Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-21 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 21 Aug 2013, Ken Springer wrote:


Whether or not there's two spaces at the end of the sentence doesn't make a 
lot of difference in that communication, IMO.  But, I think it does effect 
the ease with which an individual can read the written word.

did you mean "the ease with which _some individuals_ can read the 
written word"? I dislike double-spaces but I hardly see a difference, 
subjectively, in the ease of reading.

can you cite a source for the claim it inhibits reading? don't feel 
obligated; I know Tom is trying, in his graceful way, to end the 
thread and it is probably overdrawn at this point.

it is btw pretty easy to edit them out.


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-21 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
I have quite enjoyed a lot of this discussion.  I think a lot of the issues 
can't be fixed by the word-processor without blocking us from being able to 
mess around with stuff to give it our own personal flair.  

For example i tend to double-space at the end of sentences but if i was forced 
to do that and given no choice then i would resent it deeply.  When i get on my 
bike to go home from work i could always turn left to go out across the fields 
and down to the river and maybe a pub and i quite fancy doing that but somehow 
almost always turn right and go home.  If i was forced to always do one or the 
other i would resent it.  It's having the choice that is important.  LaTeX 
deals with some of these issues but by doing so it restricts people's possible 

Another thing is that i tend to find that almost any "final document" produced 
by MS Office looks a bit shoddy and cheap.  There is always something that has 
gone a little wrong that we just have to put up with.  By contrast documents 
produced by LO just look so much more professional and polished that maybe we 
expect a bit too much from it sometimes.  A tool that can blatantly never get 
the job done, like Word, is forgiven minor issues more easily than a tool that 
is almost perfect, like LO.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Virgil Arrington 
>Sent: Wednesday, 21 August 2013, 1:01
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting
>On 08/20/2013 06:01 PM, William Wells wrote:
>> While there is no ISO or equivalent, there are a lot of
>> wannabe:
>> In the US:  The "real" expert (in the US) on this subject
>> seems to be
>> the Chicago Manual of Style.  It sets forth what Publishers
>> desire/want/will not accept unless it complies with
>> regarding submissions.
>> Brits have The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Authors and
>> Publishers among others, and the EU has its own Style Manual
>> Oh, and for students, there is the "Elements of Style".
>> There are Academic Styles, Styles for Medical writing ad
>> nauseum.
>> So, the devs could lose many hours sleep trying to
>> generate a program to cover all eventualities.
>I think there is a difference between a style for submitting a 
>manuscript to a publisher and a style for final publication. I 
>understand many publishers want manuscripts submitted in double spaced 
>type, which they would never use when actually publishing the book. Our 
>discussion has been more about good final product than initial submissions.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-20 Thread Paul
On Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:01:57 -0400
Virgil Arrington  wrote:

> I think there is a difference between a style for submitting a 
> manuscript to a publisher and a style for final publication. I 
> understand many publishers want manuscripts submitted in double
> spaced type, which they would never use when actually publishing the
> book. Our discussion has been more about good final product than
> initial submissions.

True, but with that we've moved quite far from the discussion about
what LO can and cannot do. As far as I can see, these
standards/conventions are about:
   font size
   line spacing
   paragraph indentation
   inter-word and inter-sentance spacing.

I realise LO can't be all things to all people, but what I've
understood so far as that LO can do all but the last point. With
justified text that last point may not be relevant, and it may not be a
good convention for final product, but for some people it will still be
relevant, and they should ideally have the choice. Is this something
that can be added to LO? Should there be an enhancement request for
this? Are there other points that need to be addressed in addition to
those listed so far? Has someone tested a regex search/replace for this
as a workaround (I think someone tried something that didn't work, but
it wasn't a regex)?

Just my R0.02


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-20 Thread Virgil Arrington

On 08/20/2013 06:01 PM, William Wells wrote:

While there is no ISO or equivalent, there are a lot of

In the US:  The "real" expert (in the US) on this subject
seems to be
the Chicago Manual of Style.  It sets forth what Publishers
desire/want/will not accept unless it complies with
regarding submissions.

