[libreoffice-users] configure external image editor

2016-05-01 Thread Felipe T. Dorado
Hi  : )

I use LO 4.4 and the new Versión:

When I right-click on an image in LO writer and select "Editar con
herramienta externa ..." I am not given the option of choosing a program
with which to edit the image. Instead the predetermined image viewer pops

Where can I configure that I want to edit the image with The Gimp? 
Can't find it in Options, Help, the wiki and various searches I've made.

I use Debian 8.


Felipe  : )

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Re: [libreoffice-users] configure external image editor

2016-05-02 Thread Felipe T. Dorado
Hola Remy  : )

Thank you for your answer and instructions. Also to Tim for explaining.

On Sun, 01 May 2016 10:40:50 -0400, Remy escribió:

RG> I use Fedora and I have the same behavior. To change the application
RG> that is used by LO, you must go in your system configuration parameters
RG> and change the default application used for images. In my case,
RG> changing the application from the default image viewer application to
RG> GIMP did the trick, after relaunching LO. Downside to that is if you
RG> use a file viewer and select an image, GIMP will be launched instead of
RG> the viewer.

Exactly. That's why I did not change it since I view more images than I
edit them.

An "image viewer" is fine but I miss an "image editor"
group/category/alternative.  So ...

RG> If you do not want to change your system parameters, you can use this
RG> other method which involves a few more steps:
RG> 1) Right-click on the image in your document and select Save picture
RG> 2) Use an image editor to edit the picture outside of LO
RG> 3) Right-click on the image in your document and select Replace
RG> picture. Replace picture should keep the aspect ratio, size, etc so it
RG> will in essence be the same as editing the image in the document.
RG> I hope this helps,

It does, thank you. It's the way I usually do it  ; ) and I was trying to
save myself some of these steps since LO offers the choice. I usually
prepare my images aside before inserting them. But this time I copied a
complete page from the browser and it came with images already in it.

I have 3 versions of LO installed in this machine:,  4.4 and 
Versión: The three of them offer "editing an image with an external
tool". But the three of then open the image with the program  gpicview.

All right, I look for this association or alternative in 
(remember I use Debian with gnome plus the LXDE desktop environment) :

- "Preferencias" > "Aplicaciones preferidas" which runs libfm-pref-apps.
But this only configures web browser and email client.

I discover that a Debian system uses  alternatives  to manage these 
associations and very thoughtfully calls them "alternatives".
I open  galternatives  from a terminal and am able to see the preset ones
and also the priorities assigned to each. I can also change them. Fine.
I can even see in /etc/alternatives the list of links that galternatives
reads and changes. Fine.

But I cannot find among them an "image viewer" or "image editor" to change.
So I figure that it's done by another layer put in place by Gnome  : ?
I  (reluctantly) look for it and ...   I get to gconf, gcon2, gconf2tool,
/usr/share/gconf/schemas, ...   Uff!   Too laberinthic for me I'm afraid.
Especially since this sits on top of  Debian's alternatives and then comes
LXDE's scanty preferred applications ...
Also there exist the MIME types which I still don't get to understand
completely and may have some say in this, I don't know.

And all this to be able to use the LO menu option "edit with an external
I hope I have explained properly the trouble I find.

No, I think it is LO that should provide with some choice (it shows the
"..." in the pop-up menu) of which program to use for _editing_, not
viewing. Instead of using the system default for "image". That is:

what category or alternative does LO call when one clicks 
on the "editing image with an external editor"?

I hope some kind soul could point me to the proper email list where to ask
or give some hint as to how to do it.
Since I have come this far with this I'd like to finish it gracefully at
least ; ) 
Otherwise I'll follow your advice and keep editing images outside
LO. Or learn how to add a new alternative program to the system defaults.
But I would need the call that LO makes of course.

Thank you so much for the help, Remy.

Felipe  : )

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: configure external image editor

2016-05-05 Thread Felipe T. Dorado
Hola Pedro  : )

On Mon, 2 May 2016 06:46:00 -0700 (MST), Pedro escribió:

P> Apparently LibreOffice simply opens the image with the program
P> associated to the image type (could be png, jpg, etc) on your user
P> preferences (at the OS level)
P> This means that the menu option is not clear.

P> In fact the current "Edit with External Tool..." option seems like an
P> incomplete work. Even if you do Edit the image with the external program,
P> you will have to reinsert the edited image manually because simply
P> closing the external editor will not do that (as seems to be implied by
P> the menu option).

So it seems, yes.

