Re: Allowing all ingress traffic except specific protocols or CIDRs in security groups

2023-11-27 Thread Wei ZHOU
Hi Fariborz,

Currently there is no options for action (allow/deny) for each rule, all
rules are allowed.
I think it is a good feature to support action (allow/deny) and rule number
(so rules are ordered) in security groups rules, like the network ACL in

Can you create a github issue for the improvement ?


On Mon, 27 Nov 2023 at 23:20, Fariborz Navidan 

> Hello,
> As of CS 4.15, in security groups all inbound traffic is blocked by
> default. As a result to allow all incoming traffic to VMs, we need to add
> an ingress rule with the protocol specified as "All" and CIDR specified as
> "
>". Is it possible to allow all incoming traffic except specific
> protocols or CIDRs to block specific protocols/CIDRs?
> Regards.

Allowing all ingress traffic except specific protocols or CIDRs in security groups

2023-11-27 Thread Fariborz Navidan

As of CS 4.15, in security groups all inbound traffic is blocked by
default. As a result to allow all incoming traffic to VMs, we need to add
an ingress rule with the protocol specified as "All" and CIDR specified as "". Is it possible to allow all incoming traffic except specific
protocols or CIDRs to block specific protocols/CIDRs?


Not able to deploy VMs | ACS 4.17.2 | VMware 7

2023-11-27 Thread Vivek Kumar
Hello Folks,

I just deployed a Cloudstack 4.17.2 with VMware 7.0. I am able to provision 
system VMs and VRs but not able to provision VMs. 

While checking the logs -  looks like it’s not able to connect to vCenter and 
not able to create disks, but somehow VRs and system VMs are being provisioned 
perfectly fine. 

In management servers logs 

2023-11-27 18:27:25,688 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] (AgentManager-Handler-3:null) 
(logid:) Seq 11-6334875825850024098: Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 
7115655717170, via: 11, Ver: v1, Flags: 110, 
 to create a VMware context, check the management server logs or the SSVM log 
for details","wait":"0","bypassHostMaintenance":"false"}}] }
2023-11-27 18:27:25,688 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-164cb640 job-94/job-95 ctx-8ed050e5) (logid:09eb73ef) 
Seq 11-6334875825850024098: Received:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 7115655717170, via: 
11(s-8-VM), Ver: v1, Flags: 110, { CopyCmdAnswer } }
2023-11-27 18:27:25,717 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.AgentAttache] 
(AgentManager-Handler-3:null) (logid:) Seq 11-6334875825850024098: No more 
commands found
2023-11-27 18:27:25,740 DEBUG [o.a.c.h.HAManagerImpl] 
(BackgroundTaskPollManager-5:ctx-4f6c8aaa) (logid:03ac36da) HA health check 
task is running...
2023-11-27 18:27:25,743 INFO  [o.a.c.s.v.VolumeServiceImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-164cb640 job-94/job-95 ctx-8ed050e5) (logid:09eb73ef) 
releasing lock for VMTemplateStoragePool 8
2023-11-27 18:27:25,751 DEBUG [o.a.c.e.o.VolumeOrchestrator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-164cb640 job-94/job-95 ctx-8ed050e5) (logid:09eb73ef) 
Unable to create Vol[15|vm=15|ROOT]:Failed to create a VMware context, check 
the management server logs or the SSVM log for details
2023-11-27 18:27:25,752 WARN  [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-164cb640 job-94/job-95 ctx-8ed050e5) (logid:09eb73ef) 
Unable to contact resource. Resource [StoragePool:3] is 
unreachable: Unable to create Vol[15|vm=15|ROOT]:Failed to create a VMware 
context, check the management server logs or the SSVM log for details
java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at java.base/
at java.base/
2023-11-27 18:27:25,763 DEBUG [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-164cb640 job-94/job-95 ctx-8ed050e5) (logid:09eb73ef) 
Cleaning up resources for the vm VM instance {id: "15", name: "i-2-15-VM", 
uuid: "2b78b7af-d4c6-428a-b3f0-f7f5760b", type="User"} in Starting state

In SSVM logs 

2023-11-27 15:32:40,663 INFO  

Re: Vlans for domain

2023-11-27 Thread Wei ZHOU
vlan can only be specified by root admin, as it requires some settings on
infrastructure, and it is also critical as vlan misconfiguration might
cause some issues. vlan id is also invisible for non-admin users.

If you create a L2 or Isolated network for your user, the network belongs
to the user, so the network is not visible when you create an instance, but
the user can see it.


