> I have 2 queues provided by third party provider 1.request queue, 2.reply
> queue
> using camel jms i will send request to request queue, so third party provider
> will push respective response to response queue.


> I would to make these calls synchronous. so for each request send  to
> request queue ,i need to get response (from response queue) *in same
> thread*(as like http). Would request-reply(inout) pattern in camel helps to
> achieve this?

Yes. I'm not 100% sure of the "same thread" restriction, but your route would 
not get control again until the response arrives.

> Can you please post examples of sample routes to get an idea...

I don't have a ready-made example for that, but the Camel JMS page at 
http://camel.apache.org/jms.html has the options - read the "About using Camel 
to send and receive messages and JMSReplyTo" section for details of adapting it 
to your scenario.


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