[libreoffice-users] Disallow ignoring locks

2022-07-18 Thread Andrea Venturoli


In latest versions, when a user opens a file that another user has 
already opened, there are several options: Notify, Open Read Only, Open 
(ignoring lock), etc...

Can "Open" (ignoring lock) be disallowed in some way?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] CSV import trouble (numbers & locale) [Solved]

2019-05-07 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 2019-04-24 05:43, Drew Jensen wrote:

But if doing it in that order does is not working on the MAC then I 
would say yes you should open an issue in the bug tracker.

I'm writing just to report the status, after some test:

_ on a Mac with 6.2.0 I had no problem;
_ on another Mac with 6.2.1 I had the problem I described;
_ after upgading the latter to 6.2.3, everything is working fine.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] CSV import trouble (numbers & locale)

2019-04-23 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 4/23/19 10:39 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:

IMHO the issue could be related to the cell format, either to the number
of decimals or to the thousands separator. In any case, the cell format
can be tweaked.

Thanks for your answer.
However I'm not sure what you mean here:

_ tweaking on the CSV side? Sure I can, but I'd rather not: the file has 
other uses, besides being importe in LibreOffice; also it's already 
correct (for some definition of correct, i.e. English locale);

_ tweaking during import? I don't see any option to choose decimal 
separator; only locale setting, which, as I said, does not work.

_ settings decimal separator globally? This is not what my customer 
wants: she wants to work with Italian locale, but be able to import this 
single file with dot as decimal separator; the option seems to be there, 
just not working.

_ Something else? What?

What I'm trying to understand is whether the fact that setting locale in 
the import dialog has no effect is a bug (which I should report) or if 
I'm just trying something that will never work conveniently and I'll 
need to think about a different workflow.

 bye & Thanks

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[libreoffice-users] CSV import trouble (numbers & locale)

2019-04-23 Thread Andrea Venturoli


I'm producing a CSV for a customer of mine, which will import it with 
LibreOffice 6.2 on a Mac.

If LibreOffice locale (from Options menu item) is set to English, 
everything is fine; if it's set to Italian there are problems with numbers:
_ 123.45 gets correctly read as 123,45 (we use comma for decimals in 

_ 123.456 is read as 123456, when it should be 123,456.

So my customer has to switch global locale, import the file and switch 
back (not sure if she also needs to restart LO).

What puzzles me is that she's also asked the locale in the import 
dialog, but what she chooses here doesn't seem to matter.

Is this a bug or am I overlooking something?

 bye & Thanks

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problemi di installazione

2016-09-07 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 09/07/16 15:33, paradox.herron wrote:

Which in English means approx.: I have a mac-pro version 10.5.5 but I
somehow can't install the software. Upon copying into the
applications folder and starting it, it freezes at verification time.
Can you give me a solution for the problem? Thanks. Simone.

Is 10.5.5 the Mac OS version?

The download page clearly states 10.8 is required, so that might be the 

That put aside, you should upgrade to at least 10.10 in order to run a 
supported version.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Thunderbird potential as the official/default email-client for LO?

2016-02-29 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 02/29/16 16:00, Tanstaafl wrote:

But, sure, if you ACCEPT the mail, then if you fall under certain laws,
you may have to archive it for a given amount of time.

But, again, in what world does anyone receive (ACCEPT) 2+GB of mail PER

Sorry, but that is just silly.

Besides, you could accept everything on the server, let the spam filter 
move "de facto spam" to a proper folder, keep all the archives on the 
server and avoid subscribing the Spam folder on the client, thus 
relieving TB (or whatever) of this burden.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Thunderbird potential as the official/default email-client for LO? Re: [board-discuss] BoD decision from 2015-10-05

2016-02-27 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 02/27/16 02:49, toki wrote:

^2: I don't use Outlook, so I have no idea what features Outlook
currently offers --- other than reliable retrieving email under all
conditions --- that Thunderbird does not currently support;

Reliability aside (I really don't trust OL and I've got lot of backing 
experience to support that), I've yet to find a feature in OL that TB is 
missing (apart integration with Exchange).

Talk to any OL fan: ask why they think OL it is better and they'll 
always say "it's better" without being able to provide even the most 
weak explanation. This is IMO a good indication that it's not.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Thunderbird potential as the official/default email-client for LO?

2016-02-27 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 02/26/16 20:29, toki wrote:

Probably the biggest difference between Outlook and Thunderbird, is that
the former will reliably retrieve email, regardless of the number of
accounts, or quantity of email in each account, whereas Thunderbird
chokes up and dies under the same conditions.

Swap "former" and "latter" and I can confirm this on a vast number of 
case: TB will play nicely where OL will crumble, crash, lock, lose 
messages, etc...

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Broken .docx

2016-02-23 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 02/22/16 10:42, Pedro wrote:

Hi Andrea

Andrea Venturoli wrote

What surprised me is that both LO 5.0.5 and OpenOffice were able to open
all of them without any trouble on FreeBSD.

If any developer is interested I can send one file to check.

Maybe you can report this bug on Bugzilla and include the file?


