[libreoffice-users] Re: [libreoffice-users] Registered ”database”

2017-11-26 Thread Mike Adams
Why have you registered it as a database? Why not just import it into Calc
and save it as a spreadsheet?

I am guessing the CSV is being generated externally to LibreOffice?

You could create a View of the data in Base. That is when and why
registering it as a database becomes useful. That is when it allows you to
manipulate and extract useful data subsets. There are beginner Base
tutorials online.

On 25 November 2017 at 08:30, Johnny Rosenberg 

> 0Hi. Can anyone tell me how to actually do this? I feel very stupid at the
> moment…
> I registered a CSV as a database. the CSV is constantly growing and I need
> it to be displayed in Calc and the spreadsheet also contains two more
> columns with calculations based on the data in the CSV.
> Here's a typical line of the CSV:
> 2017-11-24 20:11\tSomeName\t9:07,122
> First of all, when opening the ODS, hitting Ctrl+Shift+F4, selecting the
> CSV, I can see the data from the CSV in the right part of the window that
> was pulled down. However the data is displayed in some crazy odd format.
> The above example looks like crap, that is:
> 17-11-24 20:11 SomeName 0:09:07
> So the date is 2000 years too old (another way to say that I don't like
> when years are represented by only two digits) and the milliseconds are
> missing in the right column.
> So I right click the headers and format those columns manually, then copy
> and paste into the spreadsheet.
> Still 000 years are missing and the milliseconds are gone. If I manually
> format the columns in the spreadsheet, the above example will now look
> like:
> 2017-11-24 20:11 SomeName 9:07,000
> Yesterday I actually could do this without losing milliseconds or anything,
> but today I tried everything I could think of and still failed, I don't
> have a clue what I did right yesterday.
> So how is this supposed to be done?
> In my world it would all update automatically every time I open the ODS,
> but that's obviously not the case here. Is there a way to make that happen?
> Also there doesn't seem to be a way to update the spreadsheet without
> losing the formatting. I have some conditional formatting involved, but I
> have to redo it every time, which is 100 % anoying.
> Last time I did something like this, I simply just read the damned CSV with
> a macro, line by line, converted the data properly with the very same macro
> and assigned all the values to the range, cell by cell. A lot slower, of
> course, but that's the only thing that actually worked for me so far. It
> was slow, but since I only expect a couple of thousand lines anyway, that
> shouldn't be a problem.
> But this database registering approach seems to be the way to go, so it
> would be nice to learn how to do it properly, so it's always updated and
> properly formatted whenever I open the ODS.
> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Calculating the Nth weekday of a month.

2017-10-11 Thread Mike Adams
Given Calc where DATE(,MM,DD) and WEEKDAY(X) results 1 = Sunday, 2 =
Monday ... 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday.
Solve for the first week of the month (WD = 1)

 = 2017 desired year,
MM = 10 = desired month,
d1 = 1 = First day of the month
WC = 3 = Weekday code for Tuesday
WD = 1 = Week Desired = (1 First week, 2 Second week {maximum of week 4})
WO = WD*7-6 = Week Desired Offset

Solve for
DD = desired day

:. Find the weekday for the first day of the month

:. Find the Desired Day
DD =IF(WD-X+1>0,WD-X+WO,WD-X+WO+7)

Proof = WEEKDAY(DATE(,MM,DD)) = 3

On 29 September 2017 at 05:09, Alexander Thurgood 

> Le 28/09/2017 à 17:02, Michael D. Setzer II a écrit :
> Hi Michael,
> > Well, hope you got the one sent to your direct email. This list doesn't
> seem to
> > allow either attached spreadsheets or images.  Hopefully, others can
> figure
> > out the formula, or if requested can send anyone a copy of the
> spreadsheet
> > to an email that will accept it.
> >
> Yes, the list scrubs attachments on inbound mail.
> Alex
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: in response ...

2017-02-07 Thread Mike Adams
On 01/02/2017, Philip Jackson  wrote:
> On 31/01/17 18:54, V Stuart Foote wrote:
>> The issue is never that you take the time to respond, rather it is
>> frequently that your responses are not processed correctly by the maillist
>> (ML)  servers
> .
> Indeed.  Anne-ology's last three messages all carry the same subject
> line when I receive them but they have created 3 new threads. I have
> never received an email signed Anne-ology thro the list that was joined
> to an existing thread. They always appear to break the existing threads.
> Maybe Anne-ology just doesn't do 'threading'.

Personally I've had to relearn how to reply as a list member, GMail
makes it more difficult to reply to the list... but not impossible.

I remember the years and days of the top post versus bottom post
arguments. Silly excessively drawn out arguments.

I also remember managing a Mailman list during the days when half it's
members were on dial-up and advising one of my team members to be
careful about putting full size camera pics into her posts. It wasn't
until the day she put twenty pics in one E-Mail that she learned that
lesson, as well as finding the list no longer of value as half the
members wanted to unsubscribe.

This may indeed be a moderator training issue, that is probably up to
the TDF team to decide. Else this is probably turning into another
silly, excessively drawn out discussion which i have added to with
silly old man reminiscences. Muahaha

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[libreoffice-users] Insert > Special Characters

2017-01-25 Thread Mike Adams
Running LO Still on WS 2k12 in a thin client, multi user environment
without Java.

Upgraded to LO and almost immediately noticed that Writer
would shut down "LibreOffice - Fatal Error" if I attempted to open the
Special Character dialogue from the menu. If i tried opening it from
the toolbar LO would freeze, to the point where task manager needs to
be used to shut it down.