Brits have The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Authors and
Publishers among others, and the EU has its own Style Manual

Oh, and for students, there is the "Elements of Style".

There are Academic Styles, Styles for Medical writing ad

So, the devs could lose many hours sleep trying to
generate a program to cover all eventualities.

I think there is a difference between a style for submitting a 
manuscript to a publisher and a style for final publication. I 
understand many publishers want manuscripts submitted in double spaced 
type, which they would never use when actually publishing the book. Our 
discussion has been more about good final product than initial submissions.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-20 Thread William Wells
While there is no ISO or equivalent, there are a lot of 

In the US:  The "real" expert (in the US) on this subject 
seems to be 
the Chicago Manual of Style.  It sets forth what Publishers 
desire/want/will not accept unless it complies with 
regarding submissions.  

Brits have The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Authors and 
Publishers among others, and the EU has its own Style Manual

Oh, and for students, there is the "Elements of Style".

There are Academic Styles, Styles for Medical writing ad 

So, the devs could lose many hours sleep trying to 
generate a program to cover all eventualities.  

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-20 Thread Virgil Arrington

On 08/19/2013 11:05 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

Hi, Vigil,

So, if I read your message correctly, there is no official "body" that 
sets typographic standards, only general conventions used by most, but 
may not be the best for end user/reader.  Would that be correct?

Not quite.

I agree there is no official body that sets typographic standards, at 
least none of which I am aware. I also agree that there are general 
conventions that are used by most professional typographers. I do *not* 
agree that these conventions "may not be best for the end user/reader."

I honestly believe that one word space between sentences is best for the 
reader. I honestly believe it facilitates the smooth flow of reading.

It might surprise you, but I was a slow convert to the "one space 
between sentences" convention. Like many here, I learned to type on an 
Underwood, with all the conventions that grew up with the typewriter. I 
learned to use 12-point Pica type, set one-inch page margins, indent 
paragraphs one half inch, double space my text, and put two spaces 
between sentences.

When I graduated to a Windows word processor with proportionally spaced 
type, I kept using all of these conventions. After all, after 25 years 
of typing everything the same way, it "looked" right. I then came across 
a series of typography articles that stated that these typing 
conventions were actually deviations from typographic standards. They 
grew as concessions to the fixed-width type of the typewriter and 
letter-sized paper. But, professional typesetters using proportionally 
spaced type typically didn't use the same conventions. When was the last 
time you saw a book set in 12 point type, double spaced lines with 
one-half inch indents?

I started examining the books I read with great reading comfort. *All* 
of them had type smaller than 12 points. *None* of them had double 
spaced lines or half-inch indents. They were *all* single spaced with 
paragraph indents of less than one half inch. And most of them, 
especially those printed after I was born, had only one word space after 
sentence ending punctuation.

So, if everything I learned in typing class was "right," how was it that 
all of these professionally published books got it wrong? More 
importantly, how was it that I was able to read all these books without 
stumbling over the words? They all looked just as "right" as my own 
papers that had been typed using typewriter conventions.

I learned that the typewriter standards were based on the fact that we 
were using letter-sized paper and fixed-width type. You'll notice books 
tend to have much smaller pages. Larger paper means longer text lines, 
which means larger type, and wider line spacing. Fixed-width type also 
requires more definition between paragraphs and sentences, hence 
half-inch indents and two spaces between sentences.

But, now we're beyond the Underwood technology. We're now using 
technology that mimics that of Gutenberg. It's time we left behind the 
shackles of the typewriter and embraced the better technology we can obtain.

For my work, I now use 11-point type, single space my text and use 
paragraph indents of no more than 1/3 inch (2 picas). I set my left and 
right margins at about 1.75 inches (9.5 to 10.5 picas), specifically to 
increase white space in the margins and shorten the length of my lines. 
And, following the example of decades and decades of professionally 
printed books, I put only one word space between sentences.

At first, my new practice looked weird. But, I found that my work now 
resembled that found in a book, instead of that typed on the typewriter. 
Once I began using typesetting standards instead of typewriter 
standards, my eyes grew accustomed to reading text that was properly 
set, with only one space between paragraphs. My eyes adjusted to a 
reading flow that was not interrupted by too much white space after a 

So, while I can appreciate that those accustomed to reading text with 
two sentence ending spaces might resist change, I cannot agree that 
their habits are actually "best" for the reader.

