Re: [ClusterLabs] restarting resources

2015-11-06 Thread zulucloud

On 11/02/2015 05:59 PM, - - wrote:

I need to be able to restart a resource (e.g apache) whenever a
file is updated. I have been using the 'crm resource restart ' command
to to it,
which does restart the resource BUT also restarts my other resources also.
Is this normal behaviour? Is there a way to just/force restart only the
resource whose config file is changed.

I have the following resources configured in a group (ew)


i had the same problem with Apache and a virtual IP together in a group. 
I wasn't able to restart / reload just Apache. The only way was to bring 
down the whole group including IP, and then start the group again.

Is there a way to just start Website8086 or just reload it, without
the other resources.

I removed the group configuration and instead just inserted a colocation 
rule to make sure that Apache and IP are running on the same node. This 
works fine for me, now it's possible to crm resource restart res_apache 
without affecting the IP, and it works fast and smoothly.

best regards..

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Re: [ClusterLabs] Antw: Re: restarting resources

2015-11-06 Thread zulucloud

On 11/06/2015 12:55 PM, Ulrich Windl wrote:

zulucloud <> schrieb am 06.11.2015 um 12:48 in Nachricht

i had the same problem with Apache and a virtual IP together in a group.
I wasn't able to restart / reload just Apache. The only way was to bring
down the whole group including IP, and then start the group again.

I wonder: If the IP comes before Apache, and apache is the last in the group, 
you should be able to restart apache leaving the IP unaffected. Maybe you 
should provide more details...

Hello Ulrich,

thanks, interesting hint. I took a look in my old config's backup, and 
indeed, my group was configured the other way round:

group gr_apache res_apache res_haweb_ip \
meta target-role="Started"

I changed that to your suggestion:

group gr_apache res_haweb_ip res_apache \
meta target-role="Started"

removed the colocation, switched on the group configured that way and 
indeed: that way it's possible to do a

crm resource restart res_apache

without affecting the IP. Learned something new again ;)
Thank you :)

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Re: [ClusterLabs] Antw: group resources not grouped ?!?

2015-10-09 Thread zulucloud

On 10/08/2015 10:37 AM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:

On Wed, Oct 07, 2015 at 05:13:40PM +0200, zulucloud wrote:

Well, they're quite verbose and a little bit cryptic...;) I didn't
find anything what could enlighten that for me...

If you're using crmsh, you can at least let history filter out
the stuff you don't want to look at. There's an introduction on
the feature here:



Hi Dejan,

that looks very good, thank you. I need to get the source and compile... 
Do you know if there are any usage restrictions if the rest of the 
cluster stack software is quite old (pacemaker, corosync 1.2.1-4) ?


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Re: [ClusterLabs] Antw: group resources not grouped ?!?

2015-10-09 Thread zulucloud

On 10/09/2015 02:57 PM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:


On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 01:56:34PM +0200, zulucloud wrote:

On 10/08/2015 10:37 AM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:

On Wed, Oct 07, 2015 at 05:13:40PM +0200, zulucloud wrote:

Well, they're quite verbose and a little bit cryptic...;) I didn't
find anything what could enlighten that for me...

If you're using crmsh, you can at least let history filter out
the stuff you don't want to look at. There's an introduction on
the feature here:



Hi Dejan,

that looks very good, thank you. I need to get the source and
compile... Do you know if there are any usage restrictions if the
rest of the cluster stack software is quite old (pacemaker,
corosync 1.2.1-4) ?

Hmm, v1.0.x. Where did you find such an old thing? :) Does it
come with crmsh (until v1.1.8, crmsh was part of pacemaker)? Even
so, I doubt that it has the history feature.  You could try to
build the v1.2.6 branch, but I'm not sure whether it's going to
work. I can also recall that colleagues of NTT Japan were
maintaining a version for some older pacemaker versions, but
don't know where do they keep the packages.



ok, *sigh* ;) I'll kick my colleagues that we have to upgrade...;)

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Re: [ClusterLabs] group resources not grouped ?!?

2015-10-09 Thread zulucloud

On 10/08/2015 12:57 PM, Jorge Fábregas wrote:

On 10/08/2015 06:04 AM, zulucloud wrote:

  are there any other ways?


You might want to check external/vmware or external/vcenter.  I've never
used them but apparently one is used to fence via the hypervisor (ESXi
itself) and the other thru vCenter.

thank you very much, this looks interesting... maybe another option. 
I'll give it a closer look..


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[ClusterLabs] group resources not grouped ?!?

2015-10-07 Thread zulucloud

i got a problem i don't understand, maybe someone can give me a hint.

My 2-node cluster (named ali and baba) is configured to run mysql, an IP 
for mysql and the filesystem resource (on drbd master) together as a 
GROUP. After doing some crash-tests i ended up having filesystem and 
mysql running happily on one host (ali), and the related IP on the other 
(baba)  although, the IP's not really up and running, crm_mon just 
SHOWS it as started there. In fact it's nowhere up, neither on ali nor 
on baba.

crm_mon shows that pacemaker tried to start it on baba, but gave up 
after fail-count=100.