On Mon, 27 Nov 2023 at 12:04, Jimmy Huybrechts  wrote:

> Hi,
> After a lot of testing I’m now trying to put it more in the shape we would
> use it. So I created a user and domain for own instances.
> Now I’m trying to create a Network offering on a specific vlan, which
> doesn’t seem possible? If I create one with specify vlan is true and assign
> it to my tenant I can’t see it when creating an instance, if it create it
> with specify vlan is false I can see it but how do I tell it which vlans to
> use then? (using an untagged vlan is not possible here).
> How do I create a L2 network on a specific vlan and be able to use it in
> my own domain? Since I’m also the root admin I can give it of course
> --
> Jimmy

Vlans for domain

2023-11-27 Thread Jimmy Huybrechts

After a lot of testing I’m now trying to put it more in the shape we would use 
it. So I created a user and domain for own instances.

Now I’m trying to create a Network offering on a specific vlan, which doesn’t 
seem possible? If I create one with specify vlan is true and assign it to my 
tenant I can’t see it when creating an instance, if it create it with specify 
vlan is false I can see it but how do I tell it which vlans to use then? (using 
an untagged vlan is not possible here).

How do I create a L2 network on a specific vlan and be able to use it in my own 
domain? Since I’m also the root admin I can give it of course


Re: new PMC member: Abhishek Kumar

2023-11-27 Thread Nicolas Vazquez
Well done Abhishek, congratulations!

Nicolas Vazquez

From: Jithin Raju 
Date: Monday, 27 November 2023 at 01:21
To: , users 

Subject: Re: new PMC member: Abhishek Kumar
Congratulations Abhishek.


From: Daan Hoogland 
Date: Thursday, 23 November 2023 at 2:11 PM
To: users , dev 
Subject: new PMC member: Abhishek Kumar
The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache CloudStack
has invited Abhishek Kumar to become a PMC member and we are pleased
to announce that they have accepted.

Abhishek has contributed in the past and has shown effort to make the
project run smoothly. He is also the Release Manager for the upcoming
4.19 release.

please join me in congratulating Abhishek



RE: Cloudstack fail to create windows 2022 templates

2023-11-27 Thread Gary Dixon
Hi Steve

Yes - MS have changed the OS disk partitioning scheme on both Windows 11 and 
Server 2022. We installed Server 2022 using the ISO - but created a 1Gb 
partition prior to installing the OS.

We then use a combination of DISM and diskpart commands to reconfigure the 
partitions so that we have a 1Gb Recovery partition (large enough for future OS 
updates to satisfy Microsoft) and have this partition at the beginning of the 
disk so that the "C drive" can later be extended if required

Detailed steps:

when installing the OS from the ISO - on the installation page - select 
'advanced' and choose to add a new 1024Mb partition to the unallocated disk - 
this will serve as the new partition 'D' for the Recovery partition

Then after the OS is installed:
in diskpart find the exisiting RE partition that the system has installed and 
give it drive letter 'O'

list volume
select volume 'number of the RE partition created by the OS install'
assign letter=O

Dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:C:\recovery-partition.wim /CaptureDir:O:\ 

Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:C:\recovery-partition.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:D:\

reagentc /disable
reagentc /setreimage /path D:\Recovery\WindowsRE
reagentc /enable

DISKPART> select volume 'number of the D partition'
DISKPART> set id=27
DISKPART> remove
 go into regedit
hklm/system/MountedDevices and delete the item that shows the drive letter for 
the RE partition
reboot server

select volume 4 - if this was the original RE partition at the end of the disk
delete partition override

Gary Dixon
Senior Technical Consultant
0161 537 4980 +44 7989717661
Innovation House, 12-13 Bredbury Business Park
Bredbury Park Way, Bredbury, Stockport, SK6 2SN
-Original Message-
From: S.Fuller 
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2023 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: Cloudstack fail to create windows 2022 templates

Just went through this process.
- I installed Windows Server 2022 to a VM, installed the VirtIO drivers, made 
the other changes I wanted to the image
- Ran sysprep with the shutdown and OOBE experience options
- Made a template from the volume

Biggest issue I had was dealing with where Windows 2022 puts the system 
recovery partition. MS now places it after the primary partition so automatic 
resizing of the volume on deployment wouldn't work. I ended up just removing 
that partition entirely.

- Steve

On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 12:49 AM Yu Huang Chan 

> Hi All,
> We are going to try to make a Windows 2022 template and follow the
> documentation guides that require downloading and installing Windows AIK.
> When we look at the Windows System Image Manager catalog, it shows the
> error "Details: Parameter count mismatch."
> The below latest documentation shows an example guide up to Windows
> 2008 guides only.
> fc8%7Cf1d6abf3d3b44894ae16db0fb93a96a2%7C0%7C0%7C638363891291430927%7C
> Unknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1h
> aWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=JL1ZolOAhhfvjSC3LPkybTvxz5s3F
> s6%2BJamQlCvPGto%3D&reserved=0
> May we know anyone facing these issues and how to create Windows 2022
> templates in the proper way?
> Regards,
> Yu Huang

Steve Fuller