At 15:36 12/02/2014 +0200, Pat Brown wrote:
I have two columns in calc. Column A has a list of items while
column B has an associated cost. I want to be able to select from
column A and have the item entered into a form (say column X) but I
also want to automatically select the associated cost and have this
entered into column Y, alongside its associated item. Is this
possible in Calc, and how would I then set this up?
Yes. There are two things to do here: setting up a drop-down menu
from which values in column X can be selected, and then arranging
that the appropriate values appear in column Y.
o Select column X (or an appropriate range of it).
o Go to Data | Validity... | Criteria.
o For Allow, select "Cell range".
o For Source, enter A$1:A$99 (or whatever).
Now each relevant cell in column X will have a drop-down selection
list, from which to choose each entry.
o In Y1, enter =VLOOKUP(X1;A$1:B$99;2;0) and fill or copy this down the column.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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