[libreoffice-users] LO 7.6 and Win7pro

2023-11-18 Thread Pat Brown
Are there any issues with running the latest version of LO on a Win 7

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[libreoffice-users] Cross ref problem

2023-11-18 Thread Pat Brown
 I have just installed the latest version of LO but when I opened an .odt
document none of my cross-references work. None of them are greyed out to
indicate they are cross-references. When I hover the cursor over them they
change colour to indicate they are cross-references but when I click on
them nothing happens. A previous request to solve this problem elicited a
suggestion that I try pressing "control" then selecting. Although this
works it is obvious that this should not be necessary. I was hoping that
version would resolve this problem but it hasn't.

Any help would be appreciated,


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[libreoffice-users] LO 7.6.2 cross-ref problem

2023-10-03 Thread Pat Brown
  I have just installed the latest version of LO but when I opened an .odt
document none of my cross-references work. None of them are greyed out to
indicate they are cross-references. When I hover the cursor over them they
change colour to indicate they are cross-references but when I click on
them nothing happens. I have had to uninstall 7.6.2 and go back to version

Any help would be appreciated,


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[libreoffice-users] Sorting in Writer

2021-04-23 Thread Pat Brown
I have a number of rows of text that I want to sort by row. My problem
is that some of the rows are also hyperlinks and when I run the sort it
puts all the hyperlink rows sorted and then the non-hyperlink rows. Is
there any way to get the sort to ignore the hyperlink code?



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[libreoffice-users] Default folder for PDF export

2020-06-06 Thread Pat Brown
Currently, if I select Export as PDF, the default folder is my "documents"
folder on the C: drive. This is annoying as I keep having to change it to
the folder I need. Is there any way to set it up so that it automatically
selects the last folder used?



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[libreoffice-users] Splitting columns in Calc

2020-04-20 Thread Pat Brown
I have a spreadsheet that includes a column consisting if people's names. I
want to split this into two columns. I want one column with the given names
and the other with their family names. This requires taking the last word
in the column and creating a new column with this word. Is there a way to
do this in Calc?



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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO dictionaries

2019-10-18 Thread Pat Brown
Thank you!

On Fri, 18 Oct 2019, 05:18 Brian Barker,  wrote:

> At 23:45 17/10/2019 +0200, Pat Brown wrote:
> >I have changed my settings to use only the English UK dictionary ...
> I don't think you have! Language is a property of various parts of
> text within a document, not some setting in the product.
> >... but when I open a document it shows the English USA dictionary
> >at the bottom of the page.
> No, it shows that this is the language set for text at the insertion
> point, nothing about dictionaries.
> >How can I change this so that it never uses the USA dictionary?
> I hope you cannot. If I send you a document in which I have
> appropriately chosen to mark some or all of its text as "English
> (USA)" (unlikely, in fact, but possible), your installation of the
> program needs to respect that. What you *can* do is two things:
> o Set the default language for *new* documents that you create to
> "English (UK)", if that is what you desire.
> o Change the language marked for all or part of the text within a
> particular document to whatever is appropriate. Note that language is
> a character property, so you can apply language as local - direct -
> formatting, but it is better to learn about styles and apply language
> settings using character styles or paragraph styles.
> >In fact, how can I delete the USA dictionary so that it is not even
> available?
> It's never a good idea to go about tinkering with software and
> deleting files, of course, but rather to use the product properly.
> But even if you could do this, it would not - and should not -
> prevent any text in any document being marked as "English (USA)". It
> would simply mean that any such text could not have its spelling
> checked: it would not somehow be magically checked using a dictionary
> for another language. That would require the program to read your
> mind: Finnish, Latvian, Esperanto? Oh, English (UK), eh?
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker

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[libreoffice-users] LO dictionaries

2019-10-17 Thread Pat Brown
   I have changed my settings to use only the English UK dictionary but
when I open a document it shows the English USA dictionary at the bottom of
the page. How can I change this so that it never uses the USA dictionary?
In fact, how can I delete the USA dictionary so that it is not even

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[libreoffice-users] Opening foreign document from LOBase

2018-08-12 Thread Pat Brown
   I am developing an LO database and I want to open a PDF document from a
button on a Base Form. I want a button on the form that will open a
specific, different PDF document for each record. I want it to open the
document in the default PDF reader? I have not been able to find anything
to help me. I would appreciate a pointer to where I might be able to find
instructions on how to do this.