To quote a very old Alka Seltzer commercial, "Try it, you'll like it!"


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-19 Thread Virgil Arrington

On 08/19/2013 08:44 AM, Denis J Navas wrote:
LaTeX which is known as a standard with typography of technical and 
mathematical documents, use a wider space after the end of sentence 
point, than the space between words.  Even more, the inter word space 
is dependent of the main font size (the optical size) and is stretchable.

That's why I don't accept the usual convention that don't use double 
space after the end of sentence point, because LibreOffice does not 
have way to insert end of sentence spaces.

While that is the default LaTeX setting, every time I use LaTeX, I 
insert the \frenchspacing command in my preamble, so that LaTeX will 
conform to the current generally accepted standard of using only a 
single word space after sentences.

While LaTeX produces beautiful results, it is a computing tool, not a 
typographic standard. The creator of the default behavior has, in fact, 
*deviated* from the "standard of typography" by ignoring the current 
standard of using only one word space after sentence ending punctuation.

I'm not saying everybody has to conform to the standard, but it would be 
somewhat naive to pretend that the standard doesn't exist.

I know I said I would let it go, but I just couldn't resist. :)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-19 Thread Brian Barker

At 06:53 19/08/2013 -0600, Denis J Navas wrote:
LO does not replace [.][ ] with [.][another kind of 
space].  Probably because regular expressions only detect 'space' 
without any qualification.

Do you mean "does not"?  (In which case I don't see where regular 
expressions come into it.)  We'd probably not want it to.  Or do you 
mean "cannot"?  You can make this change using Find & Replace. You 
need to have "Regular expressions" off, of course - or to escape the 
dot by preceding it with a backslash.  And you need to use a font 
that includes the space character you are trying to insert.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-18 Thread Brian Barker

At 12:41 18/08/2013 +0200, Andrew Brown wrote:

Thanks Tim, exactly what I was trying to express as briefly as possible.

Even though most of what he said was wrong?

Brian, the spoken word is more important and critical than the 
written word, ...

So you are not talking about punctuation like the rest of us, then - 
which occurs only in written text (unless you are Victor Borge, that 
is)?  (And I fear devotees of the Torah, the Bible, the Qur'an, and a 
hundred other similar texts would dispute your suggestion anyway!)

[Snipped: rest of paragraph talking about pauses in speaking, nothing 
about punctuation.]

And yes I can breath[e] and read at the same time, that's not the real point.

For those of us who read without moving our lips, it is.

And the true purpose of punctuation, is for reading both vocally and 
in the mind, in that order, the one cannot be divorced from the other.

The purpose of punctuation is for reading?  Well, yes: if you don't 
read the message you don't need the punctuation!  (Otherwise, this 
says nothing.)

And as to plain text it still has a font, ...

Sorry, but that's plain nonsense.  In order to display plain text, 
you need to use a font.  But you can choose any font, and that font 
is your choice (or your software's), not part of the plain 
text.  What do you think "plain" means here?

Today even in a plain text document one can choose any font ...

Exactly: which proves the point that the plain text itself does *not* 
have a font.

... and correctly covered by Tim, ...

As I say (and explained separately), he was mainly incorrect, in fact.

As to the font right now I am typing in, is in Mozilla Thunderbird, 
and the font is Colibri, a sans serif one, ...

That's what you are seeing, but this mailing list (for example) 
distributes only a plain text version of your message, which has lost 
this property.

See also Felmon Davis's excellent examples.

Brian Barker

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-18 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 18 Aug 2013, Andrew Brown wrote:

And the true purpose of punctuation, is for reading both vocally and in the 
mind, in that order, the one cannot be divorced from the other.


German requires a comma between main clauses and subordinate clauses, 
for instance:

"ich sehe, dass er redet" or "I see that he's talking."

there is no breath between those clauses in German or English.

