
manager and hosts are all rockylinux 9.3

configured installation

1.zone type : core Advanced w/o cgroup
2. zone details
  ipv4 DNS1
  internal DNS1
  hypervisor  KVM

3. Network
A. Physical network
 - isolation method VLAN for all traffic types

B. Public traffic
 - set ip ranges only with out VLAN

C. Pod
 - set reserved System IP ranges

D.Guest traffic
 - set vlan ranges from 1521 to 1540

E. Storage traffic
  - set IP ranges same as phycal host ip ranges w/o VLAN

4. add Host using authentication Method with password
5. Launch zone

It seems like OK, so I deploy CKS with size 2.

But I can't access KCS instance console with acs UI;

* Configured Information from UI

1. Network/Public IP addresses: Allocated
2. Guest Networks/Public IP addresses Tab state: Allocated
 A. state from /Infrastructure/Zone/Physical Network Tab

  management traffic: vlan://untagged
  storage traffic : blank
  public traffic: vlan://untagged
  guest traffic: none record

 B. from db

select id, physical_network_id, traffic_type,kvm_network_label, vlan, 
lxc_network_label, hyperv_network_label 
from physical_network_traffic_types;
| id | physical_network_id | traffic_type | kvm_network_label | vlan | 
lxc_network_label | hyperv_network_label |
|  1 |                 200 | Management   | cloudbr0          | NULL | cloudbr0 
         | NULL                 |
|  2 |                 200 | Storage            | cloudbr0          | NULL | 
cloudbr0          | NULL                 |
|  3 |                 201 | Public              | cloudbr1          | NULL | 
cloudbr0          | NULL                 |
|  4 |                 201 | Guest               | cloudbr1          | NULL | 
cloudbr0          | NULL                 |

select id, vlan_id, ip4_range vlan_type,network_id,physical_network_id from 
| id | vlan_id         | vlan_type             | network_id | 
physical_network_id |
|  1 | vlan://untagged | xx.x.xx.1-xx.x.xx.100 |        200 |                 
201 |

select id, traffic_type, broadcast_domain_type, gateway, cidr, mode, 
network_offering_id, physical_network_id, dns1 from networks;
| id  | traffic_type | broadcast_domain_type | gateway     | cidr           | 
mode   | network_offering_id | physical_network_id | dns1 |
| 200 | Public              | Vlan                  | NULL        | NULL        
   | Static |                   1 |                NULL | NULL |
| 201 | Management   | Native              | NULL        | NULL           | 
Static |                   2 |                NULL | NULL |
| 202 | Control            | LinkLocal         | | | 
Static |                   3 |                NULL | NULL |
| 203 | Storage           | Native               | NULL        | NULL           
| Static |                   4 |                NULL | NULL |
| 204 | Guest              | Vlan                   |    | 
   | Dhcp   |                  21 |                 201 | NULL |

* isolation methods are all vlan at configuration Physical network
* not setted vlan for Public traffic and storage traffic but 
broadcast_domain_type is defferent

I can't access an Instance through the CloudStack UI.
It requires login.

What is the problems and how to fix?

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