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[libreoffice-users] Writer "Recent Files" list problem

2018-07-26 Thread Pat Brown
I was using LO 6.0.2. After a power outage I lost all items in my
Recent Files list in Writer. It started to rebuild the list but got to 2
documents and would not add any more files. It just displayed the same
first 2 files every time I opened LO. I decided to install version 6.0.5
but the problem still exists. I then reset my configuration file
(registrymodifications.xcu) but nothing changed. I then renamed this file
and restarted LO. LO recreated this file, with the same size as the one I
renamed. Unfortunately I am still having the same problem.
   Any suggestions?


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[libreoffice-users] Printing selected text to PDF

2017-03-07 Thread Pat Brown
With most documents it is usually not a problem to select the PDF option
and have it go straight to the printer. However, in Calc especially, one
often wants to only send selected cells to PDF. However there does not seem
to be an option to do this in the same way that one has if one selects the
Print option. Or am I missing something.


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[libreoffice-users] Data Range in Calc

2016-07-07 Thread Pat Brown
Every year I open a new sheet in Calc to record data from a new year. The
layout remains exactly the same each year, only the data changes. The
simplest is to copy the whole of the previous year's sheet and past it into
a new sheet. Then delete all the previous year's data and fill in the new
data. I have two graphs on this page and this is where my problem comes in.
The simplest method would be to select the graph and then change the Data
Range to read from the new sheet, BUT, once a graph has been created I
cannot find any way to edit the data range. Am I missing something or is
this just not possible? Is it really necessary to re-create each graph from

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[libreoffice-users] Sorting in Writer

2016-05-31 Thread Pat Brown
I received a document which, essentially is a document of song lyrics.
However, they were typed in at random, as they were received. I now want to
sort the songs by song title and can't figure a way to do this. The format
is the following:
 The song title, the artist, the lyrics. Each line is essentially a new
paragraph so I cannot sort by paragraph. I need some way of marking the
beginning and the ending of each song, having the contents between these
two marks recognised as a unit, and then sorting these units. Does anyone
have any ideas, without having to select each song, cutting it and then
pasting it in its correct position alphabetically

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[libreoffice-users] Cal file not recovering

2016-02-07 Thread Pat Brown
I was sending a cal document to be printed but the print never went through
and LO hung. I had to close LO down. When I restarted LO I got the message
that there was a file that needed to be recovered. I instructed to start
recovery but it went into working mode and never came out. It is not a big
file and should not have taken more than a couple of minutes to recover. I
shut down and tried again a couple of times but without success. On
searching for that particular file I found two references. The file is
called "Invoices.ods". I also found "Invoices.ods.lnk" and
".~lock.Invoices.ods#". If I delete these last two will that release the
file for recovery or will I be causing trouble by doing so? Are there any
other options I can try? And if anyone says "go to backups"  I will choke.
I had just made a large number of changes to the file and had not had an
opportunity to do a backup. Hope someone has a solution. Paddy

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[libreoffice-users] Find & Replace in Calc

2015-10-04 Thread Pat Brown
I have over 2000 records in a sheet. At the beginning of each record there
is a series of numerals. I want to do a Find & Replace to remove these
numerical values but I cannot seem to find the right formula. The leading
numerals are not of consistent length, example
1,225,The Music
The format is consistent in each case, just the length differs
Any suggestions?

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[libreoffice-users] Cannot edit Data Ranges in Calc

2015-07-10 Thread Pat Brown
I have a spreadsheet for rainfall data. Each season I have simply copied
everything from the previous season and pasted it into a new sheet and then
edited the charts to read from the new data. Since installing the previous
version of LO I can no longer do this. I double click on the chart and at
this point I should see an option to select Data Ranges but this is not
visible. How can I edit the data ranges of an existing chart?

