Re: [libreoffice-users] Automatically generating and updating many similar documents

2018-02-14 Thread Jean-Francois Nifenecker

Hi Steve!

Le 15/02/2018 à 04:40, Steve Edmonds a écrit :

Thanks so much for that.
This allows me to make abridged (some parts left out) manuals by just
picking the sections I want from a complete manual and all numbering and
table of contents adjusts correctly.

Hmm. Cross references don't necessarily survive.

For this need, you should use another trick with sections: hiding 
sections according to the context (some variable/user field value). One 
single document with several possible outputs.

This is very well described by Bruce Byfield in his book "Designing with 
LibreOffice" (see "Hiding with sections", p187 sqq)

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Automatically generating and updating many similar documents

2018-02-14 Thread Steve Edmonds

Thanks so much for that.
This allows me to make abridged (some parts left out) manuals by just 
picking the sections I want from a complete manual and all numbering and 
table of contents adjusts correctly.

Hmm. Cross references don't necessarily survive.


On 11/02/18 06:15, Jean-Francois Nifenecker wrote:

Hello R.

Le 04/02/2018 à 11:52, R. Diez a écrit :

A friend of mine writes datasheets and user manuals for many similar
devices with Microsoft Word 2010. Many sections (legalese, company logo,
some device features) are exactly the same across many documents.

Maintaining so many copies of the same text is a pain. If you want to
fix or enhance something, you have to manually update many copies in
many documents. Just to clarify: these are not just short database
fields, but complete text sections with subsections, full formatting, 

This is a quite common need. LibO Writer has a helper for that: linked 

In LibO Writer a Section is just that: a text portion which can be set 
differently from the other parts of the text. For instance, using a 
section allows to have a multi-columns part between full width text 

Here, we're using the section links possibilities.

1. Create a new document using Writer and put in it each an every 
recurring piece of text. Format that text exactly as you wish it to 

2. Enclose each piece of text within its own section:
-- select the text
-- menu Insert > Section
3. Give the section a nameful name and that's it (click Insert).
You notice that the section is surrounded with pale grey lines. When 
the cursor is in the section, the status bar shows the section name 
(on the right).

Save the document (probably better have it in some fixed place as it 
will be used as a reference by the others.)

Let's say its name is RefDoc.odt

Open a document which must contain some text part as the one stored in 
RefDoc.odt. Let's call it Target.odt.

Open Target.odt
1. Create an empty section here also.
Put the cursor in some empty paragraph, the Insert > Section
2. Give the section a nameful name
3. Go to the dialog Link area and check Link.
Use the Browse button and select RefDoc.odt created above.
4. In the Section list you see the list of the sections present in 
RefDoc.odt. Select the wanted section. Click Insert

You're done! The new Target.odt section now holds the reference text, 
including its formatting.

Note that the new section in Target.odt may be password protected. 
This might be of interest when manipulating legal documents for instance.

From now on, any change in the source RefDoc.odt sections text will be 
propagated to the linked section of the target documents.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Save auto recovery information

2018-02-14 Thread Peter Hillier-Brook
On 14/02/18 20:42, Steve Edmonds wrote:
> Is it possible to make this setting on a per-document basis.
> It is a real interruption editing one document with 8-10 others open for
> reference only, that all auto-save and stop you editing the working
> document.
> It would also be useful then to turn auto-save off for reference
> documents so they are not accidentally altered.
> If not, possible enhancement. An auto-save on/off toggle in a top or
> bottom bar for easy reference and switching.

Just a guess, but why not open the "reference only" documents as read
only? I imagine that LibreOffice will not auto save such documents, but
if it does I would suggest that that's a bug.

Peter HB

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[libreoffice-users] Save auto recovery information

2018-02-14 Thread Steve Edmonds

Is it possible to make this setting on a per-document basis.
It is a real interruption editing one document with 8-10 others open for 
reference only, that all auto-save and stop you editing the working 

It would also be useful then to turn auto-save off for reference 
documents so they are not accidentally altered.

If not, possible enhancement. An auto-save on/off toggle in a top or 
bottom bar for easy reference and switching.


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[libreoffice-users] LibO Themes

2018-02-14 Thread toki

Can somebody test this for me?

Using LibreOffice

Close Libreoffice

In ~/users/gallery/Persona add the following files:
* header.png (3000 x 200 @ 200 dpi);
* footer.png (3000 x 100 @ 200 dpi);
* preview.png (67 x 200 dpi);

Open LibreOffice.
Tell me what changes you see in LibreOffice.


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