Q1: why doesn't pacemaker put the IP on ali, where all the rest of it's 
group lives?
Q2: why doesn't pacemaker try to start the IP on ali, after max 
failcount had been reached on baba?
Q3: why is crm_mon showing the IP as "started", when it's down after 
10 tries?

Thanks :)

config (some parts removed):
node ali
node baba

primitive res_drbd ocf:linbit:drbd \
params drbd_resource="r0" \
op stop interval="0" timeout="100" \
op start interval="0" timeout="240" \
op promote interval="0" timeout="90" \
op demote interval="0" timeout="90" \
op notify interval="0" timeout="90" \
op monitor interval="40" role="Slave" timeout="20" \
op monitor interval="20" role="Master" timeout="20"
primitive res_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/drbd_mnt" fstype="ext4" \
op monitor interval="30s"
primitive res_hamysql_ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
params ip="XXX.XXX.XXX.224" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="23" \
op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s" depth="0"
primitive res_mysql lsb:mysql \
op start interval="0" timeout="15" \
op stop interval="0" timeout="15" \
op monitor start-delay="30" interval="15" time-out="15"

group gr_mysqlgroup res_fs res_mysql res_hamysql_ip \
meta target-role="Started"
ms ms_drbd res_drbd \
	meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" 
clone-node-max="1" notify="true"

colocation col_fs_on_drbd_master inf: res_fs:Started ms_drbd:Master

order ord_drbd_master_then_fs inf: ms_drbd:promote res_fs:start

property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
dc-version="1.0.9-74392a28b7f31d7ddc86689598bd23114f58978b" \
cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
stonith-enabled="false" \
no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
expected-quorum-votes="2" \

crm_mon -rnf (some parts removed):
Node ali: online
res_fs  (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem) Started
res_mysql   (lsb:mysql) Started
res_drbd:0  (ocf::linbit:drbd) Master
Node baba: online
res_hamysql_ip  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2) Started
res_drbd:1  (ocf::linbit:drbd) Slave

Inactive resources:

Migration summary:

* Node baba:
   res_hamysql_ip: migration-threshold=100 fail-count=100

Failed actions:
res_hamysql_ip_stop_0 (node=a891vl107s, call=35, rc=1, 
status=complete): unknown error

pengine: [1223]: WARN: should_dump_input: Ignoring requirement that 
res_hamysql_ip_stop_0 comeplete before gr_mysqlgroup_stopped_0: 
unmanaged failed resources cannot prevent shutdown

pengine: [1223]: WARN: should_dump_input: Ignoring requirement that 
res_hamysql_ip_stop_0 comeplete before gr_mysqlgroup_stopped_0: 
unmanaged failed resources cannot prevent shutdown

corosync 1.2.1-4
drbd8-utils 2:8.3.7-2.1
(for some reason it's not possible to update at this time)

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Re: [ClusterLabs] Antw: group resources not grouped ?!?

2015-10-07 Thread zulucloud

On 10/07/2015 04:46 PM, Ulrich Windl wrote:

zulucloud <> schrieb am 07.10.2015 um 16:12 in Nachricht


i got a problem i don't understand, maybe someone can give me a hint.

My 2-node cluster (named ali and baba) is configured to run mysql, an IP
for mysql and the filesystem resource (on drbd master) together as a
GROUP. After doing some crash-tests i ended up having filesystem and
mysql running happily on one host (ali), and the related IP on the other
(baba)  although, the IP's not really up and running, crm_mon just
SHOWS it as started there. In fact it's nowhere up, neither on ali nor
on baba.

Then it's most likely a bug in the resource agent. To make sure, try "crm resource 
reprobe" and be patient after that for some seconds. Then recheck the displayed 

In the meantime i already did a "resource cleanup res_hamysql_ip". The 
failcounts etc. disappeared. After that a "start gr_mysqlgroup" started 
everything without a hassle on the correct node.

crm_mon shows that pacemaker tried to start it on baba, but gave up
after fail-count=100.

This could mean: Multiple start attempty failed, as did stop attempts, so the 
cluster thinks it might be running. It looks very much like a configuration 
problem to me.

Q1: why doesn't pacemaker put the IP on ali, where all the rest of it's
group lives?

See the log files in detail.

Well, they're quite verbose and a little bit cryptic...;) I didn't find 
anything what could enlighten that for me...

Q2: why doesn't pacemaker try to start the IP on ali, after max
failcount had been reached on baba?

Do you have fencing enabled?

No. These are 2 virtual machines running together with some other vm's 
on 2 physical VMWare servers. Could you give me a suggestion on how to 
implement fencing in that situation?


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