Need an advice how to poll enrich from Kafka topic aggregating on content property

2021-11-24 Thread Vyacheslav Boyko


I need to implement Request-Reply EIP on Kafka.

But aggregation strategy have to be done on content's property.

Simple example

.setProperty(PROP_PAYMENT_DETAILS, body())
.bean(self,"assembleKycRequest") // request contains one property 
.to(propertiesProvider.getKycRequestEndpoint()) // KAFKA REQUEST TOPIC
.pollEnrich(propertiesProvider.getWalletKycResponseEndpoint(),// KAFKA 
(oldExchange, newExchange) -> {
return oldExchange;

I need to aggregate response basing on property "walletId".

How do I deal with it?

Vyacheslav Boyko

Re: Adding something new into Camel DSL -- but how?

2021-11-24 Thread Claus Ibsen

Adding EIPs or changes to the DSL is not a Camel end user task, and is
not documented thoroughly.
Adding new EIPs happens more rarely and there is maybe a little
hesitation to add because when its in the DSL it stays for a long
Also the DSL can become bloated - there are some mistakes from Camel
v1 and v2 that we have today.

That said to add a new EIP there are 2 ways

- The EIP is implemented fully in the core, so all its code are in core.
- The EIP is implemeted in a component and are located in camel-xxx in
the components folder. Examples are circuit breakers, saga, kamelet
and maybe others I forgot.

So first you need to find out if its the former or the latter. However
for both cases, the the DSL model are in the core and there is a fair
bit of code to write to add a new model.
Therefore its a good idea to find a simple EIP and see where its used
in the code - can be ConvertBodyDefinition (are in core). Or if its
outside then maybe KameletDefinition which is the latest EIP added.

The reifer is the "guy" that sits between the model (DSL) and the
processor (implementation), so all 3 are separated in their own JARs.

And on top of that then there is also the new YAML DSL, so adding a
new EIP can require some coding there too, but that can be done
At first is to get the regular Java and XML DSLs to work. The XML DSL
is source generated with a maven plugin, and it can "have weird
problems" if the DSL model is wrong.
So if you have a very complex EIP then it can be tricky sometimes.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 10:16 PM Steve973  wrote:
> Hi, all.  I am working on a new version of the Dynamic Router processor
> that implements the pattern spec much more closely, and I have the initial
> implementation complete, but I want to test it (among other ways) by using
> it in the DSL.  I haven't seen any documentation on how to do this, or any
> tutorials.  Have I missed something?  Could anyone give some kind of
> overview?  I could probably use a different processor and trace up through
> the classes to see what all is involved, but I don't want to miss anything,
> and this would be great documentation to have.  If it would be helpful for
> other contributors, I would not mind putting it together for inclusion in
> the overall documentation.
> Thanks,
> Steve

Claus Ibsen
- @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2:

RE: Read HTML mails

2021-11-24 Thread Daniel Langevin

It's a little bit more complicated.

First, you have to know if the body mail is string or multipart or Nested
   if body is string, the mail doesn’t contain HTML content !
   if body is multi-part, it can contains NestedMessage ( mail message in 
attachment )

I didn't  recommend working with HTML mail, it is very complicated.

We have been reading e-mail with Camel-mail (imaps) since 4 years now, and we 
gave up HTML processing after 1 year.

We changed our approach, extracting the original message first and processed it 
like a file attachment.
Then we look if body is com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPNestedMessage or java.lang.string 
or java.mail.internet.MimeMultipart 
and extract the TEXT of the body,because some times only have HTML without 

Here is a small part taken from our email processing, but enough to understand 
how it works

 ${body} is "com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPNestedMessage" 
def MimeUtility = new javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility();
// result  = 
result  = "( Impossible d'extraire le Corps du message, 
voir pièce jointe msg822 )"

${body} is "java.lang.String"
   def MimeUtility = new javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility();
   def Jsoup   = new org.jsoup.Jsoup();
   if ( 
request.getOriginalMessage().getContentType().toLowerCase().contains('html')) {
  zresult = 
  result  = Jsoup.parse(zresult).wholeText(); // preserve CRLF
   } else {
  result = 

