Does anyone have any idea on when these portable versions will be coming out?

LibreOffice 4.1.4 Portable MultilingualNormal
LibreOffice 4.1.4 Portable MultilingualAll

They are the only thing left, that I need, for the NA-DVD 4.1.4 DVD to be finished.

I would like to have the 4.1.4 versions to be on the DVD's ISO file, when it gets uploaded to the LO DVD pages "system". I now have added the X-LibreOffice-4.1.4 portable version from winPenPack as a "second" portable option, but I still would like to have the 4.1.4 portable version[s] that are listed on the LO web site.

Some people have indicated that the winPenPack "X" version of LO is faster than the version[s], but I do not use Windows [rarely use it that is] so I have not tested the differences between the two versions.

So, the question is, when will the version[s] be ready for download, so they can be included in the NA-DVD 4.1.4 .iso file?

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