It was quite difficult to find appropriate information of LibreOffice XSLT
Filters. With the Manuals of OpenOffice I could develop some import filters
but still have troubles with some issues (all applied in Calc, XSLT v1.0):

a) A once installed filter (Tools/XML Filter Settings/New...) can not be
removed anymore. When deleted/confirmed the same filter appears again when
restarting. Even when deleting the .xslt file it appears, it just doesn't
have a function anymore.
Ist this a known problem where somebody has a solution?

b) My Calc-import-filter shall import a wordpress export xml. This xml has
many tags like "wp:name". The Import doesn't work with ":" so I changed both
xml and xslt to e.g. "wp_name" and everything worked fine.
Is there a common solution to make it work with special chars in tags like

c) Which XSLT version is actually used by LibreOffice 3.3 and 3.4 and where
do we find a good documentation or some more samples?

Thanks for any (even partial) support & best regards, j.

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