Hello, community members, this is release announce for CloudStack-UI -
alternative UI for Apache CloudStack.

If you don't see a properly marked document and would like to see the same
press release with images, follow the link:

Eng: https://github.com/bwsw/cloudstack-ui/wiki/1.49.13-ReleaseNotes-En
Rus: https://github.com/bwsw/cloudstack-ui/wiki/1.49.13-ReleaseNotes-Ru

Release 1.49.13 Overview

On October 31, 2017 we released CloudStack-UI version 1.49.13. An extended
summary of the most important features and improvements is provided below.
There are also a lot of bugfixes and minor updates.
security groups management

The release introduces shared security groups support. Now users can both
create groups by combining different template rules and choose shared
security groups which are used by other machines during VM creation.

In Firewall section there is a switch between Firewall Templates and Shared
Security Groups. Users can manage security group rules in two modes: a
"view" mode with filtering by types and protocols and an “edit” mode.

Shared security groups are displayed in "Firewall Rules" section ("Network"
tab in VM details sidebar), the same as private groups. Security groups
editing is available when switching from "view" mode to "editing" mode. If
the group is shared, user is warned that changes will affect other VMs
using this group. This behavior allows avoiding undesirable changes for
other VMs.
management enhancements

Several important changes have been applied to Storage section. First of
all, root disks are now visually distinguished from data disks. In
addition, there is an option to display only spare disks, which allows
saving user's time in certain cases.

keys description

In this release we introduced a possibility to specify a description for
SSH keys. This functionality is useful for users in terms of adding
necessary semantics.

tags displaying in VM details sidebar

Now users have a possibility to disable a displaying of system tags in VM
details sidebar. System tags are used to provide functionality from user
interface perspective. Changing these tags affects functionality of the
application. So hiding system tags helps to avoid accidental unwanted
changes. If a user has disabled displaying of these tags, the system will
remember it and next time tags will also be hidden.

behavior after VM creation

In this release our team has made a big contribution to the improvement of
UX when creating a virtual machine. First of all, a user now has an access
to the list of all creation steps.

It might be useful in the case of VM creation error since a user can
understand where exactly error occurred. In future versions users will be
capable to copy a complete log returned from a server and contact a
technical support using log details.

When creating a VM in interactive mode, a user usually plans to perform
some actions with it immediately after creation. In this regard, it was
decided to ensure the proper behavior of the system in order to improve the
UX. Depending on the installation source (ISO or a Template), the system
allows getting not only login, password and IP of the machine, but also an
access to VM interaction interface. Currently supported:

   - VNC console,
   - WebShell if VM has a csui.vm.auth-mode tag with SSH value. To
   configure access to VM using WebShell, please refer to wiki
   - Access via HTTP if VM has a csui.vm.auth-mode tag with HTTP value. To
   configure access to VM via HTTP, please refer to wiki

A user can always request this information by referring to the context menu
"Access VM".

password management

Another important functionality introduced in this release is the improved
VM password management. VM password can be saved to tags right after VM
creation. A user can also set an automatic password saving for all VMs
being created. Password information is available in "Access VM" context

creation improved behavior

When there are no VMs created and a user intends to create an additional
disk in "Storage" section, the system warns him that creating an additional
disk is not necessary, since disks are automatically created when VM is
being created from a template. This functionality is important from a
business perspective, as there might be undesirable expenses caused by
creating additional disks that user does not actually need.

management for domain administrators

In this release, we introduced a new "Accounts" section, where domain
administrators can manage existing accounts, apply filtering and grouping
as in other sections. There is also an access to details sidebar of each
account with a possibility of editing settings and resource restrictions.
In addition to this, an administrator can apply filtering by accounts in
other sections, thus narrowing a context and working with a data that he
needs at the moment.

In future versions it is planned to extend this functionality by adding
Users management and new accounts creation for domain administrators.
component for switching tabs

The switch between tabs is now represented by another component. This
choice allowed solving a number of problems and improving information
displaying in general.


The release can be found at GitHub releases:

Prepared Docker image is available at Dockerhub:

You can pull it with:

# docker pull bwsw/cloudstack-ui:1.49.13

The project changelog is here:

Deployment guide and project info can be found at GitHub pages:
1.49.14 expectations

The release is expected to include new functionality as follows:

   - A switch between box view and list view for all menu sections, which
   is convenient, for example, for users with a large number of virtual
   - Accounts creation for domain administrators
   - A sidebar for shared security groups with a list of virtual machines
   using this group and a possibility of going to details sidebar of each VM
   - A "Terms and Agreements" dialog support when selecting installation
   source during VM creation


Dear community member, we will be thankful if you

   - try the project and provide us with a feedback;
   - share the information about the project and the release in social
   - mark the GitHub repository <https://github.com/bwsw/cloudstack-ui> with
   star to support the project;
   - join LinkedIn group <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13540203>.

With best regards, Ivan Kudryavtsev
Bitworks Software, Ltd.
Cell: +7-923-414-1515
WWW: http://bitworks.software/ <http://bw-sw.com/>

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