
Thanks so much for all the details. I'm out of the office for the next couple of days so will update my cloud with your suggestions when I get back.

As far as the "fancy" naming, I just never found names like bondX useful when Linux allows naming the network device something else. It has just become a convention of mine. I can easily distinguish which bond carries cloud traffic and which carries storage traffic by looking at the bond name, but it is just a personal thing and can easily switch back to using the standard bond names.

I was aware of the traffic labels but forgot to mention that I had set those up in my previous email. There were still some details that you provided that helped me further understand how they work though, thanks.

Again, thanks for you help.

On 2021-06-17 22:04, Andrija Panic wrote:
BTW, once you thing you have fixed all your network configuration issues - destroy all system VM (CPVM, SSVM and restart all networks with "cleanup" -
so that new VMs are created_
Inside SSVM, run the the following script, which should give you results
similar as below - confirming that your SSVM is healthy

root@s-2536-VM:/usr/local/cloud/systemvm# /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/ssvm-
First DNS server is
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.520 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.294 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.294/0.407/0.520/0.113 ms
Good: Can ping DNS server
Good: DNS resolves
nfs is currently mounted
Mount point is /mnt/SecStorage/ceb27169-9a58-32ef-81b4-33b0b12e9aa2
Good: Can write to mount point
Management server is Checking connectivity.
Good: Can connect to management server port 8250
Good: Java process is running
Tests Complete. Look for ERROR or WARNING above.

On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 at 23:55, Andrija Panic <> wrote:

Since you really bothered to provide so very detailed inputs and help us
help you (vs what some other people tend to do) -  I think you really
deserved a decent answer (and some explanation).

The last question first -even though you don't specify/have dedicated
Storage traffic, there will be an additional interface inside the SSVM
connected to the same Management network (not to the old Storage network - if you see the old storage network, restart your mgmt server and destroy the SSVM - a new one should be created, with proper interfaces inside it)

bond naming issues:
- rename your "bond-services" to something industry-standard like "bond0" or similar - cloudstack extracts "child" interfaces from cloudbr1 IF you
specify a VLAN for a network that ACS should create - so your
"bond-services", while fancy (and unclear to me WHY you named it in that weird way - smiley here) - is NOT something CloudStack will recognize and
this is the reason it fails (it even says so in that error message)
- no reason to NOT have that dedicated storage network -  feel free to
bring it back - the same issue you have as for the public traffic - rename "bond-storage" to e.g. "bond1" and you will be good to go - since you are NOT using tagging, ACS will just plug vNIC of the VM into the cloudbr2 (or
whatever bridge name you use for it).

Now some explanation (even though your deduction capabilities certainly
made you draw some conclusions from what I wrote above ^^^)

- When you specify a VLAN id for some network in CLoudStack - CloudStack will look for the device name that is specified as the "Traffic label" for
that traffic (and you have none??? for your Public traffic - while it
should be set to the name of the bridge device "cloudbr1") - and then it will provision a VLAN interface and create a new bridge - (i.e. for Public network with VLAN id 48, it will extract "bond0" from the "cloudbr1", and create bond0.48 VLAN interface - AND it will create a brand new bridge with this bond0.48 interface (bridge with funny name), and plug Public vNICs
into this new bridge....
- When you do NOT specify a VLAN id for some network in CloudStack (i.e. your storage network doesn't use VLAN ID in CloudStack, your switch ports are in access vlan 96) - you need to have a bridge (i.e. cloudbr2) with the
bondYYY child interface (instead of that "bond-storage" fancy but
unrecognized child interface name) - and then ACS will NOT extract child interface (nor do everything I explained in the previous paraghraph/bullet point) - it will just bluntly "stick" all the vNICs into that cloudbr2 -
and hope you have a proper physical/child interface also added to the
cloudbr2 that will carry the traffic down the line... (purely FYI - you
could also e.g. use trunking on Linux if you want to, and have e.g.
"bondXXX.96" VLAN interface manually configured and add it to the bridge,
while still NOT defining any VLAN in the CloudStack for that Storage
network - and ACS will just stick vNIC to this bridge)

Public traffic/network - is the network that all systemVMs (SSVM, CPVM and all VRs) are connected to - this network is "public" like "external" to other CloudStack internal or Guest network - this is the network to which the "north" interface is connected - but does NOT have to be " non-RFC 1918 " - it can be any private IP range from your company internal network (that will eventually route traffic to internet - IF you want your ACS to be able to download stuff/templates from Internet - otherwise it does NOT have to route to internet - if you are using private cloud and do NOT want external
access to your ACS, well to SSVM and CPVM and VRs external ("public")
interfaces/IPs - but if you are running a public cloud - then you want to provide a non-RFC 1918 i.e. a really Publicly routable IP addresses/range for the Public network - ACS will assign 1IP for SSVM, 1 IP for CPVM, and
many IPs to your many VRs you create.

