What kind of portlets? Cocoon supports JSR-168, WSRP as well as Cocoon
portlets (essentially, cocoon pipelines that are rendered as portlets).
The best way to learn about Cocoon is to look at the portal sample site.
The minimum steps to add your own portlet depend on what kind it is.
JSR-168 portlets are war files and should be placed in the servlet
container's webapp directory (Cocoon now comes with a deployer, but I
haven't worked with it yet). You then have to define the portlet in
copletdata/portal.xml, the instances of it in
copletinstancedata/portal.xml and then reference it in a page in
If you are deploying JSR-168 portlets they require that Cross-context
sessions be enabled.
So, to deploy a Cocoon pipeline as a portlet define the pipeline in
copletdata/portal.xml, reference it in copletinstancedata.xml, and then
specify on what page, column and row it is to appear in layout/portal.xml
i´m new to this list so first greetings @ all.
i´ve searched a lot in the web but i´ve found no information about
cocoon portal and "starting from scratch". that means not to rewrite
all functionality but i´ve started a subapplication in cocoon and want
to use the portal framework.
so what are the minimum necessary steps to
build up a portal page with 2 portlets (static content is enough to
experiment with it) without authentification and all other features ?
thanks for any help
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