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[libreoffice-users] New 'tab' system in Calc

2015-03-23 Thread Pat Brown
Just tried the new system and love it. I find it so much easier than
fiddling around with increasing/decreasing sliders. I would like to make a
feature request regarding the tabs. I would like to be able to scroll the
tabs using the mouse wheel. Where can I submit such a request?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Split cells in Calc

2014-08-10 Thread Pat Brown
Nino, I am creating a geological time-line in Calc. Working across the
sheet I am dividing the cells into periods. There are five different sets
of periods. I find, after I have started, that I need to create smaller
units than one cell. If I could split this cell it would work for me.
Otherwise I need to evaluate the whole time line and provisionally merge
columns in the right place in order to be able to merge the ones I need at
a later stage.

On 10 August 2014 14:20, Nino Novak  wrote:

> Pat,
> why do you need to split a cell? What data does it contain and what do you
> need to do with these data?
> Nino
> Am 10.08.2014 13:25, schrieb Pat Brown:
> > Hi Guys,
> >Is there any way to split a primary (one that has not been 'merged'
> > previously) cell?  I can't seem to find such an option. If there is no
> > current option then is it technically possible to do so?
> >
> > Paddy
> >
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Split cells in Calc

2014-08-10 Thread Pat Brown
Thanks Alan. I need to split a single cell and work with it as two cells
(i.e. text as well as background and cell borders). Maybe the only way to
do this is to merge two columns and then split the one cell that I need to
work with. This is rather ham-fisted but may be the only solution.

On 10 August 2014 13:52, Alan B  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 7:25 AM, Pat Brown  wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>>Is there any way to split a primary (one that has not been 'merged'
>> previously) cell?  I can't seem to find such an option. If there is no
>> current option then is it technically possible to do so?
> Paddy,
> Presuming cell content is text, the "Data | Text to Columns" operation can
> split the text into multiple cells.
> For splitting a single cell it may be simplest to use the "Fixed width"
> separator option and then mark where to split the cell content.
> If there is a column of cells that needs to be split into multiple cells
> then either "Fixed width" or "Separated by" depending on cell content would
> be the technique to use.
> To split up a column of cells as a group each cell in the column would
> need similar characteristics re: where the split should be done. e.g. each
> cell contains words separated by commas then could use the "Separated by"
> option, tick "Comma" and the contents of each cell would be split across
> multiple cells at the comma separator.
> Hope the above is the kind of solution you're looking for.

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[libreoffice-users] Split cells in Calc

2014-08-10 Thread Pat Brown
Hi Guys,
   Is there any way to split a primary (one that has not been 'merged'
previously) cell?  I can't seem to find such an option. If there is no
current option then is it technically possible to do so?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Schema in Calc

2014-08-05 Thread Pat Brown
Thank you, Paul. I have followed the convolutions of the discussion with
interest but you have more clearly presented what I tried to say in the
beginning. After much of the discussion I now see many of the difficulties
involved but I will follow your suggestion and see if I can phrase this
clearly enough to present it as a Calc feature request.
  I must express my thanks to all who contributed. It is this type of
interaction that can lead to a more useful product.


On 5 August 2014 16:15, Paul  wrote:

> On Mon, 04 Aug 2014 09:45:20 +0200
> Alex Thurgood  wrote:
> > Le 31/07/2014 00:08, Paul a écrit :
> > > Just out of interest, why would a db driver come into play? This is
> > > a spreadsheet we're talking about.
> > >
> > > The mention of db schema was merely to ask why Calc doesn't have
> > > something like it.
> > >
> >
> > How else would one obtain the schema in the first place ?
> I believe one of us is misunderstanding things. My understanding is
> that the OP didn't actually want a database schema, he just wanted
> something similar for normal spreadsheets.
> So basically, create normal spreadsheet from scratch, develop it over
> time to do some fancy calculations on multiple worksheets (or maybe
> even only one). Then, sometime later, want to make changes, but
> being unsure of what effects those changes will have in terms of other
> formulae relying on cells you want to modify, you would like some sort
> of outline of how all the data in the spreadhseet interacts.
> At no point in this is a database ever introduced. The word schema
> makes one think of a database, but I think the OP only used it to say he
> wanted something like it. He doesn't actually want a database schema.
> Now for spreadsheets, as they store unstructured data whereas databases
> store structured data, a schema-like outline would be well-nigh
> impossible to generate. But some sort of filterable listing of formulae
> would help a lot with the above scenario, and is what I have proposed.
> I think this should be a feature request for Calc, personally.
> Paul
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[libreoffice-users] Schema in Calc