German also capitalizes every noun; what aspect of vocalization is 
that supposed to correspond to? apostrophes aren't vocalized either.

two different media, speech and written word, one for the eye, one for 
the ear.


On 17/08/2013 09:22 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

On 08/17/2013 12:56 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 10:47 17/08/2013 +0200, Andrew Brown wrote:
In the read word punctuation taught us when to take a breath, as with a 
continuous sentence separated by a comma, and a long full breath after 
the period, plus a space.

This suggests that the point of the printed word is solely to enable 
public speaking.  Those of us who can read without moving our lips do not 
need breaths between sentences!  I can breathe and read at the same time; 
can't you?  The true purpose of punctuation in written material is to 
clarify the structure of the material, not to indicate the pauses that 
might occur if the material were read aloud.

Now even as we type to each other in this email, we are using a sans 
serif font ...

That's what you think!  You sent this message in plain text, so no font 
was identified.  How I read it or anyone else does depends on how we 
decide or our mail clients choose to display it.  I'm doing the same: you 
don't know how this appears to me as I'm composing it and I don't know how 
you will see it.

Brian Barker

In Thunderbird's Preferences, you can choose what font the text of your 
email will be displayed in. By default, it seems it is "Times New Roman", 
but I now use "DejaVu Serif".  I then get to choose what font the email is 
written in, with the current default as "Times".  I just chose "DejaVu 
Serif" for the font of this text that I have typed here.

So, you can decide which font you wish to display any text that does not 
have a font identifier built in, and you can define the font of the text 
you are sending in your email, more than one if you choose.

As for punctuation and word spacing, try reading old Greek text or others 
of that era like that where they seem to not use spacings and punctuation 
in their text.  We need them whether we read a text out load or silently. 
The internal punctuation gives you structure and also gives you a sense of 
"pausing" where the author wants such a thing to emphasize some word or 
portion of the text.

The punctuation in the sentence change the meaning of the sentence just by 
changing, adding, removing, key internal punctuation marks.  Of course over 
the 30+ years between high-school and the last college writing course, the 
standards and rules have changes on what is needed where and how best to 
use a comma or semicolon. But without these in the text of books that I 
personally like to read, it would not be as easy to read as it is now.

As for which fonts are best to use where, well whole college courses and 
majors can be needed to make the "best guess" on the science of what fonts 
are best for what and which fonts are "more readable" than others.  Book 
Publishers know what it best in the different types of books that publish. 
One font for text books, another for entertainment reading.  The hard cover 
book fonts can be different than the paper back ones as well.  There is a 
science involved in the choosing of the "proper" fonts.  I just decide 
which looks best for me for ease of reading.  I am told Serif fonts work 
the best for "entertainment" reading, but which serif font is the best, 
only you can decide which one in your fonts collection works best for you.


Felmon Davis

Nagging is the repetition of unpalatable truths.  -- Baroness Edith 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-18 Thread Andrew Brown

Thanks Tim, exactly what I was trying to express as briefly as possible.

Brian, the spoken word is more important and critical than the written 
word, in initial development of the human being. I don't have to be a 
psychologist to know that, just observed the growth of my children. So 
if we are taught correctly, we learn to firstly speak, then are taught 
to use our breathing, with pauses as we move on to read and understand 
any written text. Many teachers, and all of the ones I have been taught 
by, and my children taught by, have emphasised and enforced this. One 
does not have to be a public speaker, as this process starts from the 
first time all of us start to read and write at entry level school, and 
possibly prior to that from our parents, in reading aloud to an 
audience. So it starts there, and then progresses in the way we should 
be reading, and writing.

And yes I can breath and read at the same time, that's not the real 
point. And the true purpose of punctuation, is for reading both vocally 
and in the mind, in that order, the one cannot be divorced from the other.

And as to plain text it still has a font, mainly a sans serif one, even 
if not identified. In the old early days of computer, in whatever they 
were, it was a rudimentary machine font, I'm under correction, but much 
like Fixedsys. Microsoft then created their own font, called Microsoft 
sans serif and MS sans serif, almost identical but with some subtle 
differences. all of this was related to the poor screen/display 
technologies of the time. Today even in a plain text document one can 
choose any font of choice now, and correctly covered by Tim, in email 
clients. As to the font right now I am typing in, is in Mozilla 
Thunderbird, and the font is Colibri, a sans serif one, which is the 
default one for Thunderbird, under Windows 7 that is.