A thing that I briefly touched somewhere upstairs ^^^ - for each traffic type you have defined - you need to define a traffic label - my deduction capabilities make me believe you are using KVM, so you need to set your KVM traffic label for all your network traffic (traffic label, in you case = exact name of the bridge as visible in Linux) - I recall there are some new UI issues when it comes to tags, so go to your <MGMT-IP>:8080/client/legacy - and check your traffic label there - and set it there, UI in doesn't allow you to update/set it after the zone is created - but old UI
will allow you to do it.

Not sure why I spent 30 minutes of my life, but there you go - hope you
got everything from my email - let me know if anything is unclear!


On Wed, 16 Jun 2021 at 19:15, Joshua Schaeffer <>

So Suresh's advise has pushed me in the right direction. The VM was up but the agent state was down. I was able to connect to the VM in order to continue investigating and the VM is having network issues connecting to both my load balancer and my secondary storage server. I don't think I'm understanding how the public network portion is supposed to work in my zone and could use some clarification. First let me explain my network setup. On
my compute nodes, ideally, I want to use 3 NIC's:

1. A management NIC for management traffic. I was using cloudbr0 for
this. cloudbr0 is a bridge I created that is connected to an access port on my switch. No vlan tagging is required to use this network (it uses VLAN 20) 2. A cloud NIC for both public and guest traffic. I was using cloudbr1 for this. cloudbr1 is a bridge I created that is connected to a trunk port on my switch. Public traffic uses VLAN 48 and guest traffic should use VLANs 400 - 656. As the port is trunked I have to use vlan tagging for any
traffic over this NIC.
3. A storage NIC for storage traffic. I use a bond called "bond-storage" for this. bond-storage is connected to an access port on my switch. No vlan
tagging is required to use this network (it uses VLAN 96)

For now I've removed the storage NIC from the configuration to simplify my troubleshooting, so I should only be working with cloudbr0 and cloudbr1.
To me the public network is a *non-RFC 1918* address that should be
assigned to tenant VM's for external internet access. Why do system VM's need/get a public IP address? Can't they access all the internal CloudStack
servers using the pod's management network?

So the first problem I'm seeing is whenever I tell CloudStack to tag VLAN 48 for public traffic it uses the underlying bond under cloudbr1 and not the bridge. I don't know where it is even getting this name as I never
provided it to CloudStack

Here is how I have it configured:

Here is the message in the management logs:

2021-06-16 16:00:40,454 INFO  [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
(Work-Job-Executor-13:ctx-0f39d8e2 job-4/job-68 ctx-a4f832c5)
(logid:eb82035c) Unable to start VM on Host[-2-Routing] due to Failed to create vnet 48: Error: argument "bond-services.48" is wrong: "name" not a valid ifnameCannot find device "bond-services.48"Failed to create vlan 48
on pif: bond-services.

This ultimately results in an error and the system VM never even starts.

If I remove the vlan tag from the configuration (
then the VM starts and gets a public IP but without a tagged NIC it can't
actually connect to the network. This is from inside the system VM:

root@s-9-VM:~# ip --brief addr
lo               UNKNOWN
eth0             UP   
eth1             UP   
eth2             UP   
eth3             UP   
root@s-9-VM:~# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
92 bytes from s-9-VM ( Destination Host Unreachable
92 bytes from s-9-VM ( Destination Host Unreachable
92 bytes from s-9-VM ( Destination Host Unreachable
92 bytes from s-9-VM ( Destination Host Unreachable
^C--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Obviously if the network isn't functioning then it can't connect to my storage server and the agent never starts. How do I setup my public network so that it tags the packets going over cloudbr1? Also, can I not have a
public IP address for system VM's or is this required?

I have some other issues as well like the fact that it is creating a
storage NIC on the system VM's even though I deleted my storage network from the zone, but I can tackle one problem at a time. If anyone is curious or it helps visualize my network, here is is a little ASCII diagram of how I have the compute node's networking setup. Hopefully it comes across the
mailing list correctly and not all mangled:

| enp3s0f0 (eth) enp3s0f1 (eth) enp65s0f0 (eth) enp65s0f1
(eth)    enp71s0 (eth)    enp72s0 (eth)
|       |                  |                   |
|                |                  |
|       |                  |
+--------+---------+                +--------+---------+
|       |                  |
|                                   |
|       |                  |                   bond-services
(bond)                         |
|       |                  |
|                                   |
|       |                  |
|                                   |
|       |                  |
|                                   |
|    cloudbr0 (bridge)    N/A                     cloudbr1
(bridge)                 bond-storage (bond)
|    VLAN 20 (access)                        VLAN 48, 400 - 656
(trunk)               VLAN 96 (access)

On 6/16/21 9:38 AM, Andrija Panic wrote:
> " There is no secondary storage VM for downloading template to image
> So next step to investigate why there is no SSVM (can hosts access the
> secondary storage NFS, can they access the Primary Storage, etc - those
> tests you can do manually) - and as Suresh advised - one it's up, is it
> green (COnnected / Up state).
> Best,

I appreciate everyone's help.

Joshua Schaeffer


Andrija Panić

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