2014-07-29 Thread Pat Brown
   In a relationall DB there is a facility to display all the tables and
this also shows how the tables are related and also which fields are
related and how they are related. This is extremely useful to get an
overall pcture of how things fit together and, importantly in this case,
what the effects would be of changing something in one table on the data in
the other tables. Does such a feature exist in Calc? With a large number of
sheets and many cells looking up data in cells on other sheets it would be
great to be able to see how changing a sheet name or a column heading would
affect the rest of the data.


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[libreoffice-users] Sorting Sheets in Calc

2014-07-28 Thread Pat Brown
   I have a spreadsheet with about 30 tabs (sheets). I want to re-arrange
these. Is there a way to display the list and sort them as I wish without
having to drag each sheet to a new position? I know that excell has the
ability to display the sheets in a list form and one can highlight one of
these and "Move Up" or "Move Down". This would be very useful.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with "Export as PDF"

2014-07-16 Thread Pat Brown
Thanks Brian and thanks to everyone else who gave advice. Changing the name
of the config folder did the trick. It now works as it should. I appreciate
the help.

On 16 July 2014 22:42, Pat Brown  wrote:

> Where do I find the User Config folder on a Windows machine? Just for
> interest, I thought I would try carrying out a new installation, which I
> did after downloading version, but I am still having the same issue
> On 16 July 2014 14:43, Kracked_P_P---webmaster  > wrote:
>> Till we can figure out your issue, you might want to try an external
>> program to create the PDF file.
>> For Windows, I use doPDF - which is free.  I have used it from XP, Vista,
>> and Win7 systems.  I have been using it for all of the other packages that
>> I need a PDF printout instead of a paper one. Once installed, it will show
>> up as a printer, so you will "print to PDF" instead of exporting.
>> The "range option" makes me thing Calc instead of Writer.  But like a
>> printer, if you can print a "range" of pages to the printer, you can do the
>> same to doPDF, since it acts like a printer, but the output is to a file
>> and not paper.
>> I also wonder if something was corrupted in your user config files.  That
>> can happen, and has for me on both Windows and Ubuntu/Linux, mostly for
>> printer issues before 4.1.x came out.  If so, it might be fixed by renaming
>> [while LO is closed] the user config folder and then let LO recreate it
>> when you open LO.  This is what you need to do for a clean install of LO,
>> since it "clears out" the user profile and associated data.
>> On 07/15/2014 09:06 PM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have tried this on windows (XP) and linux (Fedora) and I can not
>>> reproduce it. A couple of basic questions:
>>> I am assuming you are talking about a writer document?
>>> is the document odf, doc, docx?
>>> Cheers
>>> On 16/07/14 09:51, Pat Brown wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have not tried this previously but wish to do so now. My problem
>>>> is
>>>> that I want to export a selection of text in the main document but when
>>>> I
>>>> select "Export as PDF" the 'Range' option is greyed out. I cannot select
>>>> anything and the default is 'All'. Is there a setting somewhere that I
>>>> am
>>>> missing? I am using LO version in Windows 7.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Paddy
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with "Export as PDF"

2014-07-16 Thread Pat Brown
Where do I find the User Config folder on a Windows machine? Just for
interest, I thought I would try carrying out a new installation, which I
did after downloading version, but I am still having the same issue