Andrew Brown

On 17/08/2013 09:22 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

On 08/17/2013 12:56 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 10:47 17/08/2013 +0200, Andrew Brown wrote:
In the read word punctuation taught us when to take a breath, as 
with a continuous sentence separated by a comma, and a long full 
breath after the period, plus a space.

This suggests that the point of the printed word is solely to enable 
public speaking.  Those of us who can read without moving our lips do 
not need breaths between sentences!  I can breathe and read at the 
same time; can't you?  The true purpose of punctuation in written 
material is to clarify the structure of the material, not to indicate 
the pauses that might occur if the material were read aloud.

Now even as we type to each other in this email, we are using a sans 
serif font ...

That's what you think!  You sent this message in plain text, so no 
font was identified.  How I read it or anyone else does depends on 
how we decide or our mail clients choose to display it.  I'm doing 
the same: you don't know how this appears to me as I'm composing it 
and I don't know how you will see it.

Brian Barker

In Thunderbird's Preferences, you can choose what font the text of 
your email will be displayed in. By default, it seems it is "Times New 
Roman", but I now use "DejaVu Serif".  I then get to choose what font 
the email is written in, with the current default as "Times".  I just 
chose "DejaVu Serif" for the font of this text that I have typed here.

So, you can decide which font you wish to display any text that does 
not have a font identifier built in, and you can define the font of 
the text you are sending in your email, more than one if you choose.

As for punctuation and word spacing, try reading old Greek text or 
others of that era like that where they seem to not use spacings and 
punctuation in their text.  We need them whether we read a text out 
load or silently.  The internal punctuation gives you structure and 
also gives you a sense of "pausing" where the author wants such a 
thing to emphasize some word or portion of the text.

The punctuation in the sentence change the meaning of the sentence 
just by changing, adding, removing, key internal punctuation marks.  
Of course over the 30+ years between high-school and the last college 
writing course, the standards and rules have changes on what is needed 
where and how best to use a comma or semicolon. But without these in 
the text of books that I personally like to read, it would not be as 
easy to read as it is now.

As for which fonts are best to use where, well whole college courses 
and majors can be needed to make the "best guess" on the science of 
what fonts are best for what and which fonts are "more readable" than 
others.  Book Publishers know what it best in the different types of 
books that publish.  One font for text books, another for 
entertainment reading.  The hard cover book fonts can be different 
than the paper back ones as well.  There is a science involved in the 
choosing of the "proper" fonts.  I just decide which looks best for me 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-17 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:22 17/08/2013 -0400, Tim Lungstrom wrote:
In Thunderbird's Preferences, you can choose what font the text of 
your email will be displayed in. By default, it seems it is "Times 
New Roman", but I now use "DejaVu Serif".

This is very confused.  What do you mean by "your email": presumably 
messages you *receive* - other people's messages, that is?  Yes, 
exactly so - so their authors *don't* get to say how their messages 
appear to you.

I then get to choose what font the email is written in, with the 
current default as "Times".  I just chose "DejaVu Serif" for the 
font of this text that I have typed here.

You think you are choosing the font in which your correspondents will 
see your messages.  But you have just contradicted that above, by 
saying (correctly) that as a recipient you can overrule such 
formatting choices.

So, you can decide which font you wish to display any text that does 
not have a font identifier built in, ...

(You are now talking received messages again, right?)  Correct - but 
also even if the text was formatted, in fact.  In the case of this 
mailing list, for example, only the plain text version of what you 
send is distributed, so your formatting is lost before your text 
reaches anyone.

... and you can define the font of the text you are sending in your 
email, more than one if you choose.

You can try, but you'll generally fail - for reasons including the 
one you give yourself.

Brian Barker

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-17 Thread Paul
On Sat, 17 Aug 2013 15:22:43 -0400
Kracked_P_P---webmaster  wrote:

> So, you can decide which font you wish to display any text that does
> not have a font identifier built in, and you can define the font of
> the text you are sending in your email, more than one if you choose.

