymore for doing tutorials even though i would like to do more for the 
realsoft community..

of course tracking is one task and one should think each tracking package 
should do it, but thats not the case.. each package is good for special 
things like matchmover is good for hard trackings which need lot of 
hand-tuning, while boujou and pf track are quite good automatic trackers.. 
but for sure syntheyes gives the best for your money and has also more 
features now ;°) but still i often have tracking which only work well in one 
of them..

best regards

Re: homepage updated

2007-12-12 Thread studio
> Garry:

Hi Gunnar :

> of course i would not have such a demoreel today if i did not have customers
> which demand allways more from me.

Yes , of course . They say genius is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration .

> realsoft is a perfect tool if you have to
> deliver very fast, even though its renderer is quite slow.. it pushes you to
> optimize your scene and often use fakes to get the same result ;°) up to
> today i never used global illumination and such fancy stuff simply because
> you can get the same look with a nice lighting and light-shaders and some
> vertex painting..

Thanks for that tip . I've heard it here before but have never done any
experiments . Light shaders , eh ? Hmmm ...

> but when it comes to sharing i must admit that i dont have too much time
> anymore for doing tutorials even though i would like to do more for the
> realsoft community...

  I hear you . I have time but still not enough time to explore all the
many , many tools in RS . It's just crazy what we have in this package.

> best regards
> Gunnar

same & best of luck in 2008