At 16:30 12/02/2014 +0100, Martin Hein wrote:
I'm in the process of creating a new stationary based on an image
received from a design agency. The image is supposed to cover the
whole page (A4), that is including the space outside the defined
page margin settings.
You'll need a printer capable (unusually) of printing to the edge of
the paper, of course.
Walking down the path via format->page->background appears to be out
of the question as the image is then re-sized to fit into the page margins.
The solution is to set the page margins at zero and then to arrange
that the text still remains within the required smaller area. One
way would be to set empty headers and footers as spacing at the top
and bottom of the page, and to use a paragraph style with suitable
indents before and after text. Alternatively, you could use a frame
or a table to contain the text and position this where you
wanted. But I think the easiest and most effective solution is to
put all your text into a section, which can have horizontal indents
set to create your side margins, in conjunction with empty headers
and footers. A section has the advantage that it will expand as
necessary to accommodate text, which will flow naturally from page to
page within your contrived margins.
Only things with this approach, I cannot enter new/change existing
text, as the image appears to be in the foreground (albeit having
been sent back/to the background, and any existing text is displayed
correctly), and whatever I do, I only can edit this image and nothing else.
If you have the background image selected - so that the eight green
handles show - it can indeed be confusing to find how to get at the
text. But you can sometime do this by clicking outside the page area
(on the shaded window background) and then clicking back in the text region.
Isn't this--what I'm trying to achieve--possible at all? Is it maybe
a bug in LibreOffice?
I suspect that LibreOffice Writer - like other parallel products - is
aimed at word processing rather than print layout.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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