Re: [libreoffice-users] help with standard.soc file color defining

2017-02-13 Thread hdv
On 2017-02-10 04:24, toki wrote:
> On 02/09/2017 07:49 PM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
>> I am having trouble adding the Resene color palette to the
>> "standard.soc" file.
> Two different Resene Palettes can be found at
> .
> For some reason, I'm under the impression that LibO can utilize adobe
> *.ase palettes, but a quick search on the LibO site doesn't confirm it.
> I've got 45 *.ase palettes from Resene,

Hai Jonathon,

You are correct concerning ase palettes. Chris Laplante added this feature on
request of Philipp Weissenbacher about one and a half years ago (I sponsored
this feature through back then). However, the feature is not
complete yet, because you have to add the palettes by hand at the moment.


Hopefully this can be finished sometime in the (near?) future.

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] KD Enlive - it's alive!

2015-11-17 Thread hdv
On 2015-11-17 17:34, charles meyer wrote:
> Hi Grx HdV,
> Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
> I’m very glad to hear you’ve enjoyed good experiences with KD Enlive.
> Which Linux distribution are you using which includes KD Enlive?
> Which features have you liked most with KD Enlive?
> I’m trying to find that KD Enlive built into any of the LIVE Linux
> distributions but I haven’t found one yet.
> I use (and very much like) the LIVE distributions of Knoppix and
> Ubuntu (and its variations Kubuntu, Lubuntu).
> Right now I run Windoze 7 on my PCs so I use Linux as a LIVE on a CD I
> burned of them.
> I’ve downloaded and I’m using Windows Live Movie Maker (free) but
> that’s a very basic video editor. I’ve read KD Enlive has many more
> features.
> I don’t have a budget to buy commercial video editors (e.g. Adobe
> Premiere, Final Cut Pro, etc.) and there's huge learnign curves with
> them anyway  so I’m trying to do as much for free as possible with
> user-friendly interfaces.
> If there is no LIVE Linux distribution with KD Enlive then one day
> I’ll have to see about getting some cheap, re-furbished computer to
> install Linux with KD Enlive.

Hi Charles,

I am using Debian GNU/Linux. I am quite sure kdenlive is not part of the
standard Live distribution of Debian, but that does not have to be a
problem. You could use an USB-stick to install Debian on and install
kdenlive after that with a plain "apt-get install kdenlive".

More info on how to do this can be read at

Good luck!

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] KD Enlive - it's alive!

2015-11-16 Thread hdv
On 2015-11-16 21:27, charles meyer wrote:
> Any budding filmmakers on this list?
> I was wondering if anyone has used KD Enlive to edit any videos?
> Or maybe you’ve stumbled upon a good KD Enlive online forum you can recommend?
> Thanks so much!
> Best,
> Charles.

Hi Charles,

I use it quite regularly. Admittedly not for very complex editing, but
up to now it has never let me down. I find it relatively user friendly
and it offers enough features for our needs. In my experience it is
quite stable too.


Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] merging layers

2015-05-11 Thread hdv@gmail
On 10 May 2015 at 21:26, Eric Beversluis wrote:

 I'm working on a graphic in LO Draw with several layers. Now I want
 to merge those layers, but I can't find how to do that. I tried
 grouping but I can only select one element at a time, even with
 'Shift' held down.

I don't think Draw knows the concept of merging layers. All layers are
always part of the file. When you want to export the file to a different
format you can hide specific layers and export the rest. As far as I
know that what is exported is all placed on a single layer, but I
haven't tested this extensively, so I might be jumping to conclusions here.


Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Drawing of triangles in LO

2015-03-21 Thread hdv@gmail
On 2015-03-21 20:41, Daniel wrote:
 Is there any tutorial of how to draw tutorials (exact degrees) in LO ?

Hi Daniel,

Are the predefined triangles among the standard shapes of no use to you?
You can find them on the Drawing toolbar, left from the shapes that
are represented by the smiley.