P> Therefore you have two options: you could consider this a Bug and request
P> the menu option to be renamed to the more accurate text "Open with
P> associated external program" OR you could do an Enhancement Request and
P> ask the developers to add an option to LibreOffice where the user
P> defines the path to an external editor (e.g. Gimp) which is actually
P> used for editing.

Since I found the option in the menu this second behaviour is what one would
expect. I think however that it would somehow bloat the program with
something not really needed: much simpler is advising the user to prepare
the image before inserting it in the doc.

So after looking up the possible bug report in bugzilla,  finding
I followed your advice and added a comment to
which is already almost 4 years old ...

P> Of course the second option involves a lot more work because it not only
P> requires to add that option to the Options dialog but would also require
P> that after editing the image, the modified image would be updated in the
P> document...

Yes, and it would result in bloating.

P> Curiously having an "Edit with External Tool..." option would seem that
P> there should be an Edit option (where LibreOffice's own Draw would used
P> as the logical Internal Tool)

It's the reasonable thing to do.

P> Maybe in the future?

Thanks a  lot, Pedro.
Gracias, Pedro.

Felipe  : )

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Re: free text editor (was: [libreoffice-users] delete hidden formated text in odt)

2016-05-05 Thread Felipe T. Dorado
Hello Luuk  : )

On Thu, 5 May 2016 13:18:23 +0200, Luuk wrote:

L> On 05-05-16 11:12, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

L> > Save as .txt des save all text, including hidden text. Just try it out.

I have, Piet.
L> I think i have a different meaning of 'hidden text', than the average 
L> reader here  :-)

It would seem so.
Re-inventing the wheel isn't either smart nor efficient:

I wrote a file containing just:

"This an ODT file written in LibreOffice 5.1.

I saved it in LO native format: an_odt_file.odt
Then I saved it as text (plain, flat, ascii):   an_odt_file.txt

I listed the directory where I saved them and:

bytes   datefile
8628may  5 20:07an_odt_file.odt
49  may  5 20:07an_odt_file.txt
I opened the txt file with various text editors (nano, leafpad, gedit,
even notepad through wine) and have not been able to find any "hidden
text" ...  Just 49 bytes including spaces and Line Feed.
What do people understand by "hidden text"? The coding put there
by a word processor?
Saving a file as text is just that: saving it as text  (plain, flat, ascii)
with nothing else.

M$Win seems to produce strange things in how some users conceive files:
macros, scripts, programs, etc. just to strip the good old codes WordStar,
WordPerfect and many others  nowadays simply _hide away_ so the user cannot
see them. But they are there, doing their tasks.

Text is text. Just like this I've just written is text and nothing more.

Felipe  : )

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[libreoffice-users] list of items to a table in LOcalc and then to a db

2016-08-06 Thread Felipe T. Dorado

I'm trying to get a list of items with subfields on a nice table to import
in LO database.
For instance, the output of the listing of the command

# iwlist wlan0 scan > nearby_wifi_nodes

which is a list of the wifi nodes near my router.

I have tried opening the raw text file in LO writer:

try1:   converting the list to a table separating text with Tab
--> each line goes to the first cell of a table with 1 column

try2: "Paste Special" the text onto a spreadsheet in calc with
options "transpose" and "skip empty cells" marked
-->  I get all the text separated in cells but on only 1 row.

I have tried leaving the text as what I believe is a CSV format by removing
line feeds and replacing them with comas but I have not succeeded since I'm
not able to find the correct code for line feeds in LO writer's
"Find&Replace" dialog. I tried "^p", copied from the end of a line to the
beginning of the next and some other ways. No luck.
I managed to do it with the editor  gedit  in Gnome: copied the end of a
line to the next, opted for the Replace function and placed a coma instead.
It worked!
I then proceeded to eliminate the tabs/blank spaces with the same funtion
and I just had to look for ",Cell ", erase the coma and replace it with a
line feed before each appearance. I saved the file with extension .csv.

I then copied the text in this cvs file and pasted it in a new calc
spreadsheet. Viola! I had the file in a nice table. Save for the fields
that I have to rearrange so I have the headers/fields correct to pass them
onto a table in the database.
That is, I got a table like this:

Cell 01 - Address: 00:16:B6:39:7C:10 Channel:6 Frequency:2.437 GHz (Channel 6)
Cell 02 - Address: 54:67:51:22:F4:13 Channel:1 Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
Cell 03 - Address: 4C:09:D4:9D:E5:78 Channel:1 Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
Cell 04 - Address: 94:4A:0C:BC:18:71 Channel:4 Frequency:2.427 GHz (Channel 4)
and so on. With a lot more columns of course.

- How does one replace linefeeds with whatever?
- Is there a way to do this within LO without having to use an external
  editor to get rid of the linefeeds?
- Is there a simpler way to do what i pretend?

