As I consider this to be undesirable behavior on the part of the Apache cache, I went ahead and opened a bug report on this matter about a week ago:

I tried sifting through the source code to find where it was defining the key to see if I could propose a change, but my limited C coding (and coding in general) was quickly overwhelmed. The change, at least conceptually, seems simple enough - instead of using the rewritten URI for the cache key, use the original URI.

On 2019-03-19 12:10, wrote:
Hello All,

I've been working on this for the past few days, attempting to find a
way to get the Apache mod_disk_cache module to properly store requests
that are rewritten. As I'm sure many of you are aware, it's fairly
common practice these days for modern CMS's to just rewrite everything
to index.php and let that handle things (so-called "pretty urls" or
"permalinks"). However, this rewrite renders Apache's cache useless
because this then means that ALL dynamic requests are cached under the
same ""; key, which would mean that anyone
who would request, say, ""; might get the
content of ""; that is already in the cache.

I've been trying many different approaches to fixing this (from
attempting to detect when/if the URL was rewritten, to attempting to
dynamically set the CacheKeyBaseURL directive), but so far I've been
unable to come up with any way to resolve this issue. I feel like
dynamically setting the "CacheKeyBaseURL" holds the most promise if
this can actually be done, but then again fixing the Apache caching
function to better handle rewritten URI's would be ideal.

Anyone have any thoughts on how I might get this working? Other than
"don't use it" or "use something else" :) - I'd really like to use
Apache cache if possible.

Thanks in advance!

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