Hello, I am new in cocoon. Right now I try to understand how cache worked in cocoon and want to configure the persistent store. I already search around in internet and mailing list. And I found that other people asking this question too like this:
http://www.mail-archive.com/users@cocoon.apache.org/msg46258.html and this: http://www.mail-archive.com/users@cocoon.apache.org/msg46247.html Until now there is no answer for this problem. I try to figure it out alone how it is but I just can't. So I'm trying to asked again in this mailing list. This site Explain that in Cocoon 2.2 there is a change about using cocoon.xconf http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/core-modules/core/2.2/1259_1_1.html the cocoon 2.2 example project doesn't have a cocoon.xconf file to. Now I really need to know and understand, how can I configure the caching persistence store. Can someone give me a small example of how to configure cocoon to use the for example FileSystemStore? I cannot find any documentation for cocoon 2.2, only for older versions. I don't know in which files the configuration should be placed. I Thank you all in advanced. Regards, Arthur