Re: rcrun reload

2011-02-04 Thread Chris Turner

Pierre Abbat wrote:
I modified a script so that it takes the reload argument, which the program 
supports, and then tried to use it:


How come rcrun reload doesn't work?

looks like rcrun itself doesn't support reload -

 usage: rcrun

I'd suggest using either the 'restart' target or maybe 'faststart'
in your tor rc script to do the reload -
alternately you could of course run:

/etc/rc.d/tor reload

directly as you demonstrated.

the rc scripts themselves are shell scripts so the usual

sh -x script args

to trace execution, etc. should apply -

for example:

sh -x /sbin/rcrun reload tor

to see the details of the particular error you saw

main ones are /sbin/rcrun as you have found,
/etc/rc, and /etc/rc.subr (common subroutines)

of course the usual rc, rc.conf, rcorder, rcrun,
etc. manual pages are a good place to look as well
as of course the dragonfly handbook

although the associated 'rcrun' managment scripts
are a dragonfly creation, The rc.d infrastructure
originally comes from NetBSD -
which has some good docs which are mostly applicable -

there's also a PDF about the design as well as the
evolution / history from which is quite excellent
in the above URL

ok. I stop the blabbing. As someone who has had
to try and package SysV init S  K softlinkk configurations,
I get a bit exited about rcng and tend to ramble.

cheers and good luck

- Chris

Packages for pkgsrc-2010Q4 built

2011-02-04 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
The uploads are finally complete for binary packages on Avalon.  I think
each of the package-building machines crashed at least once during the
process, but thanks to Matt and Mike and others, they were restarted/fixed

I've changed the links on avalon, so pkg_radd for DragonFly 2.8 and
DragonFly 2.9 will now download pkgsrc-2010Q4 packages.  There's lots of

i386/DragonFly-2.8/pkgsrc-2010Q4 9406
i386/DragonFly-2.9/pkgsrc-2010Q4 9406
x86_64/DragonFly-2.9/pkgsrc-2010Q4   8900
x86_64/DragonFly-2.8/pkgsrc-2010Q4   8917

If you get errors asking for a new pkg_install, see the Update pkgsrc
system packages section on the pkgsrc page on the DragonFly BSD site:

(Even if you don't, it's still good information.)

I haven't tested this too heavily, but it may be possible to upgrade
packages automagically with 'pkg_radd -uv packagename'.  This may work
better with packages that have less dependencies.  i.e. upgrading Vim may
work, all of KDE won't.

Make sure that your /usr/pkgsrc is on the pkgsrc-2010Q4 branch so that
everything matches.  Check with 'cd /usr/pkgsrc; git branch'.  If you're
on an earlier branch, switch with 'git branch pkgsrc-2010Q4; git pull'. 
(I think; someone correct me if it's wrong.)  If you're on pkgsrc master,
stick with it unless it's from before 2011, in which case switching to
pkgsrc-2010Q4 won't be any trouble.

About pkgsrc-current:  I'm cobbling together a system to build
pkgsrc-current on DragonFly-current.  Max Rotvel kindly contributed a CPU,
and the last item I need now is some DDR2 RAM.  If you're willing to
donate 2x 2G sticks, please mail me.

(I've been building pkgsrc-current on a VM very nicely contributed by Jan
Lentfer.  However, I'd like to have something I can physically reach when
it has trouble, and has a bit more horsepower.)