You could of course also draw three lines and then position them exactly
as you want. Draw a line and then right-click on it. In the dialog
Position and size you can set the position of the starting point of
the line and the offset from that point to define the length of the
line. Most probably it will be best to first set the length desired by
drawing a horizontal or vertical line. That way you don't have to
calculate the offsets. In that same dialog there is a Rotation tab
that allows you to set the exact angle of the lines. Together this
enables you to create any triangle you might want. It is somewhat
convoluted, but it works.

Once you have the shape you want it might be a good idea to select all
three lines and merge them to one shape. That even allows you do apply
filling, should you want that.

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Creating a dictionary with libreoffice from a simple TXT-file

2014-12-25 Thread hdv@gmail
On 2014-12-25 07:17, Constantine wrote:
 you are unbelievable!!!
 While I solved the problem with my very sloppy trick and was writing 
 my mail in order to inform you about it, you were looking for a 
 correct solution and writing this very long and very very detailed 
 I am just speechless.
 I saved all of your instructions, not twice but three times and also 
 printed them out. They are priceless.
 These expressions are things that I need very often and very badly 
 when working on my translations and they will make my life much 
 easier in the future. I know, that even if I had spent 30 more hours 
 studying the manual, I would probably never have come to such clean 
 Thank you for everything. I really hope I can do something for you
 in the

Hi Constatine,

I am a bit late in the thread to help you with this specific case (glad
to see it is solved), but I'd like to suggest something. I think you
wrote that you are working on a Linux system and are willing to learn.
In that case one of the best things you can do to help yourself with
similar problems in the future is to look into vim and especially into
regular expressions too. Your replacement needs would have been
something that regular expressions would have helped you with a lot. In
particular things like postive/negative lookahead/lookback. If vim is
not your thing, then Emacs might be more to your liking. Both can be a
tremendous help with any problem that has to do with text. It will take
some effort to learn vim/Emacs and regular expressions, but it will be
worth every second.

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [Not to group] Re: files on network shares not opening. Own ones are ok?

2014-08-30 Thread hdv@gmail
On 2014-08-30 14:58, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :) 
 It could easily be a network problem.  I'm not convinced our network is
 working as it should but various people have tested it and said it's fine. 
 Caligra opened the network files with no problem.  Refused to open them
 from the
 File - Open
 claiming that only local files could be opened.  However when i went to
 the network share and double-clicked on the file it opened just fine in
 Caligra Author
 Still got to read through some of those links that Steve sent me on Friday
 Many thanks!  Good luck and regards from

Hi Tom,

Same here. Other applications don't seem to have this problem at the
same moment LO does show them. Therfore I don't think it will be the
network itself. But maybe LO uses a component that is sensitive to a
less than stellar network performance when opening files over the
network. However that is only guessing and not based on any form of
decent testing.

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [Not to group] Re: files on network shares not opening. Own ones are ok?

2014-08-29 Thread hdv@gmail
On 2014-08-29 13:59, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 Hm, but Ubuntu has no troubles with network files.  I thought i was on LO
 3.5.7 but i might have upgraded.  I'm out of the office for a few hours
 again but could check later.
 Our file-server is a Debian one and done using a Samba share.  No other
 files are affected so it's only when using LO to open them.
 I've not tried using AbiWord but from what Alex is saying i suspect it is
 only LO and maybe only certain versions.  I've still not tried Steve's
 links but hopefully might try those later.  Thanks HdV for confirming! :)
 I thought i had just done somethign weird when installing Kubuntu.

Some additional data I just received from one of the colleagues. This
problem also appeared on Windows 7 and 8 clients. But one of the more
technically versed persons thought it might have to do with the quality
of the network connection. That was because using the same laptop and
NAS but connected to another WLAN he did not have these problems. That
first network is indeed not constant in speed and sometimes slows down
to a crawl (although it doesn't lose its connection altogether). He
thought (but has not confirmed) that these problems were appearing
mostly when that network was playing up. Maybe that information is of
use to those trying to solve this.