On 16 July 2014 14:43, Kracked_P_P---webmaster 

> Till we can figure out your issue, you might want to try an external
> program to create the PDF file.
> For Windows, I use doPDF - which is free.  I have used it from XP, Vista,
> and Win7 systems.  I have been using it for all of the other packages that
> I need a PDF printout instead of a paper one. Once installed, it will show
> up as a printer, so you will "print to PDF" instead of exporting.
> The "range option" makes me thing Calc instead of Writer.  But like a
> printer, if you can print a "range" of pages to the printer, you can do the
> same to doPDF, since it acts like a printer, but the output is to a file
> and not paper.
> I also wonder if something was corrupted in your user config files.  That
> can happen, and has for me on both Windows and Ubuntu/Linux, mostly for
> printer issues before 4.1.x came out.  If so, it might be fixed by renaming
> [while LO is closed] the user config folder and then let LO recreate it
> when you open LO.  This is what you need to do for a clean install of LO,
> since it "clears out" the user profile and associated data.
> On 07/15/2014 09:06 PM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have tried this on windows (XP) and linux (Fedora) and I can not
>> reproduce it. A couple of basic questions:
>> I am assuming you are talking about a writer document?
>> is the document odf, doc, docx?
>> Cheers
>> On 16/07/14 09:51, Pat Brown wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have not tried this previously but wish to do so now. My problem is
>>> that I want to export a selection of text in the main document but when I
>>> select "Export as PDF" the 'Range' option is greyed out. I cannot select
>>> anything and the default is 'All'. Is there a setting somewhere that I am
>>> missing? I am using LO version in Windows 7.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paddy
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with "Export as PDF"

2014-07-16 Thread Pat Brown
Thanks guys,
   Firstly, my apologies for the "Reply to All" issue. My fault I should
have checked. Will try not to let it happen again.
  I have been using a pdf printer driver for years (using Primo PDF
currently) but I was interested in the "editable pdf' feature when using
Export as PDF from LO.
  I will try the possible solution of re-creating the config folder and see
what happens. Once I have done this I will report back

On 16 July 2014 14:43, Kracked_P_P---webmaster 

> Till we can figure out your issue, you might want to try an external
> program to create the PDF file.
> For Windows, I use doPDF - which is free.  I have used it from XP, Vista,
> and Win7 systems.  I have been using it for all of the other packages that
> I need a PDF printout instead of a paper one. Once installed, it will show
> up as a printer, so you will "print to PDF" instead of exporting.
> The "range option" makes me thing Calc instead of Writer.  But like a
> printer, if you can print a "range" of pages to the printer, you can do the
> same to doPDF, since it acts like a printer, but the output is to a file
> and not paper.
> I also wonder if something was corrupted in your user config files.  That
> can happen, and has for me on both Windows and Ubuntu/Linux, mostly for
> printer issues before 4.1.x came out.  If so, it might be fixed by renaming
> [while LO is closed] the user config folder and then let LO recreate it
> when you open LO.  This is what you need to do for a clean install of LO,
> since it "clears out" the user profile and associated data.
> On 07/15/2014 09:06 PM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have tried this on windows (XP) and linux (Fedora) and I can not
>> reproduce it. A couple of basic questions:
>> I am assuming you are talking about a writer document?
>> is the document odf, doc, docx?
>> Cheers
>> On 16/07/14 09:51, Pat Brown wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have not tried this previously but wish to do so now. My problem is
>>> that I want to export a selection of text in the main document but when I
>>> select "Export as PDF" the 'Range' option is greyed out. I cannot select
>>> anything and the default is 'All'. Is there a setting somewhere that I am
>>> missing? I am using LO version in Windows 7.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paddy
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[libreoffice-users] Problem with "Export as PDF"

2014-07-15 Thread Pat Brown
   I have not tried this previously but wish to do so now. My problem is
that I want to export a selection of text in the main document but when I
select "Export as PDF" the 'Range' option is greyed out. I cannot select
anything and the default is 'All'. Is there a setting somewhere that I am
missing? I am using LO version in Windows 7.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LOBase - Hyperlinks in Tables

2014-07-08 Thread Pat Brown
Thanks Alex,
   I had not planned on getting into macros just yet but maybe this is as
good a time as any. I will work on it and see how far I get.


