Re: Is there any issue with Ceph RBD as Primary Storage to achieve HA-Enabled VM?

2022-06-28 Thread Simon Weller
Hi Nazmul,

Currently, RBD backed VMs will auto-recover as long as the host doesn't fail. 
If the underlying host fails, intervention will be required to take the host 
out of production to force the VMs to be restarted on another host.
There is a PR currently under review that will add full HA with heartbeat for 
RBD and KVM -


From: Nazmul Parvej 
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 6:05 AM
Cc: Product Development | BEXIMCO IT 
Subject: Is there any issue with Ceph RBD as Primary Storage to achieve 
HA-Enabled VM?

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Hello Team,

Is there any issue with Ceph RBD as Primary Storage to achieve HA-Enabled

I am using KVM Hypervisors and my CloudStack version is 4.17

Yours sincerely,

Nazmul Parvej
Deputy Manager, Product Development
IT Division

Bangladesh Export Import Company Ltd.

Level-9, SAM Tower, Plot #4, Road #22, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh

Tel: +880 9609 000 999, +880 2 5881 5559, Ext: 14193, Fax:  +880 2 

Cell: +8801787680841, Email:, Web:

Re: Asymmetric traffic issues?

2022-06-28 Thread Vivek Kumar
Hey Fuller,

What hypervisor are you using ? I know you have checked all bandwidth limit on 
templates and global settings, but it’s worth to check the QoS on the 
hypervisor level, because at the end it’s the hypervisor which manages all.  
And from where are you trying to check the network throughout,  between client 
and server ? 

Vivek Kumar
Sr. Manager - Cloud & DevOps
TechOps | Indiqus Technologies

+ 91 7503460090 

> On 28-Jun-2022, at 1:58 AM, S.Fuller  wrote:
> Environment:
> Two physical hosts
> - Cloudstack 4.11.3
> - Verified that there are no bandwidth limits in place on any of the
> templates or in global settings.
> Two isolated networks ("Client" and  "Server")
> - Each has a vrouter with a public and private address
> - One Windows 2016 VM on each network (running the latest virtio drivers)
> - each node running latest version of Iperf3 to test throughput
> Testing/Observation:
> If the Client VM and the vrouter for the isolated Client network are on the
> same physical host, we see symmetrical throughput in the 2 Gbps range,
> whether we run iperf in regular mode or in reverse mode (iperf -R).
> If the Client VM and the vrouter for the isolated Client network are on
> different physical hosts, we are seeing 25% of the throughput running iperf
> in regular mode vs running it in reverse mode.
> Has anyone encountered this issue before? If we change the Client VM to
> Linux (either CentOS 7 or Ubuntu) OR we use the E1000 driver, we see
> symmetrical throughput in our tests, no matter where the vrouter is in
> relation to the Client VM.
> -- 
> Steve Fuller

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Re: Volume download link on HTTPS

2022-06-28 Thread Vivek Kumar
Thanks Wei..! We have done exact the same thing but console is working on HTTPs 
but volume download is still on the HTTP..! I will re-check all the settings 
and will let you know..! 

Vivek Kumar
Sr. Manager - Cloud & DevOps
TechOps | Indiqus Technologies

+ 91 7503460090 

> On 27-Jun-2022, at 6:40 PM, Wei ZHOU  wrote:
> Hi Vivek,
> Please refer to
> You need to change some global settings and restart mgtserver/ssvm.
> -Wei
> On Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 14:44, Vivek Kumar  >
> wrote:
>> Hello Folks,
>> We have option to download the volumes, when we click on the download
>> volume it will give you a http link. Can we somehow generate the HTTPs link
>> rather then the HTTP link. We have offloaded the SSL certificates in the
>> system VMs. We have not offloaded any certificate to our upfront load
>> balancer or ACS managements VMs.
>> Vivek Kumar
>> Sr. Manager - Cloud & DevOps
>> TechOps | Indiqus Technologies
>> + 91 7503460090 >
>> >
>>  > >
>> --
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Is there any issue with Ceph RBD as Primary Storage to achieve HA-Enabled VM?

2022-06-28 Thread Nazmul Parvej
Hello Team,

Is there any issue with Ceph RBD as Primary Storage to achieve HA-Enabled

I am using KVM Hypervisors and my CloudStack version is 4.17

Yours sincerely,

Nazmul Parvej
Deputy Manager, Product Development
IT Division

Bangladesh Export Import Company Ltd.

Level-9, SAM Tower, Plot #4, Road #22, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh

Tel: +880 9609 000 999, +880 2 5881 5559, Ext: 14193, Fax:  +880 2 

Cell: +8801787680841, Email:, Web:

Re: Using S3 Storage for Secondary storage

2022-06-28 Thread Vladimir Dombrovski
Hello Antoine,

We've recently performed a thorough test of using S3 as a secondary
storage on our QA platform using the 4.17.0 release. We've tried with
2 S3 Providers (Ceph, OpenIO), without any success in both cases. We
will post one (or more) issues in the future concerning this subject,
in the meantime here's what ve found:

- The current S3 implementation doesn't support any advanced
parameters (such as region), which prevents it from working properly
with S3 providers that require the V4 signature. The culprit being a
deprecated use of the AWS S3 SDK for Java.
- The following API call:,
does work, however as there is no validation on any of the provided
parameters, you are likely to get an NPE if you happen to miss one of
them. Also, this call is not reversible, even in the case of an error.
What it does under the hood is that it converts your current secondary
storage to a NFS staging store, and adds an Image store of type S3,
which will then initiate the download of all images present in your
secondary (making them unavailable until downloaded).
- Finally, the current implementation uses an asynchronous upload with
a "ProgressListener" that discards any errors (aka exceptions) thrown
to it. In practice you will see "Download error" on your templates,
without any errors in the logs (empty error message). So basically it
will either work fine if your S3 implementation works with it, or
fails without any possibility for you to know why.

Please note, this is not a critique of the feature (which I'm sure was
designed and tested against AWS S3 specifically, not S3 compatible
APIs), this is simply what we've found about the state of the current



On Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 16:56, Levin Ng  wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> I’m looking for same question too. I’ve tested few s3fs implementation and 
> only found rclone mount and juicejfs is working properly. However it require 
> a huge set of buffering area to store intermediate images.
> Regards,
> Levin
> From: Antoine Boucher 
> Date: Monday, 27 June 2022 at 21:02
> To: users 
> Subject: Using S3 Storage for Secondary storage
> Hello,
> We are consolidating our backup storage to S3 using MinIO. It appears that 
> migration from NFS-based secondary storage to S3 is none trivial task since 
> both can not coexist for the transition period. Has anyone done the 
> transition? We can’t lose the existing data from the current Secondary NFS 
> storage data.
> Alternatively, would an s3fs mounted on an NFS share work adequately for 
> CloudStack‘s requirement?
> Regards,
> Antoine

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