WebDAV und Windows 7

2011-02-22 Thread Michael Renner

ich setze derzeit einen WebDAV-Server mit Apache 2.2.15 auf. Der Zugriff
mit kde, curl, WindowsXP und Webdrive funktioniert soweit. Nur Windows 7
(Laufwerke verbinden ) verweigert sich. Leider bekomme ich von den
Anwendern nur ungenaue Aussagen. Der Login funktioniert wohl noch, nur
werden die Dateien nicht angezeigt. Der Apache selbst macht kein SSL, das
wird 'vorne' im Netzwerk von einer Hardwarelösung erledigt. In der
Konfiguration steht u.a.

Listen 80
NameVirtualHost *:80
ServerName foo.bar.baz:80

UseCanonicalName On
UseCanonicalPhysicalPort Off

[viele Settings zu Accounts und Verzeichnissen]

BrowserMatch Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider
BrowserMatch MS FrontPage redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch ^WebDrive redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch ^WebDAVFS/1.[0123] redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch ^gnome-vfs/1.0 redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch ^XML Spy redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch ^Dreamweaver-WebDAV-SCM1 redirect-carefully

Auf verschiedenen Seiten werden die Patche


empfolhlen, das scheint aber nur für Vista zuzutreffen.

Gibt e s generische Lösungsmöglichkeiten um Windows 7 mit den eingebauten
Mitteln an meinen Apache zu bekommen? Zum AuthMode Digest wird gelegentlich 
geraten, aber damit funktioniert firefox und konqueror nicht mehr, WebDrive 
allerdings schon noch.

Dankbar für Hinweise
|Michael Renner  E-mail: michael.ren...@gmx.de  |
|D-81541 Munich  GermanyICQ: #112280325 |
|Germany Don't drink as root!  ESC:wq

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Re: [users@httpd] PCRE Syntax or bug? (was Require group help required)

2011-02-22 Thread Lee

On 22/02/2011 08:06, Nick Kew wrote:

On 22 Feb 2011, at 06:55, Lee wrote:

Have I misunderstood the PCRE engine, or is this a bug...?

Thou shalt not mixDirectory  andLocation!

(the gory details are explained somewhere in the docs; I'm not
about to look it up).
No, don't look it up, I'll have a poke around. I have done a fair amount 
of reading recently, but this commandment did not stick in my mind. I 
realise it would be foolish to mix Directory and Location on the same 
resource, but the URIs resulting from those directives bore no relation 
to each other, there is no way that /admin-cgi/ can map to /admin/*

Oh, and you clearly don't want PCRE or any *Match directive.
I agree that the LocationMatch in question was ugly and silly, and I 
would not put it into production, but it should have worked, I think. At 
least, I await reason as to why it ought not to.

Thanks for your help

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Re: [users@httpd] Adding RequestHeader content from script

2011-02-22 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 12.02.11 14:37, Jakob Breivik Grimstveit wrote:
 I'd like to add RequestHeader content executing a script - is this possible?

Do you mean, to asdd request header at the stage when script headers were
already processed and pushed to the script?

Maybe when apache acts as proxy server...

 For example:
 RequestHeader add MyHeader `scripts/hello.php`

but not sure if this way...

 ... and then echo this variable content of MyHeader using the regular
 Header echo MyHeader
 If this is possible, the headers of my apache server can become ...
 quite interesting :-).

Why do you want this?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better', so I bought a Macintosh.

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Re: [users@httpd] Named virtual host dot local [.local] tld

2011-02-22 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 12.02.11 16:29, Richard Sergeant wrote:
 Deployment of the testbed.local fails. Apache is seeing the host header
 'testbed.local', but it refuses to serve up that virtual host, instead
 giving the default site.

How and where is the default site configured? 

 And this is the NVH declaration:
 VirtualHost *:80
 ServerName testbed.local
 DocumentRoot /var/www/testbed/htdocs

 If I drop of the '.local' from the ServerName directive, and change
 (back) to using hostfiles the virtual host works as intended.
 Am I missing something obvious (like Apache won't wear .local as a tld),
 is this a 'feature/bug' or am I missing something?