 * Swapped out my "User Profile", no change.
 * Tried as other users, same issue.

Last night I rolled back to and tested it as Administrator.
Special Characters worked with no issues from a thin client. I always
do updates and rollbacks in Admin "change user /install" mode from a
thin client.

I logged in this morning on my normal user account started and
still have the same crash issue. I can't remember when i last used
special characters but it would have been on before the update
to I generally update quarterly between school terms so would have been running since September -  October.

I just retested and it works as admin but not any other user.

I will leave this up 2 days for suggestions before writing a bugzilla report.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] keeping styles up-to-date

2017-01-24 Thread Mike Adams
I would look to set and save all the styles you want in one document
then save that as a template.

If you import any text (Via Edit > Paste or Insert > Document) then
highlight that text and clear formatting (from the styles drop down)
before applying a style to it.

On 25/01/2017, anne-ology  wrote:
>Does 'select all' then choosing the options you prefer not work?
> From: Mike Scott 
> Date: Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 3:07 AM
> Subject: [libreoffice-users] keeping styles up-to-date
> To: users@global.libreoffice.org
> Hi all; I've a bit of an issue in keeping styles consistent across multiple
> documents. Maybe there's an easier way of achieving what I need... any
> thoughts would be appreciated.
> I'm producing music booklets for a local choir. The sources for the
> material are varied: LO files for any words, plus laid-out music input from
> musescore and abcm2ps (as pdf files). One song per file. LO source is
> converted to pdf, and the whole lot is assembled with pdfunite into a
> booklet for printing - often the exact order of pieces won't be known until
> the last minute.
> My problem is that although the LO files are derived from a common .ott
> template file, I find that I sometimes need to alter basic formatting after
> creating all the files, eg to change font face or size. At present, I
> change this in the .ott file, then have to go through all the individual
> documents reloading the styles from this file. It's tedious!
> So, is there a way of making style information in an LO document a
> /reference/ to, rather than a copy of, that in a master file?
> Alternatively, is there a way from the command line of loading styles from
> one file into another (I have no doubt a macro could do this; I'm afraid I
> don't have the expertise to craft one though :-{ )
> TIA for any advice!
> --
> Mike Scott (unet2  [deletethis] scottsonline.org.uk)
> Harlow Essex England
> "The only way is Brexit" -- anon.
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Writer- Adjust space around a character in a table?

2017-01-24 Thread Mike Adams
If table spacing isn't working for you, and it may not on certain
imported tables, HTML ones in my experience; then there is a cludge
where you can select the cells then use Format > Paragraph and set the
spacing around the paragraphs instead.

On 25/01/2017, CVAlkan  wrote:
> No - From what you said, you wouldn't want to adjust the line WIDTH to
> correct the spacing.
> What I said was "4. On the right hand side, use the "Spacing to Contents"
> adjustments. If you wish to set the top, bottom, and sides individually,
> you
> will need to uncheck the "Synchronize" box."
> The "Line width" is in the middle of the dialog box, and the "Spacing to
> Contents" (what I think you want from your description) is on the far right
> (assuming you have a fairly recent version of Writer).
> Take another look - the spacing for each side is usually set to 4 points as
> a default.
> If nothing seems to change, please tell us the version of Writer you are
> using (it's under Help>About) and the operating system you are using (e.g.
> Windows, Fedora, or whatever).
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Writer-Adjust-space-around-a-character-in-a-table-tp4206099p4206134.html
> Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice help menu

2017-01-24 Thread Mike Adams
In between Uninstalling and Installing if you choose this route i
would look to reset the User Profile Data as well. Information here:

On 25/01/2017, Tom Davies  wrote:
> Hi :)
> I recommend using the Published Guides instead.  From the link i gave and
> from the official LibreOffice website they are free to download.  You can
> buy them from various "app stores" type of places for a minimal charge and
> they are available as 'paper back' books from the Lulu bookstore.
> As for the 'in-built' help, just forget about it - unless you are prepared
> to put a lot of work in and give some serious help (in which case please do
> join the Documentation Team as they always need new peope.  If you just
> need the help sections to help figure out how to do something then the
> Published Guides are the way forwards.
> It's also beginning to sound like your whole install of LibreOffice has
> gone a bit wonky.  If i were getting that sort of error-message then i
> would just uninstall LibreOffice and then reinstall it.  All of the
> settings and configurations should remain untouched so the new version of
> LibreOffice should pick up on all those allowing you to "carry on as
> normal".  In Ubuntu that would be something like;
> sudo apt-get remove libreoffice*
> sudo apt-get install libreoffice
> In between those 2 lines i might "update" or check or reload my repo.s by
> doing something like;
> sudo apt-get update
> before doing the install line above just to make sure my repo.s are all
> working properly.  openSuSE will have similar commands but just replace
> "apt-get" with "yum" or whatever and the command to reload the repos might
> use some other command.
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 24 January 2017 at 11:17, Dave Howorth  wrote:
>> On Tue, 24 Jan 2017 03:05:15 +
>> Tom Davies  wrote:
>> > Hi :)
>> > It sounds like the 'in-built' help package has not been installed.
>> Agreed.


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[libreoffice-users] Hello - New Signup

2017-01-23 Thread Mike Adams
I used to belong to this mailing list as linux_m...@paradise.net.nz
until a disagreement with my ISP left that address high and dry.

Wondering how active the list still is?

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