[users@httpd] SSLSessionCache - DSO Load Failed

2012-10-02 Thread Adam Jaber
Here is the output from the error_log:
[error] (20019)DSO load failed: Cannot create SSLSessionCache DBM file 

Here is my entry in the conf file, which is also entered before the 
virtual host, as stated in the documentation:
SSLSessionCache dbm:/usr/local/apache/conf/ssl/SessionCache

Here are the cache modules loaded:
LoadModule file_cache_module 
LoadModule cache_module /opt/freeware/lib/httpd/modules/mod_cache.so
LoadModule disk_cache_module 

I tried touching SessionCache and setting open permissions on it, but when 
I restart apache, the file gets deleted. Please assist with issue.

Thank you 

[users@httpd] RE: Moving Apache from Solaris to Linux

2012-10-02 Thread Graham Butler
I would like to thank all the people who replied to me regarding the question 
above. As with many people who run Solaris, we are moving to an alternative OS 
as a result of the change of ownership of Solaris from Sun to Oracle. Over the 
past 6 months we have investigated installing application from source and 
packages on all the major Linux distributions. During this process we got a 
feel of each of the OS. My next step was to provide some evidence to management 
on what the general community was using and why. I now have sufficient 
testimonials to proceed from this stage.

I am pleased to say that nearly all the replies I received supported my own 
conclusions. First is that Apache will run stably on all the popular flavours 
of Linux with very little performance difference.  The second, which was in 
nearly all the replies, is that the choice of OS was down to the administrators 
experience, skills and preferences.

For completes I have include the number of users using each OS, if it was 
stated in the reply. Because the sample is so small it may not be an accurately 
representation. It includes replies from the BIND, Exim, Apache and Squid mail 
list for the same question.

Centos  5

Redhat 5


Debian  3

OpenSuse   3



And finally a summary of the points raised when choosing  which Linux flavour 
to run Apache.

Administrators experience and skills

Administrators preferences.

Administration time.

Availability of replacement staff with experience of OS and 
training requirements.

Compilation or packages installs.

Availability  of suitable packages (if not using source).

Ease of compilation from source (if not using packages)

update cycle (Cutting edge or stable).

Online support or commercial support (Budget).

Once again, many thanks for all the people who replied.


Graham Butler

Infrastructure Team.

Computing and Library Services.

The University of Huddersfield.

From: Graham Butler [mailto:g.but...@hud.ac.uk]
Sent: 01 October 2012 13:59
To: 'users@httpd.apache.org'
Subject: [users@httpd] Moving Apache from Solaris to Linux

We are currently looking at replacing our Solaris boxes with a flavour of Linux 
to run Apache with a focus on Red Hat and Ubuntu. I am trying to collect some 
evidence to which OS is being used to run Apache and why, before we make a 
decision. Could you please respond by sending me, or the list, information on 
which OS you are using to run Apache and any information on why your decided to 
run it on that particular platform.

I am also asking other list for similar information on Squid, BIND, Exim, 

Many thanks for any information you may send me.

Graham Butler
Infrastructure Team.
Tel: 01484 473785
The University of Huddersfield
Computing and Library Services
PO Box No. 341

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[users@httpd] Configuration of virtual hosts

2012-10-02 Thread Petr Hracek
Dear users,

sorry for botherring you with that issue but I have some questions
regarding apache2.2.22:
1) from the Java applet I see sometimes (Client 2008)- server (SLES
10) error message from Java console like:
exception: Invalid argument: setsockopt.
It seems like apache2 closed the connection before openning. Could it
be problem when in apache2 log I see message server is busy?
This error is sporadicall.

2) Configuration issue
First one configuration file is stored in conf.d/myconfig.conf which
is used for configuration 80 port
Second one configuration file is stored in
vhosts.d/vhost-myconfig.conf which is used for configuration as for
443 as for virtual host.

My question is:
are directives mentioned in conf.d/myconfig.conf also used (inherited)
in virtual hosts sections mention in vhosts.d/vhost-muconfig.conf
or shall I mentioned twice/three times?

in conf.d/myconfig.conf are mentioned directives like:
ServerLimit 256
MaxClients 256
MaxRequestsPerChild 1
LimitRequestBody 2147483648
Timeout 180
KeepAlive On
KeepAliveTimeout 5
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
StartServers 8
MinSpareServers 9
MaxSpareServers 10

in vhosts.d/vhost-myconfig.conf are mentioned virtual hosts like:
VirtualHost *:443
SSLEngine on
SetEnvIf User-Agent .*MSIE.* nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch .*MSIE.* nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
SSLProxyEngine on
ServerName main_server
#ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyRequests On
TraceEnable off
Location /term/
AuthType MyType
require valid-user
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8000/
   // This directive proxy to VirtualHost
   ProxyPass /
   ProxyPassReverse /


ServerName myserver
SSLEngine on
SSLProxyEngine on
SetEnvIf User-Agent .*MSIE.* nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch .*MSIE.* nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0

ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyRequests Off
TraceEnable Off

Best Regards / S pozdravem
Petr Hracek

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Re: [users@httpd] Configuration of virtual hosts

2012-10-02 Thread Tom Evans
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Petr Hracek phrac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear users,

 sorry for botherring you with that issue but I have some questions
 regarding apache2.2.22:
 1) from the Java applet I see sometimes (Client 2008)- server (SLES
 10) error message from Java console like:
 exception: Invalid argument: setsockopt.
 It seems like apache2 closed the connection before openning. Could it
 be problem when in apache2 log I see message server is busy?
 This error is sporadicall.

