Re: [us...@httpd] Rotating logs

2010-11-05 Thread Nerius Landys
There are other ways to rotate Apache logs, too.  For example, on my FreeBSD
systems, there is something called newsyslog present at the operating system
level.  There is a file named /etc/newsyslog.conf that has the following
lines on my system (I edited the file and added these lines):

# logfilename  [owner:group]mode count size when  flags
[/pid_file] [sig_num]
/var/log/httpd-access.log   644  101000 * J
/var/log/httpd-error.log644  101000 * J

The signal 30 on FreeBSD is SIGUSR1.  SIGUSR1 is what you send to Apache to
close the current log and start a new one, or something like that.  SIGUSR1
is probably a different number on your Linux system.  Anyhow, the entries
above in newsyslog on my system make everything work perfectly.  Logs are
rotated, archived, and removed after there are too many archived logs.

I prefer rotating logs with newsyslog.

Re: [us...@httpd] configure apache to parse php

2010-08-15 Thread Nerius Landys
> According to the php manual, apache should be configured to parse php, e.g.:
>    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
> Apparently this should be part of the addtype directive. I don't
> understand which file I am to edit and add the code shown above. Can
> somebody help please?

In my opinion the preferred way to build PHP is with APACHE "Build
Apache module" set to on.

If you installed Apache from ports, you want to edit for example
/usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf .
Relevant lines in httpd.conf that configure PHP are, if you are
configuring the Apache module.

LoadModule php5_modulelibexec/apache22/

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
php_value include_path .:/usr/local/share/pear:/some/dir/to/php_includes
php_value display_errors On

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Re: [us...@httpd] slowloris mitigation

2010-04-14 Thread Nerius Landys
> Posted to users@ (as well as dev@) in case anyone wants to
> report experiences - good or bad - on using it.

I have tried using various Apache modules to address possibilities of
Slowloris attacks.  Finally, after not being satisfied with what
existing modules had to offer, I ended up using operating system
firewall rules to limit the number of concurrent TCP connections from
any given IP address.  The firewall solution (using OpenBSD Packet
Filter) was not perfect either, because connections in a FIN_WAIT_2
state are counted towards the "open connection number", and they
linger for about a minute.  What I really wanted was a limit on the
number of established TCP connections from any single IP address.

The problem I had with existing Apache modules (I forget which ones
exactly I tried) is that they forked a child process for incoming
connections, and then only after forking did they close the connection
under certain conditions.  What I really wanted was the ability to
_not_ fork a child process for an incoming TCP connection from an IP
address if there already exist N number of established TCP connections
from that IP address.  Perhaps due to the limitations of Apache's
architecture (??) it's not possible to control whether a TCP
connection causes a fork (??) via custom module.  Since Apache forks
always, regardless of what the anti-loris modules did afterwards, the
max children in Apache can be reached quickly and that would cause a
denial of service until the children would be freed up.  Is it
possible to write a module that prevents a fork altogether as

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Preventing DoS attacks from single client host

2010-04-06 Thread Nerius Landys
> You using iptables?  What rules did you end up using to accomplish this?

Using OpenBSD's Packet Filter.  It's not perfect; I have to set the
connection limit quite high (at 36) because the connection state stays
in the firewall for about a minute even during the FIN_WAIT_2 stage.
Here are my rules from pf.conf:

set optimization aggressive
ext_if = "em0"
# This will allow Slowloris attack from localhost, but that's OK.
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port = http flags S/SA \
  synproxy state (source-track rule, max-src-conn 36, if-bound)

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Preventing DoS attacks from single client host

2010-04-04 Thread Nerius Landys
> Isn't it diffcult to configure it based on Ip because:
> 1. Ip could be of proxy server
> 2. Ip could be of ISP
> Would that lead into good requests being denied?

Sometimes, yes, but mostly, no.

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Preventing DoS attacks from single client host

2010-04-04 Thread Nerius Landys
Guys, I think I'll just add Operating System wide firewall rules to
disallow more than N number of concurrent TCP connections to port 80
from a single IP address.