Actually, that's only if you're sending html content. If you're sending
plain text, no you can't. And even if you're sending html, you should
also be sending plaintext alongside it, for people like me that are
(most of the time, unless I choose otherwise) reading the plaintext
version. If you don't I just see the plaintext with the html tags in
it. I choose what font it displays in, so no, you have absolutely no
control over what font I see things in, unless I switch to html view.

I'm sure you know all that, but I felt it was worth pointing out for
the poor people out there using things like Outlook who don't know any


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-17 Thread Kracked_P_P---webmaster

On 08/17/2013 12:56 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 10:47 17/08/2013 +0200, Andrew Brown wrote:
In the read word punctuation taught us when to take a breath, as with 
a continuous sentence separated by a comma, and a long full breath 
after the period, plus a space.

This suggests that the point of the printed word is solely to enable 
public speaking.  Those of us who can read without moving our lips do 
not need breaths between sentences!  I can breathe and read at the 
same time; can't you?  The true purpose of punctuation in written 
material is to clarify the structure of the material, not to indicate 
the pauses that might occur if the material were read aloud.

Now even as we type to each other in this email, we are using a sans 
serif font ...

That's what you think!  You sent this message in plain text, so no 
font was identified.  How I read it or anyone else does depends on how 
we decide or our mail clients choose to display it.  I'm doing the 
same: you don't know how this appears to me as I'm composing it and I 
don't know how you will see it.

Brian Barker

In Thunderbird's Preferences, you can choose what font the text of your 
email will be displayed in. By default, it seems it is "Times New 
Roman", but I now use "DejaVu Serif".  I then get to choose what font 
the email is written in, with the current default as "Times".  I just 
chose "DejaVu Serif" for the font of this text that I have typed here.

So, you can decide which font you wish to display any text that does not 
have a font identifier built in, and you can define the font of the text 
you are sending in your email, more than one if you choose.

As for punctuation and word spacing, try reading old Greek text or 
others of that era like that where they seem to not use spacings and 
punctuation in their text.  We need them whether we read a text out load 
or silently.  The internal punctuation gives you structure and also 
gives you a sense of "pausing" where the author wants such a thing to 
emphasize some word or portion of the text.

The punctuation in the sentence change the meaning of the sentence just 
by changing, adding, removing, key internal punctuation marks.  Of 
course over the 30+ years between high-school and the last college 
writing course, the standards and rules have changes on what is needed 
where and how best to use a comma or semicolon. But without these in the 
text of books that I personally like to read, it would not be as easy to 
read as it is now.

As for which fonts are best to use where, well whole college courses and 
majors can be needed to make the "best guess" on the science of what 
fonts are best for what and which fonts are "more readable" than 
others.  Book Publishers know what it best in the different types of 
books that publish.  One font for text books, another for entertainment 
reading.  The hard cover book fonts can be different than the paper back 
ones as well.  There is a science involved in the choosing of the 
"proper" fonts.  I just decide which looks best for me for ease of 
reading.  I am told Serif fonts work the best for "entertainment" 
reading, but which serif font is the best, only you can decide which one 
in your fonts collection works best for you.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-17 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:47 17/08/2013 +0200, Andrew Brown wrote:
In the read word punctuation taught us when to take a breath, as 
with a continuous sentence separated by a comma, and a long full 
breath after the period, plus a space.

This suggests that the point of the printed word is solely to enable 
public speaking.  Those of us who can read without moving our lips do 
not need breaths between sentences!  I can breathe and read at the 
same time; can't you?  The true purpose of punctuation in written 
material is to clarify the structure of the material, not to indicate 
the pauses that might occur if the material were read aloud.

Now even as we type to each other in this email, we are using a sans 
serif font ...

That's what you think!  You sent this message in plain text, so no 
font was identified.  How I read it or anyone else does depends on 
how we decide or our mail clients choose to display it.  I'm doing 
the same: you don't know how this appears to me as I'm composing it 
and I don't know how you will see it.