On 8 July 2014 21:41, Alexander Thurgood  wrote:

> Le 06/07/2014 16:36, Pat Brown a écrit :
> Hi Pat,
> > I do not see anything like this in Base. Is it possible to create such a
> > field and could someone please point me to where I could find
> instructions
> > on how to do so?
> 1) There is no such thing in LO Base as a default clickable URL field
> definition option.
> 2) If you want similar functionality to what Access provides with regard
> to clickable URLs, you have to program it via macros, and use the
> An example of taking a character string pointing to a file and opening
> it with another application (in the case below, a PDF) :
> https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4778&p=2#p25810
> Alex
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[libreoffice-users] LOBase - Hyperlinks in Tables

2014-07-06 Thread Pat Brown
   I am very comfortable with most aspects of LO except Base. I am now
starting to use this option and I find it rather daunting compared to MS
Access (simply because I have used this for years). I am busy with my first
table design and I would like to create two fields as hyperlinks to
external files. One of these is an audio file and the other is an LO Writer
file. In Access there is an option to set the field type as "Hyperlink" but
I do not see anything like this in Base. Is it possible to create such a
field and could someone please point me to where I could find instructions
on how to do so?
  I am also a little old fashioned and prefer to have a hard-copy manual by
my side but if it has to be electronic then it should at least resemble a
book. Because of this I find the Help file in LO (modern MS the same)
rather awkward to use.



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[libreoffice-users] Dropdown box in calc, mutliple columns

2014-02-12 Thread Pat Brown
I have two columns in calc. Column A has a list of items while column B has
an associated cost. I want to be able to select from column A and have the
item entered into a form (say column X) but I also want to automatically
select the associated cost and have this entered into column Y, alongside
its associated item. Is this possible in Calc, and how would I then set
this up?



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[libreoffice-users] LO and Coreldraw

2014-02-07 Thread Pat Brown
I had a number of files in CorelDraw format (.cdr) which I had opened and
edited in LO. I then saved these as .odg files. This worked fine until I
installed LO 4.2. Since then I have not been able to open either CorelDraw
files nor LO files converted from CorelDraw. LO tries to open the file and
then gives me the error message that "LO has stopped working" and then
shuts down. Can anyone tell me if this is a bug in 4.2 or if 4.2 has
specifically been designed not to work with these files.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: replace normal font with superscript

2013-10-02 Thread Pat Brown
   Seems my previous reply did not reach all users. I wrote:

In the "Find and Replace" option type in m2 in the "Find" window, then in
the "Replace" window type in m and then, holding down the Alt key, type in
253 then release the Alt key. This places the ASCI code for supercript 2 in
the Replace window.



Using Copy (from text) and Paste (into "Find and Replace" window) does not
work either. When you paste the m(2) into the Replace window it reverts to
standard 2. This ASCI workaround seems to be the only option at the moment.
This might be something that they could look at.


On 2 October 2013 13:47, Paul  wrote:

> In many programs this can be done with regular expressions. I just
> checked in LO Calc, and there is an option for regex.
> Of course, the "simple" way of doing this would be to search for "m2"
> and replace with "m(2)" (sorry, this is a text only email, so you'll
> have to imagine the second one has a superscript 2 instead of a 2 in
> brackets).
> When you know the term you are searching for, and know that you want to
> replace only part of it, you can just use a replacement term that is
> the same as the search term, with the correct part replaced. But when
> you are trying to search for a term that can vary, and then want to
> replace only part of the term, you need to use regexen.
> Paul
> On Wed, 02 Oct 2013 20:33:39 +0900
> Thomas Blasejewicz  wrote:
> > (2013/10/02 20:13), Pedro wrote:
> > > Hi Thomas
> > >
> > >
> > > Toppa-2 wrote
> > >> What is the trick required to turn "2" into superscript?
> > >> But ONLY in "m2" and not all "2", since there were lots of other
> > >> numbers too.
> > > You are searching for a string (m2) but only want part of it to be
> > > changed.
> > >
> > > I think this is not possible in any program, but would really be
> > > interested to learn if it is.
> > >
> > > Pedro
> > >
> > Many years ago I used to use Wordperfect and if I recall it
> > correctly, WP did allow that.
> >
> > If this is NOT possible, it is a real shame when you are working with
> > technical text that contain lots
> > of symbols or number with some super- or subscripts.
> > Finding a whole lot of ASCII codes for different characters would not
> > be very elegant either ...
> >
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