Re: [libreoffice-users] Understanding Character styles "Default Style" and relative font sizes

2020-07-09 Thread Robert Großkopf
Hi John,

one hint:
Tools → Options → LibreOffice Writer → Basic Fonts
will set the size of the Default Character Style (and some other styles)
I have tried it with Character Style Emphasis. Set it to 150% - it was
set to 150% of the Default Character Style and sets all to 18pt. Then I
changed the Basic Font to 14pt and the Character Style Emphasis changes
to 21pt after a refresh.

And another hint: If you are missing a description write it down.
I have been asked a longer time ago if I couldn't write down something
about Base. So I wrote the German Base-Handbuch for LO. The fist Book
had 300 pages. The version, which should be published for LO 7.0, will
have more than 600 pages.
Then I saw there is missing a description about XML-Form-Documents. I
tested all and wrote it down.

I the German Mailinglist we had seen the same problems with character
styles, paragraph styles and so on. It would be great to have a separate



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Understanding Character styles "Default Style" and relative font sizes

2020-07-09 Thread John Kaufmann

Hi Robert,

On 2020-07-09 04:58, Robert Großkopf wrote:

Also: can someone explain "text-to-text alignment" (Paragraph style
Alignment tab)?

Try this:
Write some Text with Default Style. Copy it for getting some paragraphs.
Now set the paragraph
Text to Text → Alignment → Top.
Mark a word in the paragraph and switch the size of this to 18pt.

Ah, so it's just for the question of alignment of different character sizes? I 
should have thought that would be easy to incorporate in the Help or Guide. 
[But then, the volunteers who provide such help can't think of everything. (If 
there is one simple change I would make to the Guide, though, it would be the 
elementary step of providing the PDF with bookmarks. The lack of bookmarks is 
such a disadvantage, and so easily overcome, that I download the ODT Guide and 
generate the PDF from that. I'm surprised that after giving so much effort on 
content, the Guide producers neglect such an important step.)]

Kind regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Understanding Character styles "Default Style" and relative font sizes

2020-07-09 Thread John Kaufmann

Hi Robert,

Thanks so much for answering, but I think you misunderstood the question, which 
is essentially about the behavior of *Character* styles, not Paragraph styles. 
I'm sorry if that was not clear. To help correct, I will insert the proper 
context in the snippet you quoted below, and begin by quoting a little more 
from the original post, for what I hope will be adequate context:

In most cases the Paragraph and Character styles seem to coexist with the rules 
above -- essentially, that the Character style modifies the character 
attributes of the Paragraph style -- but something different happens with 
relative font size: the character size is some percentage, but of what? - 
apparently /not/ of the character size specified in the relevant Paragraph 
style, or even in the Paragraph Default Style.  All percentages seem to be 
based on a 12pt font, regardless of the font size specified in the Paragraph 

With that fuller context, let's proceed:

On 2020-07-09 04:47, Robert Großkopf wrote:

All percentages [of the *Character* style] seem to be based on a 12pt
font, regardless of the font size specified in the Paragraph style.

12pt is the defined font size of the paragraph "Default Style". You have
to look in the style dialog in tab "Organizer" → "Inherit from". You
could change "Default Style" of the paragraph for changing the size for
all depending font sizes.

"Addressee" depends directly to the font size of "Default Style". So the
font size will be changed if the font size of "Default Style" has been

"Heading", for example, sets the inherits from Default Style. It is
overwritten there by font size 14pt. "Heading 1" is inherit from
"Heading". It takes this 14pt and will set it to 130%.

