Hi - seriously new to this, so forgive the basic questions. I'm trying
to set up a connection to QPid and based on some examples I've seen, I
have something like this:

val context = new DefaultCamelContext
context.addRoutes(new AmqpRouteBuilder)

class AmqpRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
  "qpid:topic:pam_logEntry_request" --> "file://test2"

First off, is this generally the correct way to go?

Secondly, could someone explain the nature of the URI that is passed
to amqpComponent:

Could someone break down the parts of that URI for me?

Are guest/guest login credentials for the machine QPid is running on?
Or are they credentials for the QPid server itself? My QPid setup
requires no credentials, so what should the URI look like in that

It seems odd to me that the examples I have seen have an amqp:// uri
with a brokerList query parameter. Is that the correct way to do it? I
would have expected to just put in a URL pointing to the QPID host and
port. What are the two parts of the URI for if it is indeed the
correct format?

Of course I'm writing this because I haven't been able to get any
connection to work.

Thanks for any help.


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