XSP Request-param through sunrise portal

2003-07-07 Thread Maxime.Gheysen
I have the default sunrise portal. 
In the login pipeline I added a XSP-page between the Login page
(login.xml) and the sunrise-user.xsl.

In the surise-user.xml I have the following code and this parameter
works fine.
xsl:param name=name/ 

But in But in my XSP page I cannot request the name field from
login.xml. The code is :
  String myUser = request.getParameter(name); 

thanks for any help.

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Re: Form encoding problem in cocoon 2.0.4

2003-07-07 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Hello Charlene,

this is configured in the sitemap in the map:serializers/. Simply add an 


map:serializer name=html src=org.apache.cocoon
This has the same effect as the xsl:output encoding=/ declaration in the 
stylesheet, which is used normally, but should not be used in Cocoon.


Yan, Charlene wrote:

My case was that I called cocoon from another web application.  I had to
set the encoding of the calling html page to ISO-8859-1.  Now I'm using a
htnl page generated by Cocoon.  The default meta tag is META
http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8.  How or
where can I change it to ISO-8859-1 from UTF-8?  I've changed the
encoding of form.xml, simple-page3html.xsl and sitemap.xmap to
ISO-8859-1.  It didn't help.  What is the source code that sets the meta
tag?  More specifically, I'm using Cocoon 2.1 M2.  you can go to
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/mail/sendmail/new.html.  On this
page, the meta is set to UTF-8.  I need to have it changed to ISO-8859-1
to have some accented characters encoded correctly.
Thanks in advance for any help.


-Original Message- From: Joerg Heinicke
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 1:42 PM To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Form encoding problem in cocoon
Sorry, but: please don't do this!!

Even if ISO-8859-1 is the correct encoding, you shall not add the META
 tag by hand. The serializer does it for you. So you will simply set the
 serializer's encoding to ISO-8859-1.
But UTF-8 is a super set of ISO-8859-1, so there should be no problem 
when using it. The working text inputs show this. Now file inputs: 
Why do they depend on the form encoding? Shouldn't they simply allow to 
upload a file? Am I missing something?


Yan, Charlene wrote:

I had encoding problems with accented characters too.  Put META
http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 in
your html.  iso-8859-1 is the correct one.


-Original Message- From: Vitor Rui Moreira
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 1:10 PM To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Form encoding problem in cocoon 2.0.4

I'm having a little problem about form encoding. First of all, let me
describe the development environment: - Tomcat 4.1.24 - Cocoon 2.0.4 -
RedHat 9
Now, the problem: I've got a webpage, which has a form inside. There
are several input fields, mostly of type text. There is also a input
field of type file. If i click on the submit button, i'll go other
page (a xsp one), which displays the contents of the parameters (passed
through request and sitemap). While the values of the input which have
the type text are correct, the field which has the file type isn't.
The error occurs when i use accents (éèá, etc). I'm using UTF-8
encoding on all pages.
My tries to solve the problem: 1) changed the web.xml file of cocoon 
($TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/web.xml), which i included the 
form-encoding parameter to UTF-8 2) on the same file, i've tried to
set the container-encoding value to UTF-8 (ok, i'm almost
desesperating! ;-))

My opinion: Since the text type works correctly and the file type
doesn't, i suspect that the form-encoding is not so right after
all... but it's only my opinion, based on my cocoon's ignorance... ;-)
Critical features: 1) i just can't upgrade the cocoon engine because
i've got legacy applications running on that... at least, i can't
change right now... :-(
F1 wanted! If anyone could help me, i'd appreciate!!



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Re: Custom Logic Sheets: Request Parameters in Nested tags

2003-07-07 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Remove the apostrophes:

xsl:variable name=id
  request:get-parameter name=template-id/

Chintalapaty, Sreedhar wrote:

I am trying to develop a tag that would 
  - Get a parameter called template-id from the request
  - Fetch the template with that template-id from an XML config file

Here's is how I am trying to accomplish it:

!-- = --
!-- Fetch the template matching tempalte-id in Request --
xsl:template match=gvs:fetch-template
  !-- Get template-id --
  xsl:variable name=id'request:get-parameter name=template-id/'/xsl:variable
  xsl:variable name=query-template
   xsl:call-template name=get-template
 xsl:with-param name=id select=$id/
  xsl:value-of select=$query-template/  
!-- Get Query Template from queries.xml, given its ID --
xsl:template name=get-template
  xsl:param name=id/
  xsl:variable name=query-template 
  xsl:value-of select=normalize-space($query-template)/
!-- = --

For reasons that I cannot think of, this does NOT work!

