[users@httpd] Re: mod_proxy ProxyPassReverse incorrectly adjusting Location header in redirect?

2012-04-12 Thread Charlie Katz
Rainer Frey rainer.frey at inxmail.de writes:
 So the result of ProxyPassReverse will *always* be a URL within the current 
VHost, but you need to send a
 redirect to your other, non-SSL VHost.

 Another idea is using mod_headers to process the Location header in the proxy 
response. But I'm not sure
 that will work, depending on how Apache will chain mod_proxy and mod_headers 
in that case.

 This is the misunderstanding. The URL as second argument to the 
ProxyPassReverse directive is *not* used
 in the response in any way, it is only used to match a location header 
returned by a proxy backend to
 determine if and what to replace. The replacement is always the current host 

Excellent, you pinpointed my confusion exactly.  I misunderstood
ProxyPassReverse to be a URL rewriting rule for the response
headers, including the protocol part of the URL.  I went and
played with the mod_proxy source to see what actually happens and
saw that the protocol to use in fixing the Location header is
determined by ap_http_scheme(), not from what is listed in the
ProxyPassReverse directive.  Without delving deeper into the
code, I assume this is what you are explaining to me, that the
protocol will always be that of the current VHost.

In my case, since I am reverse-proxying the entire site, I can just remove the 
ProxyPassReverse directives and use mod_headers like you suggest, globally 

   Header edit Location internal.example.com www.example.com

This is working great.

Thanks very much for helping me get straightened out!


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[users@httpd] mod_proxy ProxyPassReverse incorrectly adjusting Location header in redirect?

2012-04-11 Thread Charlie Katz
Hi, as an interim solution in an internal reorganization of server resources, I 
want to use mod_proxy as a reverse proxy to move the entire functionality of a 
public-facing server (www.example.com) to an internal server 
(internal.example.com).  (configuration at end)

https is used in this site only for logging in, after which a 302 redirect is 
issued pointing to http://www.example.com/home.html, and the session continues 
through http.  I am having trouble getting ProxyPassReverse to rewrite the 
Location header in the redirect properly.

Here's the sequence:
-client sends POST login credentials to https://www.example.com/login.html
-request is proxied by https://www.example.com to 
-login succeeds, respond with 302 redirect to 
-reply goes to https://www.example.com
-  ProxyPassReverse rewrites the Location header 
from http://internal.example.com/home.html to https://www.example.com/home.html
-reply received by client, which acts on the redirect

The starred *** step is what is going wrong, as the proxy is changing the 
http to https despite the explicit ProxyPassReverse / 
http://internal.example.com; line.

I have tried many different tweaks to the configuration, but I always find that 
the header is rewritten back to https despite my explicitly specifying http in 
the response.

I feel like I must be misunderstanding something here.  Can anyone help me 
untangle it?

Charlie Katz

configuration on www.example.com
VirtualHost _default_:80
  ProxyRequests off
  ProxyPass / http://internal.example.com/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://internal.example.com/
  ProxyPassReverse / https://internal.example.com/
  ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain internal.example.com www.example.com

VirtualHost _default_:443
  SSLProxyEngine on

  ProxyRequests off
  ProxyPass / https://internal.example.com/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://internal.example.com/
#  ProxyPassReverse / https://internal.example.com/  # same behavior with or 
without this line
  ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain internal.example.com www.example.com

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