Thank you.

Felipe  : )

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Re: [libreoffice-users] list of items to a table in LOcalc and then to a db

2016-08-07 Thread Felipe T. Dorado
Hola Remy  : )

On Sat, 06 Aug 2016 18:58:02 -0400, Remy escribió:

RG> Some the search/replace that you are attempting to do can be performed
RG> easily with the AltSearch extension (http://extensions.libreoffice.org/
RG> extension-center/alternative-dialog-find-replace-for-writer) in Writer.
RG> You can then create a table with this data, and once you have a table
RG> made with your data in Writer, you can cut/paste directly into Calc.

Thank you for directing me to that extension, I'll be using it from
now on for many things. It's great!

However, for the task in hand, that is, replacing end of line
(non-printable) character doesn't work I'm afraid.
In theory what one looks for is the "salto de línea manual/n",
right?  In English that must be "Manual line feed/n"  I presume. Or is
it CR/LF? Not sure.
Ok. It simply ignores it.
If I include some spaces at the beginning of the next line, it includes
them in the search and even replaces them with, in this case, a comma. But
the linefeed stays where it is.

I can see the (non-printable) character as a mirrored blue capital p by
going to View > Non-printable characters   Ctrl + F10.  But even trying to
copy that into the search box doesn't produce anything to look for.

I'll keep on searching.

Thank you again for the suggestion, Rémy.

Felipe  : )

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Trying to make a macro

2016-08-28 Thread Felipe T. Dorado
Hola jorge  : )

On Sat, 27 Aug 2016 05:47:09 +, jorge escribió:

J> Good evening:

' Afternoon.
I'm also interested in importing .txt files into a spreadsheet adequately.

J> I try to make a macro in Calc to insert a sheet from a file in .txt
J> format or .csv using the LO process: Record macro.

Mm. A question: are you trying to make a macro because you plan to be
importing a file regularly or is it just a one-time import?

Or are you trying to import it as an exercise on how to make macros?

J> I did it but the macro run and stop in the directory where the file is,
J> but not record the select and not open the sheet although I did when I
J> recorded the macro.

I notice that you call your .csv file a "sheet" and I think it is not
a sheet, yet, but a text file.

J> The code that the process wrotten is this, would you please guide me to
J> finish:

I'm afraid I am not that familiar yet with macros, but it seems to me that
at some point the macro will ask you to select which file to import, right?
That is, a dilague window will appear to let you choose the kind of import
(separators, ...)   ...Wait, I cannot find an "Import" option in
menus.  : ! ? 

Let's see:

J> REM  *  BASIC  *
J> sub Main
J> rem
J> --
J> rem define variables
J> dim document   as object
J> dim dispatcher as object
J> rem
J> --
J> rem get access to the document
J> document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
J> dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
J> rem
J> --
J> rem dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertSheetFromFile", "",
J> 0, Array())
J> end sub

There, at the end you have a ".uno:InsertSheetFromFile"

¿How did you manage to "import" a file into your worksheet? I've only
managed it _opening_ a new file which is a .cvs file. And then the import
dialogue appears, I choose the options and the .csv file is correctly
imported into a worksheet.

As I say I'm not familiar with macros and don't know how that is done. But
It seems to me that perhaps you have to open a file instead of trying to
import it  : ?

I hope someone who already does what you want illustrates us on what is to
be done and how.

J> I use LibreOffice version on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I'm using LO Versión: on Debian GNU/Linux 8.5.

Felipe  : )

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Trying to make a macro

2016-08-28 Thread Felipe T. Dorado
Hola Jorge  : )

On Sun, 28 Aug 2016 14:08:53 +0200, Felipe escribió:

FTD> I notice that you call your .csv file a "sheet" and I think it is not
FTD> a sheet, yet, but a text file.

I found the "Import" sheet option in the menus. I found it in  "Insertar" >
"Hoja de archivo", which in English should be: "Insert" > "Sheet file" or

I think this may be confusing: I saved the imported .csv file to disk and
the original .csv file is 1278 bytes long whereas the .ods is 34912 bytes

-rw-r--r-- 1 philip philip  1278 ago 28 13:41 text_file.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 philip philip 34912 ago 28 14:12 text_file.ods

They cannot be "the same". Either the program or the translation of the
menu is wrong.  Inserting a file equals to importing it, fine. But calling
a .csv file a "sheet" might create confusion. And on top of that trying to
include this in a macro will surely confuse even more.

Could some of you who use LO Calc in English tell me/us what the original
menu says, please?

Thanks a lot.

Felipe  : )

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