Interestingly, the following tag (which is essentially the !-- Get template-id -- section of the fetch-template tag) will correctly read the template-id from the request: 

!-- Get the Template ID from Request --
xsl:template match=gvs:get-it
  xsl:variable name=id'request:get-parameter name=template-id/'/xsl:variable
  xsl:copy-of select=$id/   
Also, If set the template-id to a static value in the fetch-template tag, it will return the correct template from the XML file.

So the questions I have are:
1. How can I get this to work? Are there any other suggested methods?
2. Why does the tag fail as it exists?
I'd be grateful for any answers/pointers to the manuals/old threads, etc. :)


PS: I am using Cocoon 2.0.4 with Tomcat 4.1 and Java 2 SE 1.3.1_07-b02

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Re: sql transform

2003-07-07 Thread Joerg Heinicke
There are 2 independent technologies:
1. SQLTransformer
2. ESQL Logicsheet (the XSP)
They are completely independent and it's possible (I don't know, I never 
used one of them) that SQLTransformer does not support skip-rows.


Bruno Pierre wrote:

I don't understand why tag like
are ignored by the sql transform call in the sitemap.xmap by
map:transform type=sql
  map:parameter name=use-connection value=personnel/
Does it work only in xsp file?

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Re: Custom Logic Sheets: Request Parameters in Nested tags

2003-07-07 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Can you provide more details? Sitemap, XML, queries.xml, ...


Chintalapaty, Sreedhar wrote:


Thanks for your response.

I had it without the apostrophes earlier; in both cases, however, the results are identical... :(


-Original Message-
From:   Joerg Heinicke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Mon 7/7/2003 3:53 PM
Subject:Re: Custom Logic Sheets: Request Parameters in Nested tags
Remove the apostrophes:

xsl:variable name=id
   request:get-parameter name=template-id/

Chintalapaty, Sreedhar wrote:


I am trying to develop a tag that would 
 - Get a parameter called template-id from the request
 - Fetch the template with that template-id from an XML config file

Here's is how I am trying to accomplish it:

!-- = --
!-- Fetch the template matching tempalte-id in Request --
xsl:template match=gvs:fetch-template
 !-- Get template-id --
 xsl:variable name=id'request:get-parameter name=template-id/'/xsl:variable
 xsl:variable name=query-template
  xsl:call-template name=get-template
xsl:with-param name=id select=$id/
 xsl:value-of select=$query-template/   
!-- Get Query Template from queries.xml, given its ID --
xsl:template name=get-template
 xsl:param name=id/
 xsl:variable name=query-template 
 xsl:value-of select=normalize-space($query-template)/
!-- = --

For reasons that I cannot think of, this does NOT work!

Interestingly, the following tag (which is essentially the !-- Get template-id -- section of the fetch-template tag) will correctly read the template-id from the request: 

!-- Get the Template ID from Request --
xsl:template match=gvs:get-it
 xsl:variable name=id'request:get-parameter name=template-id/'/xsl:variable
 xsl:copy-of select=$id/
Also, If set the template-id to a static value in the fetch-template tag, it will return the correct template from the XML file.

So the questions I have are:
1. How can I get this to work? Are there any other suggested methods?
2. Why does the tag fail as it exists?
I'd be grateful for any answers/pointers to the manuals/old threads, etc. :)


PS: I am using Cocoon 2.0.4 with Tomcat 4.1 and Java 2 SE 1.3.1_07-b02

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Re: Newbie In Peril

2003-07-07 Thread Adam Flegman
Thanks Nuno,

Wow it looks much simpler than what I thought it would be. 

I have to finish the client side of the site first and then get on to the
administator/maintenance side which is definitely going to require this
authorisation mechanism.

Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou!

You have saved me a so much time and a lot of stress.


Adam Flegman - Senior Software Engineer

Mobile: (0414) 375 735
Phone: (07) 5547 8530
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Re: Newbie In Peril

2003-07-07 Thread Adam Flegman
Hi Nuno,

I tried to reply a few moments ago but yahoo mail was in an invalid state. I
just hope you don't get 4-5 thankyou emails from me.

Your solution makes it look so simple. I was thinking it was going to be very
very hard and complicated to solve. I am only just begging to understand how
powerful the sitemap is.

I have to finish the client side of the application first before I can look at
the administrator side of the web site. The administration side will definitely
need to use the solution you have so generously provided.

Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou!

You have saved me so much time and stress. I hope that one day I will know
enough about cocoon to also be able to give something back to new user's of


Adam Flegman - Senior Software Engineer

Mobile: (0414) 375 735
Phone: (07) 5547 8530
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