Hi all,

It's hard to believe, but we're only a month away from the first
release candidate for Pacemaker 2.1.5!

One highlight of the new release is enhancements to CIB Access Control
Lists (ACLs).

First, we finally have support for ACLs for system groups. Previously,
the group syntax was accepted but ignored. Now, you can define ACLs for
a system group, and it will apply to all users in that group.

Second, ACL user and group names were previously restricted to unique
XML IDs. This made it impossible to have a resource and an ACL user
with the same name. Now, the ACL syntax will accept an optional "name"
attribute to use instead of the XML ID. If no name is specified, it
will continue to use the XML ID, maintaining backward compatibility.

The release will also have a few other small features and a bunch of
bug fixes, including multiple regression fixes.
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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