I'm not sure if this mailign is the proper place to send ma request, please tell me where i should send it if not :)

I have an use case that i can't run acutally with corosync + pacemaker.

I have two nodes, two VIP and two services (one dupplicated), in order to provide an active/active service (2 physical sites). On a normal situation, one VIP is associated to one node via a prefered location, and the service is running one the two nodes (cloned).

On failing situation, i want that the working node takes the IP of the other host without migrating the service (listening on, so when :
 - the service is down - not working
 - the node is down (network or OS layer) - working

I can't find the proper way to conceptualize this problem with group/colocation/order notions of pacemaker. I would be happy in you give me some thoughs on appropriate options.

Thank you in advance for your help.
Sorry for my non-native English.

Louis Chanouha


My current configuration is this one. I can't translate it in XML if you need it.

/node Gollum//
//node edison//
//primitive cups lsb:cups \//
//        op monitor interval="2s"//
//primitive vip_edison ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \//
//        params nic="eth0" ip="" cidr_netmask="24" \//
//        op monitor interval="2s"//
//primitive vip_gollum ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \//
//        params nic="eth0" ip="" cidr_netmask="24" \//
//        op monitor interval="2s"//
//clone ha-cups cups//
//location pref_edison vip_edison 50: edison//
//location pref_gollum vip_gollum 50: Gollum//
//property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \//
//dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \//
//        cluster-infrastructure="openais" \//
//        expected-quorum-votes="2" \//
//        stonith-enabled="false" \//
//        no-quorum-policy="ignore"/


*Louis Chanouha | Ingénieur Système et Réseaux*
Service Numérique de l'Université de Toulouse
*Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées*
15 rue des Lois - BP 61321 - 31013 Toulouse Cedex 6
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