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[libreoffice-users] Broken .docx

2016-02-22 Thread Andrea Venturoli


A customer of mine sent me a bunch of DOCX files which apparently are 
broken: on Windows I tried LO 4.4.7 and LO 5.0.5, but even MS Office 
won't open them.

What surprised me is that both LO 5.0.5 and OpenOffice were able to open 
all of them without any trouble on FreeBSD.

If any developer is interested I can send one file to check.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] [OT] Operating Environment Survey

2015-07-20 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 07/19/15 03:25, James E Lang wrote:

The big discussion of Linux over the past 24+ hours has me wondering: What 
operating environment(s) do other members of this list use at home and at work? 
What factors influence the choice?

I use LO 4.3 on a FreeBSD 10.1/amd64 laptop.
On the desktop I'm running FreeBSD 9.3/i386 and I'm still using 
OpenOffice; I think I'll switch when a more recent version hits the port 

These are my work-station, but I work at home :)

I too think it's a good idea to setup an official survey.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Randomly lost sheet

2015-06-15 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 06/15/15 13:45, Italo Vignoli wrote:

On 15/06/15 12:47, Andreas Säger wrote:

Yes, this is exactly what I mean. If a product offers to write some
foreign file format, it should do it fairly well or not at all. On this
tiny mailing list there are too many reports about faulty OOXML export.

LibreOffice exports OOXML for interoperability purposes, to serve users
(who are not knowledgeable about file formats).

Just trying to cut down the flame and bring the discussion back to its 
root: I think we are talking about *reading* (not writing) OOXML.

The fact that the same file, when imported wrong, can be closed and 
reopened fine should confirm this.

 bye  Thanks

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Randomly lost sheet

2015-06-15 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 06/15/15 03:54, James E Lang wrote:

So this is an intermittent problem that is not even reliably reproducible using 
the same file?

Unfortunately yes.
Otherwise it would have been easy to create a bug report.

 bye  Thanks

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Randomly lost sheet

2015-06-15 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 06/14/15 19:25, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

If I understand it correctly 4.4 is about to be published: I'll try
whether this bug is gone.

Of course I wrote 4.3 and 4.4 but meant 4.4.3 and 4.4.4...


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Randomly lost sheet

2015-06-15 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 06/14/15 21:17, Italo Vignoli wrote:

Looking at the file would definitely help. Is there any
chance of getting a clean copy of the file?

I'll try and convince my customer to allow me to get the file, obsuscate 
as much data as possible but still get the problem and report it.

 bye  Thanks

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Randomly lost sheet

2015-06-14 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 06/12/15 09:59, Italo Vignoli wrote:

XLSX files are always tricky, as they change for every version of MS

I know (and already suggested they switch to ODS).

Which version of MS Office was used to generate the files?

Hard to tell... I'd have to ask my customer and I'm not sure she knows.
It's even possible in some cases [Libre|Open|Neo]Office was used.
In any case I believe they've been working for some time with 
LibreOffice 4.3 only, and I'm sure some of the files were last saved by 
LO 4.3 (Mac or Windows).

have a choice between the following formats: ECMA OOXML for MS Office
2007, Transitional OOXML for MS Office 2010, Transitional OOXML for MS
Office 2013, and Strict OOXML for MS Office 2010. Each file format has

Is there any way to tell by opening/unzipping/looking at the files?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Randomly lost sheet

2015-06-14 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 06/14/15 12:40, Italo Vignoli wrote:

You should never generate XLSX files with LibreOffice, unless you need
to exchange them with MS Office users.

*I* know (and never use anyhing else but OpenDocument).
My customers know (if they listen to me and trust me).
Then again, whether this knowledge has any practical effect or they 
still use XLS[X] is another matter...

Still, besides format wars, we have a serious bug here.
If XLSX is supported, it should work; losing data because it doesn't 
work properly is not a good thing :-(

With MS Office 2013 users, you can use ODS files.

MSO2013's support of ODS is still far from optimal (this of course falls 
again in their lock in strategy).

Besides there are still many 2010s, 2007s and even some 2003 around.

Is there any way to tell by opening/unzipping/looking at the files?

Of course not, this is part of the lock in strategy applied to pseudo
standard formats. You can possibly understand it from the namespaces
(which are different, but undocumented, for every version).

Thanks anyway.

If I understand it correctly 4.4 is about to be published: I'll try 
whether this bug is gone.

Still, I'm open to reports from other people who might have seen the 
same problem, suggestions where to look and what for, tests to do, etc...


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[libreoffice-users] Randomly lost sheet

2015-06-12 Thread Andrea Venturoli


A customer of mine reported this problem to me on Windows 7/64b with LO 

When she opens some XLSX file (which contains from a few to a lot of 
sheets), sometimes one of the sheet is blank (i.e. all the cells are 
empty as if it was a new sheet).
This is very critical, since if she does not realize this, that data is 
lost forever when she saves.

Closing the document and reopening it usually does not show the problem 

I searched bug tracking but found no issue which seems to be like this 
(but perhaps I don't know what to look for exactly).

Any suggestion?

 bye  Thanks

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