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Impress won't save changes in master slide

2014-03-14 Thread HdV
Hi Tom,

 Wrt sponsoring devs to work on key issues affecting your company
 Many companies employ devs to work directly on LibreOffice.  Famously
 openSuSE and Redhat but also many others such as Canonical also
 various governments and companies that are not primarily
 computer-related.  Smaller companies can do so on a smaller scale,
 perhaps just 1 and only part-time.  Also very possible to have maybe 2
 part-time devs working on a variety of projects (incl the company
 website's under-laying structure (marketing deals with the surface
 images and content right?)) but being given specific tasks and
 priorities as and when a need arises.
 There are crowd sponsoring sites for specific one off issues but i
 can't remember any and anyway it looks like this issue is already
 solved by just upgrading to a newer release in (hopefully) the same
 branch.  Moving to another branch sometimes means surprises and not
 always good, usually but not always.  Staying in the same branch (such
 as 4.0.4 to 4.0.6 - or 4.1.0 to 4.1.5) is roughly the equivalent of
 just adding a new Service Pack.

Thanks for your answer. I am going to install the latest version to verify 
this, but I've read somewhere that the problem still persists even in the most 
recent version. Not sure yet if it does for me. I'll find out. I think I'll try 
to find a crowd sponsoring site if the issue isn't solved.

Grx HdV

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[libreoffice-users] Impress won't save changes in master slide

2014-03-06 Thread HdV
Hi all,

When trying to fix the problem with the disappearing footers (see previous 
message) I noticed something strange.

I edited the slide master (resized the auto-layout areas for the title and 
outline) and saved the file. When re-opening that file both areas are back to 
their old sizes and auto-fit modes again. It seems the changes were not saved.

Has anyone noticed this behavior before? Did you find a workaround?

I tried to find out if this was a known bug, but did not find it in the 
If it is new, then I'll report it.

Grx HdV

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[libreoffice-users] Trouble with disappearing master elements in Impress

2014-03-06 Thread HdV
Hi all,

We use a template for our presentations in Impress. Recently I had someone 
create a new presentation from that template, but when I received the file back 
from him I noticed that on most slides (all except the first and last) the 
footer from the slide master was gone in the actual slides (it is still there 
though in the master itself). I tried to re-apply the master to those slides, 
but that did not help. 

As I noticed that for some slides the layout was changed too I also tried re-
applying the layout, hoping that would somehow help. Sadly, it didn't.

Anyone had this problem before?

If this is a bug, does anyone know of a workaround? 

As an easy way out I tried to copy the slides from the corrupt version to a 
new file, but the copied slides in the new file still show the same problem. 
Does anyone know of a way to paste slides without pasting the master and 
layout parts? Say a paste text and images only, but not look and feel 



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[libreoffice-users] Re: Impress won't save changes in master slide

2014-03-06 Thread HdV
On 2014-03-06 09:41:11 you wrote:
 Hi all,
 When trying to fix the problem with the disappearing footers (see previous
 message) I noticed something strange.
 I edited the slide master (resized the auto-layout areas for the title and
 outline) and saved the file. When re-opening that file both areas are back
 to their old sizes and auto-fit modes again. It seems the changes were not
 Has anyone noticed this behavior before? Did you find a workaround?
 I tried to find out if this was a known bug, but did not find it in the
 buglist. If it is new, then I'll report it.
 Grx HdV

Ah, I found a bug report matching this problem. Seems this is known for years, 
but it hasn't been fixed (yet). Too bad. (#641175)

What If I would be willing to sponsor resolving this bug? What would be the 
best way to find a developer that could fix this? We use LO a lot in my 
so I wouldn't mind to invest in something that would help ourselves and all 
other users of LO. If anyone knows someone who would be able and willing to fix 
this bug, then please let him/her contact me.

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Draw - Changing the font/size of all text in a illustration at one time

2013-10-30 Thread HdV
On 2013-10-30 12:01:11 Jack Patteeuw wrote:
 Is there a simple way to change all of the text in a Draw illustration
 to the same font/size/color.
 I inherited someone else mess and I am trying to clean it up.

This is what I do: select all items wanted. Then right-click en from the 
context menu select Character The dialog that pops up will allow you to 
adjust all fonts and font effects for the selected objects.

