Re: [libreoffice-users] Does Collabora support IPV6 environments?

2018-01-09 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Stefan,

On 07/01/18 20:29, Stefan Veith wrote:
> I started testing Collabora V3 (CODE) to integrate online office into my
> nextcloud.
> My Nextcloud is only reachable via IPV6 from the internet because my cable
> ISP (Unitymedia) provides internet access via DSLite (Dual Stack Lite with
> carrier grade NAT)
> I dit not find any solution to bind loolwsd to an IPV6 address. Loolwsd is
> only listening on the IPV4.

As it happens, I implemented IPv6 support this this afternoon to keep
my mind alive between tasks ;-) Testing much appreciated, please do pick
the patch from online master; the default should be both IPv4 + IPv6

All the best,


-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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[libreoffice-users] Calc Improvements Statistics

2018-01-09 Thread jorge Rodríguez

Hi Olivier and all:

        After to classified the improvements make into Calc or 
LibreOffice related with Calc, from LibreOffice  4.2 to LibreOffice 5.4, 
this are the statistics about Calc:

   Introducing Calc : //_/19 Improvements/_

   Entering, Editing, and Formatting Data: _/14 Improvements/_

   Using Charts and Graphs: _/6 Improvements/_

   Using Styles and Templates: _/2 Improvements/_

   Using Graphics in Calc: _/2 Improvements/_

   Printing, Exporting, & E-mailing: _/8 Improvements/_

   Formulas and Functions: _/27 Improvements/_

   Using Pivot Tables: _4 Improvements_

   Data Analysis: _/1 Improvement/_

   Setting Up & Customizing Calc: _/5 Improvements/_

   Out of Topics: _/23 Improvements/_

Total Improvements : 111

Those improvements commented not include Macro because I don't 
understand them very well. In Out of Topic, we can find some about Color 
Pallet, Math and others improvements like that.

I'm going to classified the 6.0 improvements and then I will communicate 
the results.

You can see a details of the classified made in :

Those classified were made to try to update in next time the Calc Book 
6.0. If someone want to join to us to contribute to do it , you are 
welcome. Regards, Jorge Rodríguez

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