Brian Barker

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-17 Thread T. R. Valentine
On 17 August 2013 03:47, Andrew Brown  wrote:

> It has been found that a serif font with normal punctuation and spacing
> leads the eye to faster reading as opposed to sans serif. Man tests have
> been done with this. So the article written in the provided link, is found
> to be hard to read as it is a sans serif font used.

Well, yes and no. In reading text on paper, readers in several
European countries tend to do better with sans-serif text than text
with serifs. Most people in the U.S. prefer text with serifs. But when
it comes to reading text on a screen (especially in medium-to-low
resolutions and almost always with small text) most readers tend to do
better with sans-serif text (serifs tend not to display well).

T. R. Valentine
Your friends will argue with you. Your enemies don't care.
'When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food
and clothes.' -- Erasmus

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-17 Thread Virgil Arrington

On 08/16/2013 11:18 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2013-08-16 8:22 PM James Knott wrote:

I just tried a little experiment.  I typed a sentence, with a period at
the end.  I then started typing the next sentence with a lower case n.
I then placed the cursor directly over the first vertical line in the
n.  After I finished the word, the n changed to upper case and the first
vertical line moved to the right, so it was no longer under the cursor
and resulting space was wider.

I tried the same experiment. There was no change in position.

James, I wonder if your paragraph alignment was set to "justified." If 
so, the letters might move side to side as you continue to type the line.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-17 Thread Andrew Brown
To add to this discussion of readability of text, spacing and 
punctuation is only a small portion of it. In the read word punctuation 
taught us when to take a breath, as with a continuous sentence separated 
by a comma, and a long full breath after the period, plus a space.
Now even as we type to each other in this email, we are using a sans 
serif font (for those not understanding serif and sans serif, sans serif 
fonts have no "leading" lines on the edge of the character). Sans serif 
fonts create a much harder font to read.

It has been found that a serif font with normal punctuation and spacing 
leads the eye to faster reading as opposed to sans serif. Man tests have 
been done with this. So the article written in the provided link, is 
found to be hard to read as it is a sans serif font used.


Andrew Brown

On 16/08/2013 11:08 PM, James Knott wrote:

Michael wrote:

1)  Although the article was difficult to read, I think it would have
been easier on the eyes (mine, anyway) if there was more space between
the sentences.

This is my point exactly.  When there's extra space between sentences,
it's a lot easier to isolate the sentence from the surrounding text.
You have to look for the period, which may be more difficult to see,
depending on the letter it follows.  For example a period following a
"k" is harder to discern than one following a "o".  This means the
reader has to do extra work, while the eye is naturally equipped to
recognize the extra space.  So, the choice is search for the sentence or
automagically recognize it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
James Knott wrote:
> Ken Springer wrote:
>> So there must be a general happy medium here, which I always thought
>> was the em-space. 
> And that goes back to my earlier comment about en and em quads in hand
> set type.  A slightly wider space makes it easier to read, because of
> the way we recognize objects.

I just tried a little experiment.  I typed a sentence, with a period at
the end.  I then started typing the next sentence with a lower case n. 
I then placed the cursor directly over the first vertical line in the
n.  After I finished the word, the n changed to upper case and the first
vertical line moved to the right, so it was no longer under the cursor
and resulting space was wider.  I tried again with an i as the first
letter and the same thing happened, but the shift was not as great.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Ken Springer wrote:
> So there must be a general happy medium here, which I always thought
> was the em-space. 

And that goes back to my earlier comment about en and em quads in hand
set type.  A slightly wider space makes it easier to read, because of
the way we recognize objects.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Michael wrote:
> 1)  Although the article was difficult to read, I think it would have
> been easier on the eyes (mine, anyway) if there was more space between
> the sentences.

This is my point exactly.  When there's extra space between sentences,
it's a lot easier to isolate the sentence from the surrounding text. 
You have to look for the period, which may be more difficult to see,
depending on the letter it follows.  For example a period following a
"k" is harder to discern than one following a "o".  This means the
reader has to do extra work, while the eye is naturally equipped to
recognize the extra space.  So, the choice is search for the sentence or
automagically recognize it.

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