Another option I prefer is to work with styles. In that case define a style for 
all obejcts that share the same look-and-feel and assign the style to them 
using the styles menu (F11). After that you can select that specific style from 
the styles menu and set everything (not only fonts) to your liking for those 


Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] computer network pictures

2013-05-16 Thread HdV
On 2013-05-16 09:11:03 Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
 Hi all,
 My collegues asked me to draw a network  server topology.
 They would like more sexy pictucres than rectangles and circles:
 Would you have a Drawing template to have nice computer  network

You can use any picture you want. What I do is add all pictures I like for a 
specific topic to a Draw file and add gluepoints to them. From that file I 
the image I need and copy it to the file I am working on. If you add the 
gluepoints wisely, then you can resize and reposition the image and the 
connectors will just follow it. You can even define what direction the 
connectors should prefer. To bad Draw won't allow you to do this in a more 
elegant way, but for me using template file works OK.

P.S. I would advise you to make your images transparent before copying them to 
the template file. That way you can use them on any background in future use.

P.P.S. Search the intenet for Visio stencils or other image collections you 
like. I don't have a URL handy right now, but Googling for Cisco Systems 
Corporate Iconography will point you in the right direction.


Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] editing an Impress file

2013-02-07 Thread HdV
Hai Andrew,

Most probably the linespacing is reduced to fit the text in the textbox.

If you click somewhere on the text and then press escape you'll see a hatched 
border (or in some versions only 6 little blue squares) to indicate the textbox 
your text is a part of.

Put the cursor over that border (or one of the squares) and with the right 
button of your mouse select one of Text..., Size and position... or 
Paragraph All these dialogs contain settings that might influence this 
behavoir. I suspect you have a setting in one of those that automatically 
adjusts the linespacing or another property of the text so that is is made to 
fit in the textbox. Try fiddling around with those 'til you find one that 
satisfies your needs. Most descriptions are quite self-explaining, so I suspect 
you'll find the right one quiet easily. If not, ask again and we'll try to help 

Grx HdV

- Original Message -
 From: Andrew K
 Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2013 7:55:03 AM
 Subject: [libreoffice-users] editing an Impress file
 New LO here and it seems I'm not so good with Impress presentations!
 I've been given an Impress file to edit and some slides need to have
 more text added. As I do that, it seems that the size of the text
 gets smaller, but the font size doesn't change.
 What's going on, please?
 More importantly, how do I stop this odd behaviour, and can I do it
 globally, or do I have to do it for each presentation that I edit,
 or worse, for each slide in each presentation?
 LibreOffice 3.4.3
 Mac OSX 10.6.8
 Thanks for any help.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] editing an Impress file

2013-02-07 Thread HdV
Hi Andrew,

Sorry. Forgot the second part of your question.

 More importantly, how do I stop this odd behaviour, and can I do it
 globally, or do I have to do it for each presentation that I edit,
 or worse, for each slide in each presentation?

You can change this behavior globally for the document by adjusting the setting 
in the appropriate styles. Unless there are some very specific things going on 
in your presentation it should be enough to open the styles menu (F11), select 
the graphical styles (the lefmost icon with the square, triangle and circle) 
and after that Default from the list. From there you should see again the 
familiar option dialogs from my previous mail.

If you want to change this for all your presentations, then just edit the 
template or copy an existing presentation as a new template. See Templates 
under File in the menubar.

Grx HdV

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Embedded video in Impress

2013-01-31 Thread HdV
Hai Malcolm,

 This has got to be really easy but I can't figure it out :-(
 How do I embed a video on a slide and then have it only play
 when you click on it. At the moment it starts playing as soon
 as I show the slide.

Until this bug or missing feature (depends on how you look at it) is fixed you 
might do what I do:

- Capture a picture of the movie in question and put that on a slide.
- Through the use of an interaction link to the video and make it start playing 
when you click on the image.

There's one catch though: only the most recent versions allow the use of 
relative links for embedding external content, making this method not really 
portable for versions at least up to 3.5. If it doesn't need to be portable, or 
if you have the same location for your presentation on the machines you use, or 
if you use 3.6, then this shouldn't be a problem.

Grx HdV

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