Who can say, if not you? Analyzing a tcpdump of the packets sent to
and from apache would give you some clues about whether apache is
behaving correctly, but who knows whether your Java app is simply not
handling an error state correctly.

 2) Configuration issue
 First one configuration file is stored in conf.d/myconfig.conf which
 is used for configuration 80 port
 Second one configuration file is stored in
 vhosts.d/vhost-myconfig.conf which is used for configuration as for
 443 as for virtual host.

 My question is:
 are directives mentioned in conf.d/myconfig.conf also used (inherited)
 in virtual hosts sections mention in vhosts.d/vhost-muconfig.conf
 or shall I mentioned twice/three times?

No vhost inherits from another vhost - even the SSL variant of a non
SSL vhost. Some directives from the main server config context are
inherited into a vhost context, some directives are only inherited if
you explicitly specify so in the vhost, and some directives are only
valid in the main server config. The best thing to do is to read the
description of each directive you are unsure about from the docs.




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RE: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

2012-10-02 Thread Regev Ayelet
Any news on this issue?

Ayelet Regev-Dabah
System Software Platform TL
Office: +972 3 6459362

-Original Message-
From: Regev Ayelet [mailto:ayelet.re...@comverse.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:08 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: RE: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

In this link:



This vulnerability has been fixed in release 2.2.20 and further corrected
in 2.2.21. You are advised to upgrade to version 2.2.21 (or newer) or the
legacy 2.0.65 release, once this is published (anticipated in September).

If you cannot upgrade, or cannot wait to upgrade - you can apply the
appropriate source code patch and recompile a recent existing version;

  http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/patches/apply_to_2.2.14/ (for 2.2.9 - .14)
  http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/patches/apply_to_2.2.19/ (for 2.2.15 - .19)
  http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/patches/apply_to_2.0.64/ (for 2.0.55 - .64)

If you cannot upgrade and/or cannot apply above patches in a timely manner
then you should consider to apply one or more of the mitigation suggested below.

Ayelet Regev-Dabah
System Software Platform TL
Office: +972 3 6459362

-Original Message-
From: Eric Covener [mailto:cove...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:05 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Regev Ayelet ayelet.re...@comverse.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 According to apache.org , httpd 2.0.65 suppose to be released during
 Does anyone have updates on this issue?
 I tried to install the patch, but my security system still claim there is a
 security bug…

Where do you see a date listed for 2.0.65?

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RE: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

2012-10-02 Thread Regev Ayelet
Even after installing httpd patch provided by Apache, nessus scanning system is 

55976 - Apache HTTP Server Byte Range DoS
The web server running on the remote host is affected by a denial of service 
The version of Apache HTTP Server running on the remote host is affected by a 
denial of service vulnerability. Making
a series of HTTP requests with overlapping ranges in the Range or Request-Range 
request headers can result in
memory and CPU exhaustion. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit 
this to make the system unresponsive.
Exploit code is publicly available and attacks have reportedly been observed in 
the wild.
See Also
Upgrade to Apache httpd 2.2.21 or later, or use one of the workarounds in 
Apache's advisories for CVE-2011-3192.
Version 2.2.20 fixed the issue, but also introduced a regression.
If the host is running a web server based on Apache httpd, contact the vendor 
for a fix.
Risk Factor
CVSS Base Score
7.8 (CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C)
CVSS Temporal Score
6.4 (CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C)
BID 49303
CVE CVE-2011-3192
XREF CERT:405811
Exploitable with
Core Impact (true)Metasploit (true)
Plugin Information:
Publication date: 2011/08/25, Modification date: 2012/09/06
Nessus determined the server is unpatched and is not using any
of the suggested workarounds by making the following requests :
 Testing for workarounds 
HEAD /manual/rewrite/index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.9,*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: en
Request-Range: bytes=5-0,1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4,5-5,6-6,7-7,8-8,9-9,10-10
Range: bytes=5-0,1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4,5-5,6-6,7-7,8-8,9-9,10-10
Connection: Close
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 08:36:33 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.64 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.64 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Content-Location: index.html.en
Vary: negotiate,accept-language,accept-charset
TCN: choice
Last-Modified: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 21:40:05 GMT
ETag: bb44d-158f-401b9740;bb44c-ce-d99b0140
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 836
Connection: close
Content-Type: multipart/x-byteranges; boundary=4cafb4d91905b7f1
Content-Language: en
 Testing for workarounds 
 Testing for patch 
HEAD /manual/rewrite/index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.9,*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: en
Request-Range: bytes=0-,1-
Range: bytes=0-,1-
Connection: Close
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 08:36:33 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.64 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.64 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Content-Location: index.html.en
Vary: negotiate,accept-language,accept-charset
TCN: choice
Last-Modified: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 21:40:05 GMT
ETag: bb44d-158f-401b9740;bb44c-ce-d99b0140
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 11227
Connection: close
Content-Type: multipart/x-byteranges; boundary=4cafb4d91ab998 [...]Ayelet 
System Software Platform TL
Office: +972 3 6459362

-Original Message-
From: Regev Ayelet [mailto:ayelet.re...@comverse.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:01 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: RE: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

Any news on this issue?

