RE: "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap" argument missing?

2021-06-02 Thread Yordan Kostov
Thank you Pearl!


-Original Message-
From: Pearl d'Silva  
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap" argument missing?

[X] This message came from outside your organization

Hi Jordan,

The 'bypassVlanOverlapCheck' parameter does exist in the createNetwork API, but 
during API discovery the parameters sometimes get overwritten. This has been 
addressed by;!!A6UyJA!ySwV0l15_vMrBz5I0SBGZ_JwIjCYgtm_RiDxyRfK4Ty8TBrSGZxyop2FGtjqNoLV0FQBSY4-NRFw$
  and will be available as part of 4.15.1.


From: Yordan Kostov 
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 11:01 AM
Subject: "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap" argument missing?

Dear everyone,

I would like to use "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap" to create 2 
shared networks that span across one VLAN.
Looking in "cloudmonkey create network" help menu I cannot see 
such argument.
Is there something I am missing or it is not implemented?

startip = (string) the beginning IP address in the network IP range externalid 
= (string) ID of the network in an external system.
networkdomain = (string) network domain
account = (string) account that will own the network isolatedpvlantype = 
(string) the isolated private VLAN type for this network ip6cidr = (string) the 
CIDR of IPv6 network, must be at least /64 displaytext = (string) the display 
text of the network acltype = (string) Access control type; supported values 
are account and domain. In 3.0 all shared networks should have aclType=Domain, 
and all isolated networks - Account. Account means that only the account owner 
can use the network, domain - all accounts in the domain can use the network 
zoneid = (uuid) the zone ID for the network name = (string) the name of the 
network netmask = (string) the netmask of the network. Required for shared 
networks and isolated networks when it belongs to VPC endip = (string) the 
ending IP address in the network IP range. If not specified, will be defaulted 
to startIP networkofferingid = (uuid) the network offering ID displaynetwork = 
(boolean) an optional field, whether to the display the network to the end user 
or not.
aclid = (uuid) Network ACL ID associated for the network
endipv6 = (string) the ending IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range ip6gateway 
= (string) the gateway of the IPv6 network. Required for Shared networks 
gateway = (string) the gateway of the network. Required for shared networks and 
isolated networks when it belongs to VPC domainid = (uuid) domain ID of the 
account owning a network
startipv6 = (string) the beginning IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range 
subdomainaccess = (boolean) Defines whether to allow subdomains to use networks 
dedicated to their parent domain(s). Should be used with aclType=Domain, 
defaulted to global config if not specified 
projectid = (uuid) an optional project for the SSH key physicalnetworkid = 
(uuid) the physical network ID the network belongs to vpcid = (uuid) the VPC 
network belongs to isolatedpvlan = (string) the isolated private VLAN for this 


Re: "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap" argument missing?

2021-06-02 Thread Pearl d'Silva
Hi Jordan,

The 'bypassVlanOverlapCheck' parameter does exist in the createNetwork API, but 
during API discovery the parameters sometimes get overwritten. This has been 
addressed by and will be 
available as part of 4.15.1.


From: Yordan Kostov 
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 11:01 AM
Subject: "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap" argument missing?

Dear everyone,

I would like to use "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap" to create 2 
shared networks that span across one VLAN.
Looking in "cloudmonkey create network" help menu I cannot see 
such argument.
Is there something I am missing or it is not implemented?

startip = (string) the beginning IP address in the network IP range
externalid = (string) ID of the network in an external system.
networkdomain = (string) network domain
account = (string) account that will own the network
isolatedpvlantype = (string) the isolated private VLAN type for this network
ip6cidr = (string) the CIDR of IPv6 network, must be at least /64
displaytext = (string) the display text of the network
acltype = (string) Access control type; supported values are account and 
domain. In 3.0 all shared networks should have aclType=Domain, and all isolated 
networks - Account. Account means that only the account owner can use the 
network, domain - all accounts in the domain can use the network
zoneid = (uuid) the zone ID for the network
name = (string) the name of the network
netmask = (string) the netmask of the network. Required for shared networks and 
isolated networks when it belongs to VPC
endip = (string) the ending IP address in the network IP range. If not 
specified, will be defaulted to startIP
networkofferingid = (uuid) the network offering ID
displaynetwork = (boolean) an optional field, whether to the display the 
network to the end user or not.
aclid = (uuid) Network ACL ID associated for the network
endipv6 = (string) the ending IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range
ip6gateway = (string) the gateway of the IPv6 network. Required for Shared 
gateway = (string) the gateway of the network. Required for shared networks and 
isolated networks when it belongs to VPC
domainid = (uuid) domain ID of the account owning a network
startipv6 = (string) the beginning IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range
subdomainaccess = (boolean) Defines whether to allow subdomains to use networks 
dedicated to their parent domain(s). Should be used with aclType=Domain, 
defaulted to global config if not specified
projectid = (uuid) an optional project for the SSH key
physicalnetworkid = (uuid) the physical network ID the network belongs to
vpcid = (uuid) the VPC network belongs to
isolatedpvlan = (string) the isolated private VLAN for this network