You see, all your examples were of the cascading of relative sizes within a 
cascade of linked Paragraph styles: each child style modifies its direct parent 
style. I thought the original post demonstrated that I understand how that 
works, and was surprised only by how Character styles -- which apparently exist 
to modify the character attributes of the Paragraph style -- differ in that 
regard. As you have used examples to communicate the principle [just not the 
principle I intended], let me do likewise:

Take the Character style "Emphasis". Change the font size from absolute (by default, 12pt) to relative (say, 
150%). Apply that style to a string of text in some paragraph (say, Paragraph style "Text Body"). To what is 
that 150% related? If you change the font size of the Paragraph style (say, increase "Text Body" from 12pt to 
20pt), note that the size of the text in "Emphasis" /does not change/.  So in what way does the Character 
style modify the character attributes of the Paragraph style?


All is based on the default styles: Paragraphs for the whole paragraph
styles, fonts to the whole character styles.

I'm sorry, this part of your answer I did not understand. I /think/ you refer to the 
hierarchical linking of attributes within Paragraph styles -- and Character styles may 
similarly be hierarchically linked, but not based on the /Character/ style "Default 
Style".  All that, I knew, but it's possible you were saying something more. [I must 
admit I had to think more about the significance of those 19 words than about the rest of 
your reply, trying to determine if I was missing something.]  So if you were saying 
something more than I understood, would you please help me understand your intent?

Default character style only deletes all the changes of the character
styles you made in a special tab. For example the character style
"Emphasis": There is only set Font > Italic. You could only set it back
to "change nothing" by choosing in tab "Font" → "Standard".

Yes. I think I expressed it thus --

There is also a /Character/ style "Default Style", which /cannot/ be either 
modified or chosen as the basis of other Character styles; its sole function seems to be, 
when invoked, to de-select any other character style, to the return the selected string 
to the character attributes specified in the Paragraph style governing the paragraph(s) 
housing that string.

-- and that this function of the Character style "Default Style" (to remove any 
other character style) is complemented by the ability you mention, to reset any other 
Character style to adopt the attributes of the underlying Paragraph style.  Again, about 
that there is no question. [Though again, as I mentioned in the original post, so much of 
that apparent complication stems from the decision to include character attributes in the 
Paragraph styles, which I think is done for MS compatibility.]

Hope it helps. My English is a littel bit confusing for other people.

Uberhaupt nicht. Ich werde Ihre Geduld mit meinem Deutsch nicht missbrachen. 
Ich schatze dass Sie meinem Muttersprache schreiben. Ich weiss den zusatlichen 
Aufwand. Manchmal denke ich, dass jeder in seiner bekanntesten Sprache sprechen 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Understanding Character styles "Default Style" and relative font sizes

2020-07-09 Thread Peter Hillier-Brook
On 09/07/2020 09:47, Robert Großkopf wrote:
> Hi John,
>>   All
>> percentages seem to be based on a 12pt font, regardless of the font size
>> specified in the Paragraph style.
> 12pt is the defined font size of the paragraph "Default Style". You have
> to look in the style dialog in tab "Organizer" → "Inherit from". You
> could change "Default Style" of the paragraph for changing the size for
> all depending font sizes.
> "Addressee" depends directly to the font size of "Default Style". So the
> font size will be changed if the font size of "Default Style" has been
> changed.
> "Heading", for example, sets the inherits from Default Style. It is
> overwritten there by font size 14pt. "Heading 1" is inherit from
> "Heading". It takes this 14pt and will set it to 130%.
> All is based on the default styles: Paragraphs for the whole paragraph
> styles, fonts to the whole character styles.
> Default character style only deletes all the changes of the character
> styles you made in a special tab. For example the character style
> "Emphasis": There is only set Font > Italic. You could only set it back
> to "change nothing" by choosing in tab "Font" → "Standard".
> Hope it helps. My English is a littel bit confusing for other people.

Nonsense! Your English is clear and concise and it's a pity that some of
the so-called native English speakers on this list don't emulate it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Understanding Character styles "Default Style" and relative font sizes

2020-07-09 Thread Robert Großkopf
Hi John,

>  All
> percentages seem to be based on a 12pt font, regardless of the font size
> specified in the Paragraph style.

12pt is the defined font size of the paragraph "Default Style". You have
to look in the style dialog in tab "Organizer" → "Inherit from". You
could change "Default Style" of the paragraph for changing the size for
all depending font sizes.