${body} is "javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart"



zPjTemp   = new File( request.headers['zzTEMPPJ'] )
zzPj  = zPjTemp.listFiles();
if ( zzPj.length > 0 ) { result="OUI"}
 else { result="NON" }
   ${header.zzSwitchlirePj} == "OUI" 

Permet d'ecrire le courriel Original complet dans un fichier

def FileUtils = new
zRootTemp   = new File( request.headers['zzTEMP'] )
z822Temp= new File( request.headers['zzTEMP822'] )
zPjTemp = new File( request.headers['zzTEMPPJ'] )
result ="\n- Extraction du Mail Originale \n"

headerEnum = request.getOriginalMessage().getAllHeaders();
while (headerEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
  header = headerEnum.nextElement();
  name = header.getName();
  value = header.getValue().replaceAll('10.100.','192.168.');
  zHeaders = zHeaders + name +": " + value + crlf
mailfilename = request.headers['zzTEMP822']+"Courriel.eml"
mailoriginal = new File(mailfilename);


result = result + mailfilename + "\n- Extraction du Mail Originale - Complété 

  part= request.body.getBodyPart(0)
  def Jsoup   = new org.jsoup.Jsoup();
  def wlist( basic ) {
  return new
  "a", "b", "blockquote", "br", "cite", "code", 
"dd", "dl", "dt", "em",
  "i", "li", "ol", "p", "pre", "q", "small", 
"span", "strike", "strong", "sub",
  "sup", "u", "ul")
 .addAttributes("a", "href")
 .addAttributes("blockquote", "cite")
 .addAttributes("q", "cite")
 .addProtocols("a", "href", "ftp", "http", "https", 
 .addProtocols("blockquote", "cite", "http", "https")
 .addProtocols("cite", "cite", "http", "https")

if ( 
part.getContent().getClass().equals(com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPNestedMessage)) {
 result = "( PAS DE CORPS DE MESSAGE / voir piece jointe ) ";
else if ( part.getContentType().toLowerCase().contains('html')) {
 zbody   = part.getContent();
 zbody   = Jsoup.clean(zbody,wlist()); // conserve 
seulement certains tags de bases

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Camel 3.11.4 (LTS) Released

2021-11-24 Thread Gregor Zurowski
The Camel PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Camel 3.11.4 (LTS).

Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you
to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing

This patch release contains 21 bug fixes and improvements.

The release is available for immediate download at:

For more details please take a look at the release notes at:

Read HTML mails

2021-11-24 Thread Joël Guelluy


I am using camel-mail to poll a mailbox (HTML mails).
I want to retrieve the HTML source of the mail, i didn't find how i can 
do this...

I tried exchange.getIn().getBody() but it contains only text, tags are 

Do i have to configure/declare something to keep it ?

Can you help me ?

Thanks you for informations...

AW: Azure Cosmo with MongoAPI migration

2021-11-24 Thread Tobias Letschka
Hi Raymond,

thank you for response.

We use apache camel since version 2 with spring-boot and docker.

Now we are using apache camel 3.7 in aks (k8s) from azure

The Challenge:

When i call cosmosdb with mongoapi at azure:


public static final String MONGODB_FIND_BY_ID = MONGODB_BASE + "&collection=" + 
COLLECTION_COVER_PRODUCT_IN + "&operation=" + MongoDbOperation.findById;


.log(INFO, "Received Product to split with ID '${exchangeProperty." + 
.log(DEBUG, "Received body: ${body}")
.log(INFO, "${body}")


It raised an exeception that $where is not supported from cosmosdb
Is there an example (github?)how to use the new component for azure cosmos.

best regards


Von: ski n 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. November 2021 18:49
Betreff: Re: Azure Cosmo with MongoAPI migration

Hi Tobias,

To get better response I advise to tell a bit more about the setup, the
challenges and the goals you are facing and where it relates to Camel. I
think Cosmos provide a compatibility API for MongoDB mapping Containers
(Collections at MongoDB) and Items (Documents at MongboDB) with each other.
Since version Camel 3.10 there is also a specific Cosmos DB component (


Op di 23 nov. 2021 om 16:12 schreef Tobias Letschka :

> Hi all,
> we use apache camel in ms azure + microservices (Version 3.7, AKS, k8s)and
> have legacy code.
> In legacy code (docker-compose) we used mongoDB.
> What could the best way to migrate to cosmodb with mongoAPI
> best regards
> Tobias