Re: Notifications

2018-03-25 Thread bilbosax
Thanks Erik, much appreciated.  Got a lot of reading to do.

Sent from:

Re: Notifications

2018-03-25 Thread Erik Thomas
This is where I suggest you start reading:

Push notifications, as you've no doubt seen in other apps, are for summary 
information about an event, like a new property that meets their criteria as 
you said. I believe the rule of thumb is you have 37 characters in the content 
of the notification plus a title and on iOS you have a subtitle. Larger devices 
can display more, but 37 is the magic number for iPhone 5 and smaller android 

When the user's app is closed or in the background, a notification will play a 
sound, show a banner with a title and the short message, and you can update the 
banner on the app's icon to show there are unread notifications. You can send a 
listing id in the PN. When the user taps the banner, your app will launch and 
your app's PN listener will execute and you can do what you want with the 
listing id. Pull that data and navigate to the view.

Keep in mind people will turn off PNs for your app if you hit them too often. 
Best to throttle notifications if their search criteria will result in sending 
dozens of notifications a day. Limit to just a few per day to prevent them from 
turning them off for your app, or uninstalling your app and installing Trulia 
instead. ;-)


Re: Notifications

2018-03-24 Thread bilbosax
Erik, as always, I really appreciate your help.  That post will be an
excellent starting point for me when I am ready to go.

I have a question regarding notifications since I have never toyed with
them.  Do you only push the fact that you have something to show the user,
and then when a user opens the app, your app retrieves whatever information
you want to show them from your database? Or, can you actually push a lot of
information in a notification?

My app is a real estate app.  I want to send notifications to users when a
new property that meets their search criteria hits the market.  I don't know
if I can push all the property data through a notification, or if I can only
alert them that a property meets their criteria, but my app needs to pull
that data once the app is opened???


Sent from:

Re: Notifications

2018-03-24 Thread Erik J. Thomas
Hey Bilbo:

This is a big subject. There is no simple way, but there are hard ways and 
less-hard ways to do this. I suggest you don't write your own PN providers for 
Apple and Google as that's a big project. 

The simplest way we found (and expect this to take you a few days to get 
completely working the way you want it) was to use an ANE that is dedicated to 
using OneSignal which is a FREE push notifications service that will get you 
Android and iOS support relatively easily.

We use this ANE and it's very solid.

You have to carefully read the Wiki instructions on the ANE's github because 
there's a LOT to configuring your custom app descriptor file to support both 
google and apple PNs.

In a nutshell:

For each app, in your Apple developer account certificates page, open your app 
ID and add push notifications support and generate a production APN 
certificate, save and generate your provisioning profile, replacing your old 
one, and export the PN certificate, double click it to get into your keychain, 
then open keychain access and export the public and private keys as a p12. 
You'll need that for OneSignal.

In OneSignal -

Sign up for a free account, and add your applications. Configure the iOS first, 
and upload your p12. Then configure your Android if using, but you have to get 
a Google Firebase account here: (, and 
create your apps there and copy two keys from Firebase to OneSignal for each 
one. This could take you a while to grok if you haven't worked with firebase 

In the app, if you will blast PNs to all users, you can set up OneSignal to 
just send to active and inactive users. If you want to send to users based on 
any information about that user, you need to register a push token for each 
user during the ANE initialization by creating a service endpoint and hitting 
the API with the push token the ANE generates along with some logged in user 
id. Then you have full capability to send PNs to individuals who meet some 
criteria. Or you can set up segments on OneSignal but that comes with it's own 
headaches because you have to do it manually. OneSignal is free and has APIs 
you can call to send, but no APIs to configure things like user segments. 
You're better off using your own logic and sending to specific users by push 

Be glad there is this ANE, and OneSignal though, because it's harder to do 
native, and especially if you create your own PN service providers. 
Theoretically you can do PNs from AIR directly, we went down that road at first 
and decided it was simpler to use the ANE that wraps the OneSignal native SDK. 
It hides a lot of complexity.

If you decide to go this route, I'm willing to share some source code and 
config settings with you. 

Have fun!



On Mar 24, 2018, at 12:32 PM, bilbosax <> wrote:

I am about to release my first three apps on the App Store.  I am already
thinking about my first program modifications.  I will immediately need to
provide a notification system in my app to let people know when new
properties hit the market.  I have never looked into notifications on AIR
yet.  Do most of you use some sort of service, an ANE, or do you program
notifications manually???

Thanks for any insights!

Sent from:


2018-03-24 Thread bilbosax
I am about to release my first three apps on the App Store.  I am already
thinking about my first program modifications.  I will immediately need to
provide a notification system in my app to let people know when new
properties hit the market.  I have never looked into notifications on AIR
yet.  Do most of you use some sort of service, an ANE, or do you program
notifications manually???

Thanks for any insights!

Sent from:

Re: Problem with push notifications Entitlements

2013-04-22 Thread Swen van Zanten
Okay….. I've got it to work… :D

It was all about the correct Certificates -_-'

Met vriendelijke groet,

Hoofdstraat 160
2171 BL, Sassenheim

Op 22 apr. 2013, om 14:23 heeft Swen van Zanten het volgende 

 I'm having problems getting push notification to work with flex mobile.
 I have everything setup in my application following this tutorial [1] and 
 when i'm going to install the app on my devices FB gives this error.
 Error occurred while installing the application:
 Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed.
 When I take away the Entitlements part in my app descriptor is will install 
 But then off course the debugger gives me the error of the missing 
 pas-environment string.
 I've tried to use compiling with swf-version=17, 18  19.
 I've tried renewing my certificates en Provisioning profiles.
 And stuff like that… What else can I do to make it work.. Or tell me what I 
 can do..
 Met vriendelijke groet,
 Hoofdstraat 160
 2171 BL, Sassenheim