[ClusterLabs] Linux 8.2 - high totem token requires manual setting of ping_interval and ping_timeout

2020-06-25 Thread Hayden,Robert
Hello.  Hope all is well.   I have been researching Oracle Linux 8.2 and ran 
across a situation that is not well documented.   I decided to provide some 
details to the community in case I am missing something.

Basically, if you increase the totem token above approximately 33000 with the 
knet transport, then a two node cluster will not properly form.   The exact 
threshold value will slightly fluctuate, depending on hardware type and 
debugging, but will consistently fail above 4.

The failure to form a cluster would occur when running the "pcs cluster start 
--all" command or if I would start one cluster, let it stabilize, then start 
the second.  When it fails to form a cluster, each side would say they are 
ONLINE, but the other side is UNCLEAN(offline) (cluster state: partition 
WITHOUT quorum).   If I define proper stonith resources, then they will not 
fence since the cluster never makes it to an initial quorum state.  So, the 
cluster will stay in this split state indefinitely.

Changing the transport back to udpu or udp, the higher totem tokens worked as 

>From the debug logging, I suspect that the Election Trigger (20 seconds) fires 
>before all nodes are properly identified by the knet transport.  I noticed 
>that with a totem token passing 32 seconds, the knet_ping* defaults were 
>pushing up against that 20 second mark.  The output of "corosync-cfgtool -s" 
>will show each node's link as enabled, but each side will state the other 
>side's link is not connected.   Since each side thinks the other node is not 
>active, they fail to properly send a join message to the other node during the 
>election.   They will essentially form a singleton cluster(??).  It is more 
>puzzling when you start one node at a time, waiting for the node to stabilize 
>before starting the other.   It is like the first node will never see the 
>remote knet interfaces become active, regardless of how long you wait.

The solution is to manually set the knet ping_timeout and ping_interval to 
lower values than the default values derived from the totem token.  This seems 
to allow for the knet transport to determine link status of all nodes before 
the election timer pops.

I tested this on both physical hardware and with VMs.  Both react similarly.

Bare bones test case to reproduce:
yum install pcs pacemaker fence-agents-all
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
firewall-cmd --add-service=high-availability
systemctl start pcsd.service
systemctl enable pcsd.service
systemctl disable corosync
systemctl disable pacemaker
passwd hacluster
pcs host auth node1 node2
pcs cluster setup rhcs_test node1 node2 totem token=41000
pcs cluster start --all

Example command to create cluster that will properly form and get quorum:
pcs cluster setup rhcs_test node1 node2 totem token=61000 transport knet link 
ping_interval=1250 ping_timeout=2500

Hope this helps someone in the future.


Robert Hayden | Lead Technology Architect | Cerner Corporation

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Re: [ClusterLabs] Beginner with STONITH Problem

2020-06-25 Thread Strahil Nikolov
Hi Stefan,

this  sounds  like  firewall issue.

Check that the port udp/1229 is opened  for  the Hypervisours and tcp/1229 for 
the VMs.

P.S.: The  protocols are based on my fading memory, so double check the .

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

На 25 юни 2020 г. 18:18:46 GMT+03:00, "stefan.schm...@farmpartner-tec.com" 
>I have now tried to use that "how to" to make things work. Sadly I have
>run into a couple of Problems.
>I have installed and configured fence_xvm like it was told in the 
>walk-through but as expected the fence_virtd does not find all VMs,
>the one installed on itself.
>In the configuration I have chosen "bond0" as the listeners interface 
>since the hosts have bonding configured. I have appenmded the complete 
>fence_virt.conf at the end of the mail.
>All 4 servers, CentOS-Hosts and Ubuntu-VMs are in the same Network.
>the generated key is present on all 4 Servers.
>Still the "fence_xvm -o list" command olny results in showing the local
># fence_xvm -o list
>kvm101   beee402d-c6ac-4df4-9b97-bd84e637f2e7
>I hav tried the "Alternative configuration for guests running on 
>multiple hosts" but this fails right from the start, because the 
>packages libvirt-qpid are not available
># yum install -y libvirt-qpid qpidd
>No package libvirt-qpid available.
>No package qpidd available.
>Could anyone please advise on how to proceed to get both nodes 
>recognized by the CentOS-Hosts? As a side note, all 4 Servers can ping 
>each other, so they are present and available in the same network.
>In addition, I cant seem to find the correct packages for Ubuntu 18.04 
>to install on the VMs. Trying to install fence_virt and/or fence_xvm 
>just results in "E: Unable to locate package fence_xvm/fence_virt".
>Are those packages available at all forUbubtu 18.04? I could only find 
>them for 20.04 or are they just called completely different so that I
>not able to find them?
>Thank you in advance for your help!
>Kind regards
>Stefan Schmitz
>The current /etc/fence_virt.conf:
>fence_virtd {
> listener = "multicast";
> backend = "libvirt";
> module_path = "/usr/lib64/fence-virt";
>listeners {
> multicast {
> key_file = "/etc/cluster/fence_xvm.key";
> address = "";
> interface = "bond0";
> family = "ipv4";
> port = "1229";
> }
>backends {
> libvirt {
> uri = "qemu:///system";
> }
>Am 25.06.2020 um 10:28 schrieb stefan.schm...@farmpartner-tec.com:
>> Hello and thank you both for the help,
>>  >> Are the VMs in the same VLAN like the hosts?
>> Yes the VMs and Hosts are all in the same VLan. So I will try the 
>> fence_xvm solution.
>>  > https://wiki.clusterlabs.org/wiki/Guest_Fencing
>> Thank you for the pointer to that walk-through. Sadly every VM is on
>> own host which is marked as "Not yet supported" but still this how to
>> a good starting point and I will try to work and tweak my way through
>> for out setup.
>> Thanks again!
>> Kind regards
>> Stefan Schmitz
>> Am 24.06.2020 um 15:51 schrieb Ken Gaillot:
>>> On Wed, 2020-06-24 at 15:47 +0300, Strahil Nikolov wrote:
 Hello Stefan,

 There are multiple options for stonith, but it depends on the
 Are the VMs in the same VLAN like the hosts? I am asking this , as
 the most popular candidate is 'fence_xvm' but it requires the VM to
 send fencing request to the KVM host (multicast) where the partner
 is hosted .
>>> FYI a fence_xvm walk-through for the simple case is available on the
>>> ClusterLabs wiki:
>>> https://wiki.clusterlabs.org/wiki/Guest_Fencing
 Another approach is to use a shared disk (either over iSCSI or
 SAN)  and use sbd for power-based fencing,  or  use SCSI3
 Reservations (which can also be converted into a power-based

 Best Regards,
 Strahil Nikolov

 На 24 юни 2020 г. 13:44:27 GMT+03:00, "
 stefan.schm...@farmpartner-tec.com" <
 stefan.schm...@farmpartner-tec.com> написа:
> Hello,
> I am an absolute beginner trying to setup our first HA Cluster.
> So far I have been working with the "Pacemaker 1.1 Clusters from
> Scratch" Guide wich worked for me perfectly up to the Point where
> need
> to install and configure STONITH.
> Curerent Situation is:2 Ubuntu Server as the cluster. Both of
> those
> Servers are virtual machines running on 2 Centos KVM Hosts.
> Those are the devices or ressources we can use for a STONITH
> implementation. In this and other guides I do read a lot about
> external
> devices and in the "pcs stonith list" there are some XEN but sadly
> I
> cannot find anything about KVM. At this