文档上是在 create table 的时候, 设置 lookup.join.cache.ttl

但是我现在想用 streaming kafka 的数据,join 一张已经存在的 Hive 表,怎么设置TTL?

CREATE TABLE dimension_table (
  product_id STRING,
  product_name STRING,
  unit_price DECIMAL(10, 4),
  pv_count BIGINT,
  like_count BIGINT,
  comment_count BIGINT,
  update_time TIMESTAMP(3),
  update_user STRING,
  'streaming-source.enable' = 'false',           -- option with
default value, can be ignored.
  'streaming-source.partition.include' = 'all',  -- option with
default value, can be ignored.
  'lookup.join.cache.ttl' = '12 h');

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