I think that is more a problem or correct configuration
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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Enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.

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Re: [users@httpd] PCRE Syntax or bug? (was Require group help required)

2011-02-22 Thread Eric Covener
 LocationMatch /admin/*

This matches a URL with /admin anywhere inside of it, followed by 0 or
more slashes.  So it matches and overrides your Directory block.

No regex or wildcard is required for what you probably intended
(Location /admin/), but if you use a regex and intend it to match
things that start with the arg, you have to anchor with ^.  You also
need to get the wildcard right (* modifies what comes before it, e.g.

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[users@httpd] Apache2 domain cookie value

2011-02-22 Thread Ai Sekigawa

I made a lot of effort to find an answer on web sites.
But I couldn't.
Would you please give me some advice ?

I use the default Apache domain cookie to analyze web servers.
My cookie value is the same ip address and time.
The same ip address is the reverse-proxy server's ip address.
Our reverse-proxy server adds the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to identify
the originating ip address of a client connecting to a web server.

I thought that the cookie's ip address was the X-Forwarded-For
in this kind of situation. But it wasn't.

What does the cookie's ip address show in the specificatoins ?

If you have a time, please let me know.

[users@httpd] Re: ssl-vhost-mixing issue

2011-02-22 Thread Hajo Locke


Krist wrote:

You don't have a NameVirtualHost directive?
What happens if you enter https://ip2.ip2.ip2.ip2 in your browser?

we use

NameVirtualHost *:80

in httpd.conf
I did some tests with setting NameVirtualHost  to base-ip of the server 
ip0.ip0.ip0.ip0, but nothing changed.

ip1 and ip2 are especially used for SSL-Hosts.
It makes no difference if i call https://ip2.ip2.ip2.ip2 or 

In both cases i see data of cert which came as first in httpd.conf
But the both different vhosts are really separately requestet. i added a 
customlog directive for both vhosts and there was no mistake.
If i call https://ip2.ip2.ip2.ip2   log2 was written and if i call 
https://ip1.ip1.ip1.ip1  log1 was written.

I have read this:
Apache is ignoring config from second host if IP was already used for a 
SSL-Host. But in my case all used IPs are different.

did i understand this correct?
if yes, may be apache is confused when reading the certificates and finding 
same hostname in certificates...

Eric Covener wrote:

It's hard to tell which IP-based vhost you should have hit, or did
hit, since you didn't specify which IP you connected to and you didn't
log separately or show _all_ of your vhosts.

i dont find any fault in my conf. logging separatly did show separatly 
requests by same cert-content.

either this is a tricky conf-thing or a bug.


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Re: [users@httpd] Re: ssl-vhost-mixing issue

2011-02-22 Thread Eric Covener
 i dont find any fault in my conf. logging separatly did show separatly
 requests by same cert-content.
 either this is a tricky conf-thing or a bug.

what does apachectl -S say?

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Re: [users@httpd] Re: ssl-vhost-mixing issue

2011-02-22 Thread Joe Orton
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 10:09:14AM +0100, Hajo Locke wrote:
 VirtualHost ip1.ip1.ip1.ip1:443
 Servername example.com
 SSLCertificateFile crt1
 VirtualHost ip2.ip2.ip2.ip2:443
 Servername example.com
 SSLCertificateFile crt2

See https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43218#c5

It will work if you use a different ServerName (even varying the port 
would fix it) in the vhost with a different cert.

Regards, Joe

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Re: [users@httpd] Re: ssl-vhost-mixing issue

2011-02-22 Thread Hajo Locke

See https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43218#c5

It will work if you use a different ServerName (even varying the port
would fix it) in the vhost with a different cert.

Regards, Joe

ahh, a bug.
changing port to non-standard would solve this problem but cause others...
i did some scripting and now writing vhost with active ip always as first 
one in conf.

This solves this problem for me...


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