Ayelet Regev-Dabah
System Software Platform TL
Office: +972 3 6459362

-Original Message-
From: Regev Ayelet [mailto:ayelet.re...@comverse.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:08 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: RE: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

In this link:



This vulnerability has been fixed in release 2.2.20 and further corrected
in 2.2.21. You are advised to upgrade to version 2.2.21 (or newer) or the
legacy 2.0.65 release, once this is published (anticipated in September).

If you cannot upgrade, or cannot wait to upgrade - you can apply the
appropriate source code patch and recompile a recent existing version;

  http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/patches/apply_to_2.2.14/ (for 2.2.9 - .14)
  http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/patches/apply_to_2.2.19/ (for 2.2.15 - .19)

Re: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 10/2/2012 7:34 AM, Regev Ayelet wrote:

Even after installing httpd patch provided by Apache, nessus scanning system is 

You have to email your scanning company and let them know it is 
patched.  They are only checking the version of Apache and most scanners 
are pretty stupid at really knowing if the issue is resolved.


To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@httpd.apache.org
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RE: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

2012-10-02 Thread Regev Ayelet
Thank you for the quick response...
Do you know when 2.0.65 will be ready?

Ayelet Regev-Dabah
System Software Platform TL
Office: +972 3 6459362

-Original Message-
From: Kevin A. McGrail [mailto:kmcgr...@pccc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:39 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Cc: Regev Ayelet
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

On 10/2/2012 7:34 AM, Regev Ayelet wrote:
 Even after installing httpd patch provided by Apache, nessus scanning system 
 is claiming:

You have to email your scanning company and let them know it is
patched.  They are only checking the version of Apache and most scanners
are pretty stupid at really knowing if the issue is resolved.


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RE: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

2012-10-02 Thread Regev Ayelet
What is the best way to validate my patch? Is there a checksum I can compare to?

Ayelet Regev-Dabah
System Software Platform TL
Office: +972 3 6459362

-Original Message-
From: Kevin A. McGrail [mailto:kmcgr...@pccc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:39 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Cc: Regev Ayelet
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

On 10/2/2012 7:34 AM, Regev Ayelet wrote:
 Even after installing httpd patch provided by Apache, nessus scanning system 
 is claiming:

You have to email your scanning company and let them know it is
patched.  They are only checking the version of Apache and most scanners
are pretty stupid at really knowing if the issue is resolved.


“This e-mail message may contain confidential, commercial or privileged 
information that constitutes proprietary information of Comverse Technology or 
its subsidiaries. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you 
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Re: [users@httpd] availability of httpd 2.0.65

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 10/2/2012 7:41 AM, Regev Ayelet wrote:

Thank you for the quick response...
Do you know when 2.0.65 will be ready?
Other than the same information you have that they are working on a 
release, no.

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[users@httpd] how to redirect a site via r301

2012-10-02 Thread Bulent Malik

I use apache2.2 on freebsd8.   
I have 2 sites on it.  First is test.org and second  one is test.com.

I wish apache to redirect that  When a visitor  reaches at
http://test.org/query.php?id=516263  to  http://test.com/query.php?id=516263

How can i do that ?


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Re: [users@httpd] how to redirect a site via r301

2012-10-02 Thread Ben Johnson

On 10/2/2012 9:46 AM, Bulent Malik wrote:
 I use apache2.2 on freebsd8.   
 I have 2 sites on it.  First is test.org and second  one is test.com.
 I wish apache to redirect that  When a visitor  reaches at
 http://test.org/query.php?id=516263  to  http://test.com/query.php?id=516263
 How can i do that ?


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[users@httpd] Apache + Tomcat + mod_jk ; Wrong content type. Why?

2012-10-02 Thread Joe Hansen
Hi All,

We are using Apache 2.2 + Tomcat 7 + mod_jk (all 64-bit) on a RedHat box.

I have configured the settings such that the static content like css and
javascript are served by httpd rather than tomcat. However, when I do so,
the css files are returned with a content type=text/plain rather than
content type=text/css. Why is that so?

Here are the snippets from the relevant files..

/* workers.properties */

/* httpd-vhosts.conf */
DocumentRoot /hosts/example.com/webapps/ROOT
JkUnMount  /css/* worker1
JkUnMount  /img/* worker1
JkUnMount  /js/* worker1
JkMount  /* worker1
