Good morning all,

I have this strange configDrive problem that shows up on 4.11.2 and only if
upgraded from 4.9.

This problems shows up with the DefaultL2NetworkOfferingConfigDriveVlan
network offering

In lab and a fresh install,  the configDrive enabled network will
present an ISO to guest VMs with the expected "config-2" label and
cloud-init works just fine:

# blkid /dev/sr1
/dev/sr1: UUID="2019-04-26-20-57-31-00" LABEL="config-2" TYPE="iso9660"

On our production 4.11.2 upgraded months ago from 4.9.3 (but running with
the same systemvm templates as the lab),   here's the configdrive
ISO label with the same network offering:

# blkid /dev/sr1
/dev/sr1: UUID="2019-05-01-21-30-20-00" LABEL="config" TYPE="iso9660"

In this case cloud-init doesn't identify this label as a configDrive DS and
fail to apply user-data.

Im trying to find where this happens and can be changed.  Any clue anyone ?



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