Re: Flink 提交到yarn失败

2021-06-18 文章 yangpengyi
设置了,从堆栈来看根源是调用client的initialze方法有问题,这里应该是获取到了hadoop classpath中的正确版本的客户端

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Re: Flink 提交到yarn失败

2021-06-18 文章 Zhiwen Sun

Zhiwen Sun

On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 9:47 AM yangpengyi <> wrote:

> 环境: FLINK 1.12 & CDH6.1.1
> 问题:
> 利用yarn-per-job提交时,在初始化hdfs客户端时出错。看起来应该是hadoop版本的兼容问题,不过从堆栈看应该使用到了正确的客户端jar包。
> Caused by: org.apache.flink.core.fs.UnsupportedFileSystemSchemeException:
> Cannot support file system for 'hdfs' via Hadoop, because Hadoop is not in
> the classpath, or some classes are missing from the classpath.
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.fs.hdfs.HadoopFsFactory.create(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem.getUnguardedFileSystem(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem.get(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path.getFileSystem(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobUtils.createFileSystemBlobStore(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobUtils.createBlobStoreFromConfig(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.highavailability.HighAvailabilityServicesUtils.createHighAvailabilityServices(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.entrypoint.ClusterEntrypoint.createHaServices(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.entrypoint.ClusterEntrypoint.initializeServices(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.entrypoint.ClusterEntrypoint.runCluster(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.entrypoint.ClusterEntrypoint.lambda$startCluster$0(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at Method)
> ~[?:1.8.0_181]
> at
> ~[?:1.8.0_181]
> at
> ~[cloud-flinkAppCrashAnalysis-1.0.0-encodetest-RELEASE.jar:?]
> at
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.entrypoint.ClusterEntrypoint.startCluster(
> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
> ... 2 more
> Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type
> Exception Details:
>   Location:
> org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/DFSClient.getQuotaUsage(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/apache/hadoop/fs/QuotaUsage;
> @157: areturn
>   Reason:
> Type 'org/apache/hadoop/fs/ContentSummary' (current frame, stack[0]) is
> not assignable to 'org/apache/hadoop/fs/QuotaUsage' (from method signature)
>   Current Frame:
> bci: @157
> flags: { }
> locals: { 'org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/DFSClient', 'java/lang/String',
> 'org/apache/hadoop/ipc/RemoteException', 'java/io/IOException' }
> stack: { 'org/apache/hadoop/fs/ContentSummary' }
>   Bytecode:
> 0x000: 2ab6 00b5 2a13 01f4 2bb6 00b7 4d01 4e2a
> 0x010: b400 422b b901 f502 003a 042c c600 1d2d
> 0x020: c600 152c b600 b9a7 0012 3a05 2d19 05b6
> 0x030: 00bb a700 072c b600 b919 04b0 3a04 1904
> 0x040: 4e19 04bf 3a06 2cc6 001d 2dc6 0015 2cb6
> 0x050: 00b9 a700 123a 072d 1907 b600 bba7 0007
> 0x060: 2cb6 00b9 1906 bf4d 2c07 bd00 d459 0312
> 0x070: d653 5904 12e0 5359 0512 e153 5906 1301
> 0x080: f653 b600 d74e 2dc1 01f6 9900 14b2 0023
> 0x090: 1301 f7b9 002b 0200 2a2b b601 f8b0 2dbf
> 0x0a0:
>   Exception Handler Table:
> bci [35, 39] => handler: 42
> bci [15, 27] => handler: 60
> bci [15, 27] => handler: 68
> bci [78, 82] => handler: 85
> bci [60, 70] => handler: 68
> bci [4, 57] => handler: 103
> bci [60, 103] => handler: 103
>   Stackmap Table:
> full_frame(@42,{Object[#751],Object[#774],Object[#829],Object[#799],Object[#1221]},{Object[#799]})
> same_frame(@53)
> same_frame(@57)
> full_frame(@60,{Object[#751],Object[#774],Object[#829],Object[#799]},{Object[#799]})
> same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@68,Object[#799])
> full_frame(@85,{Object[#751],Object[#774],Object[#829],Object[#799],Top,Top,Object[#799]},{Object[#799]})
> same_frame(@96)
> same_frame(@100)
> full_frame(@103,{Object[#751],Object[#774]},{Object[#854]})
> append_frame(@158,Object[#854],Object[#814])
> at
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.initialize(
> ~[hadoop-hdfs-client-3.0.0-cdh6.1.1.jar:?]
> at