"Addressee" depends directly to the font size of "Default Style". So the
font size will be changed if the font size of "Default Style" has been

"Heading", for example, sets the inherits from Default Style. It is
overwritten there by font size 14pt. "Heading 1" is inherit from
"Heading". It takes this 14pt and will set it to 130%.

All is based on the default styles: Paragraphs for the whole paragraph
styles, fonts to the whole character styles.

Default character style only deletes all the changes of the character
styles you made in a special tab. For example the character style
"Emphasis": There is only set Font > Italic. You could only set it back
to "change nothing" by choosing in tab "Font" → "Standard".

Hope it helps. My English is a littel bit confusing for other people.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Understanding Character styles "Default Style" and relative font sizes

2020-07-09 Thread Robert Großkopf
Hi John,
> Also: can someone explain "text-to-text alignment" (Paragraph style
> Alignment tab)?

Try this:
Write some Text with Default Style. Copy it for getting some paragraphs.
Now set the paragraph
Text to Text → Alignment → Top.
Mark a word in the paragraph and switch the size of this to 18pt.

All this con be made directly, without any changing of the styles.



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[libreoffice-users] Understanding Character styles "Default Style" and relative font sizes

2020-07-09 Thread John Kaufmann

The root of the hierarchy of Paragraph styles, on which all Paragraph styles are based, is "Default 
Style".  There is also a /Character/ style "Default Style", which /cannot/ be either modified 
or chosen as the basis of other Character styles; its sole function seems to be, when invoked, to de-select 
any other character style, to the return the selected string to the character attributes specified in the 
Paragraph style governing the paragraph(s) housing that string. [That summary is a result of years of use as 
well as study of the Help (which is silent in this regard) and the Writer Guides from 2.0 to 6.0. If, after 
all that, I have missed something essential, I would welcome correction. OTOH, if a proposition so elementary 
to understanding Writer -- the meaning of the Character style "Default Style" -- is really this 
simple, I wish the documentation would be more explicit in this regard.]

A Paragraph style has attributes of paragraph structure and character style. 
[This fact, probably done for MS Word compatibility, is likely responsible for 
much if not most of the awkwardness of styles. When formatting directly from 
the main menu, one is sent directly to a character-only or 
paragraph-structure-only dialog box. It would be helpful/simpler if Paragraph 
and Character styles were that cleanly separated functionally.]  For paragraph 
structure, the Paragraph style has these tabs:
  *Indents & Spacing*

For both Paragraph styles and Character styles, the character attributes are 
grouped as:
  *Font*: Font (typeface), Style (attributes Bold and Italic) and Size 
(absolute or relative);
  *Font Effects*: Font Color, Text Decoration (various types of 
over/through/under lines), Effects (Case and Relief variations)
  *Position*: (Position (super/normal/sub script), Rotation (0~360), Scaling 
(%) Spacing (absolute), Kerning (on/off)
  *Highlighting* (character color background)

Both Paragraph and Character styles include a *Borders* tab, but this apparent 
commonality if misleading because the Border scopes are different: around the 
selected text string in the case of the Character style, around the 
paragraph(s) in the case of the Paragraph style.

In most cases the Paragraph and Character styles seem to coexist with the rules 
above -- essentially, that the Character style modifies the character 
attributes of the Paragraph style -- but something different happens with 
relative font size: the character size is some percentage, but of what? - 
apparently /not/ of the character size specified in the relevant Paragraph 
style, or even in the Paragraph Default Style.  All percentages seem to be 
based on a 12pt font, regardless of the font size specified in the Paragraph 

Can someone tell me what is going on here? Is my understanding of the 
principles correct?

Also: can someone explain "text-to-text alignment" (Paragraph style Alignment 


But one problem (of several) with this understanding is that it doesn't really 
seem to work that way, either.  If a Character style modifies the character 
attributes of the Paragraph style,

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