Re: Cocoon Productivity

2007-05-30 Thread Fergus McMenemie
As a new adopter of cocoon, I beg to differ from some of what
I have read regarding documentation. Referring to cocoon 
version 2.1, it comes with lots and lots docs and examples. I
really do not think we are dealing with a lack of documentation
or examples. Rather it's a case of knocking what already exists
into shape. Especially the examples.

IMHO the examples need to be "rewritten" so that they function at
two levels. Firstly, they should be shiny examples of cocoon
functionality when played with via the browser. Secondly, each
example should be totally standalone in its own sitemap, suitable
for lifting from cocoon distribution and used as a template for
new users getting started with cocoon. Individually the examples
do fine at the first point, although cumulatively they are a rather
disorganised mish-mash. At the second level it is a significant
task for a new user to disentangle a demo application, that almost
does what they need, from other related demos that share sitemaps,
resources and other dependencies. I also suspect that a number
of examples reflect practices which are now deprecated. Deprecated
examples should be removed, there's nothing worse than getting
your head around one method only to be told it's a dead technique
and something else should be used instead.

The coverage of documentation is patchy, some bits are quite well
covered other bits rather poorly. When it is good it is very good.
The general overviews, concepts and simple stuff is fine, but the
detail of serializers, generators, generators and actions etc is
where major problems really start to appear. Far to vague and in some
cases unintuitive. I have not seen anyone else pointing it out, but
after a day or two I was really struck by the fact that conceptually
pipelines are not pipelines in any common understanding of the term;
rather matchers are the pipelines! This sort of thing is very 
counter intuitive. Systems that are intuitive require a lot less

On another level, and this is my experience of other leading edge
technologies, I think we/you need to consider what it is your users
really need. A well done body of documentation will always lag behind
any rapidly moving software development activity. Documentation that
is out of date is next to useless. So what do you do? Slow down the
developers and force them to support or wait for those doing the 
documentation? Or accept that documentation will never catch up with
the leading edge and find another way. I think there is a second way
and that is tons of complete working, and documented examples. Such
examples should at the same time be examples of the leading edge and
best practice. A good clear and relevant example will always get you
70% of where you need to be. Having got that far you can generally
figure out the rest using the wiki and other resources.

Regards Fergus.

Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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Re: install cocoon

2007-05-09 Thread Fergus McMenemie
At 21:30 +0100 9/5/07, Fergus McMenemie wrote:
>Best users,
>I have three question:
>Does anybody know a 'good' tutorial about Cocoon forms besides the
>one on cocoon apache website?.  P.s. Any tutorial is of course welcome :)

Have you completely mined the examples that come with cocoon?
It is slightly out of date, but I found the following very useful:-



Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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Beginner, having bother using a parameter

2007-04-19 Thread Fergus McMenemie
Another beginner problem. Would somebody please point
out where I am going wrong with the following:-

The parameter xpathexp is not being seen by my generator.





Thanks in advance fergus.


Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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Re: Caching output from xpathdirectory generator

2007-04-17 Thread Fergus McMenemie
Thanks all,

The change suggested by Joerg works fine. As a result of the correspondance
my current understanding of caching pipelines, is that while caching
keys etc accumulate down the pipeline the actual data is only cached
at the end of the pipeline or after the last cache-able component.

However, while Joer's rewrite works, I would prefer to keep everything
together within the one matcher statement if possible. Is anybody able
to point me to any examples, explanations or docs on the use of
"caching-point"s in cocoon 2.1.10?

Also, while not essential for the moment, I would like to understand
how I could arrange for these and other caches to held or checkpointed
to disk. Is all this a read and understand the code exercise?

>On 10.04.2007 17:49, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
>> Even though, all components from your pipeline are cacheable you are 
>> right. Generator is called each time you change sort order.
>> It is that way because "caching" pipeline gives "all or nothing" 
>> caching. It means that, if some component in the pipeline must be 
>> executed again it is done so for all components from the pipeline.
>Are you sure? I have always lived in confidence on component wise 
>caching starting at the beginning of the pipeline. If something prevents 
>using cached output of transformer 3, but all up to that one is ok, 
>cached output of transformer 2 is used. The sample seems to prove that 
>wrong. Probably it just never made a difference for us as when there was 
>something uncacheable or uncached it was the generator anyway.
>But what about the following change then?
>  value="/car/colour|/car/model|/car/year"/>


Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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Re: [GT2007] [VOTE] Conference location + time

2007-04-12 Thread Fergus McMenemie

>Please cast your votes on both the location and the time for this year's 
>Cocoon GetTogether conference:
C) England, London / Norwich

B) Beginning of October ("between the holidays season and ApacheCon")


Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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Re: Caching output from xpathdirectory generator

2007-04-10 Thread Fergus McMenemie
>Even though, all components from your pipeline are cacheable you are 
>right. Generator is called each time you change sort order.
>It is that way because "caching" pipeline gives "all or nothing" 
>caching. It means that, if some component in the pipeline must be 
>executed again it is done so for all components from the pipeline.
>It is odd situation, and I suggest to use "caching-point" which will 
>reuse output from directory generator thus perform much better.
>Grzegorz Kossakowski

Thanks Grzegorz,

Are you able to point me to any examples, explanations or docs on
the use of "caching-point"s in cocoon 2.1.10?

Regards Fergus. 


Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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Caching output from xpathdirectory generator

2007-04-10 Thread Fergus McMenemie
Hi all,

Beginner question!

I have a directory containing some 1000 xml documents,
each of which describes a car. I use the xpathdirectory
generator to extract some elements about each car. The
directory is then displayed to the user in a series of
columns with one row per car or file. I have column headers
which allow the  output to be reordered as per the content
of a particular column.

I suspect that the directory is being reparsed for each 
different sortby value. It takes ages. I would like to
be able to cache the output from the directory parsing
irrespective of different values of sortby. How do I do it?

Also I intend to do a lot of this type of thing. How do I
arrange for my caches to be saved to disk?


Regards Fergus.

Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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installing cocoon docs

2007-02-15 Thread Fergus McMenemie
Please forgive this beginners question:-

   The cocoon download page contains tar-balls for the source
   distribution and for the docs. When expanded the docs tar
   ball contains:-

[bigmac24:~/packages/cocoon-docs] fergus% ls -alF
total 208
drwxr-xr-x7 fergus  fergus 238 Dec 22 00:29 ./
drwxr-xr-x8 fergus  fergus 272 Feb 15 15:34 ../
drwxr-xr-x   64 fergus  fergus2176 Dec 22 00:28 2.1/
-rw-r--r--1 fergus  fergus  31 Dec 22 00:29 broken-links.xml
drwxr-xr-x   13 fergus  fergus 442 Dec 22 00:28 images/
-rw-r--r--1 fergus  fergus  101173 Dec 22 00:03 linkmap.html
drwxr-xr-x   25 fergus  fergus 850 Dec 22 00:28 skin/

   I need a clue what to do with this. I assume that it is
   to be plugged into the core cocoon application somehow
   but having spent ages going through the install docs I
   have found nothing that explains what I need to do.

   Thanks In advance... Fergus...

Fergus McMenemie   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Techmore Ltd   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets Analyst Programmer

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