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Preventing DoS attacks from single client host

2010-04-03 Thread Nerius Landys
On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Nerius Landys  wrote:
>>    if (ip_count > conf->limit) {
>>        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, NULL, "Rejected,
>> too many connections in READ state from %s", c->remote_ip);
>>        return OK;
>>    } else {
>>        return DECLINED;
>>    }

I'd like to modify mod_antiloris to force a socket close and/or a
child process death when the condition is detected.  The plain-vanilla
mod_antoloris is not effective enough for my taste (I can still DoS a
server pretty damn well with my program).

Should I ask on the dev mailing list for them to help me with some
module APIs?  I tried to figure out how to force a connection close,
but I could not find it.

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Preventing DoS attacks from single client host

2010-04-03 Thread Nerius Landys
>    if (ip_count > conf->limit) {
>        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, NULL, "Rejected,
> too many connections in READ state from %s", c->remote_ip);
>        return OK;
>    } else {
>        return DECLINED;
>    }

I figured out what OK and DECLINED mean.  In httpd.h:

#define DECLINED -1 /**< Module declines to handle */
#define DONE -2 /**< Module has served the response
 *  - it's safe to die() with no more
#define OK 0/**< Module has handled this stage. */

In other words, by returning OK it's telling Apache that we're pretty
much done processing the request.  DECLINED means we didn't do
anything and some other module must handle this request.

I tried changing OK to DONE in the mod_antiloris code, thinking it may
close the connection and kill the child process sooner.  However,
regardless of returning OK or DONE when ip_count is greater than
conf->limit, the 80 child processes (corresponding to MaxClients 80)
linger on my system during the attack.  I can still DoS attack my
webserver from a single client.

Is there any way to prevent even forking a child process if the TCP
connection comes from an IP address for which there are already a
certain number of child processes?

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Preventing DoS attacks from single client host

2010-04-03 Thread Nerius Landys
> This is called 'slow loris' attack. That'll give you something to Google for
> :)

Thank you so much for the help guys.

I did Google "slowloris" and I did indeed find much information.  In
fact, the program I wrote from scratch does the exact attack described
on the slowloris Wikipedia page.

Anyhow, I hunted down a custom Apache module called mod_antiloris.
This module limits the number of SERVER_BUSY_READ state connections
from a single IP address.  The default limit is 5 (I will turn mine up
to 10 or more when I get it to work).

I compiled and installed mod_antiloris.  I then tried bombarding my
httpd server with the same program that took it down earlier.  The
behavior was slightly better, but the site still came down for a good
few seconds (more than I'm comfortable with).  I did also see messages
in my httpd error log that indicated that mod_antiloris was indeed
doing something.

However, I got suspicious when I got the message "server reached
MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting" in my
error log during the attack that I initiated.  We were still reaching
the maximum 80 clients even with mod_antiloris enabled?  And my
website was still being brought down during the attack?

So, I decided to consule to source code of mod_antiloris.  The full
source code is here at this temporary link:  This is version 0.4 of

If you don't mind looking closely at the source code, go to
pre_connection(), at the end of that function:

if (ip_count > conf->limit) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, NULL, "Rejected,
too many connections in READ state from %s", c->remote_ip);
return OK;
} else {
return DECLINED;

Apparently, we're returning what seems to be OK if ip_count is greater
thyan conf->limit (which in my case is 5).  And we return DECLINED
(whatever that means) otherwise.  Hrm.  This seems backwards.  First
of all, how does my webserver even _work_ with this logic being

If I think about it slightly longer, one possible scenario that would
explain why the website is still working is as follows.  The first 5
connections from a client come in, and are denied.  Somehow they
linger somewhere and SERVER_BUSY_READ is still counted towards
ip_count for these 5 denied connections.  Then the 6th connection
comes in, and is logged and accepted.

Wow, can this code be so broken?  I installed this code directly from
a FreeBSD port, and FreeBSD ports are not supposed to be broken as bad
as this.

Do you think just switching the "OK" with "DECLINED" in the source
code would fix the problem?

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[us...@httpd] Preventing DoS attacks from single client host

2010-04-03 Thread Nerius Landys
Hi guys.  I'm in the process of writing some custom server code that
uses TCP sockets.  This is totally unrelated to Apache and the HTTP
protocol (but please read on, I'll get there).  I have quite a bit of
experience writing server code that communicates with UDP, but I've
had relatively little experience with TCP.  One of my big concerns
whenever I write server code is the possibility of flooding the
service with requests (DoS attack).

I started thinking about TCP and what would happen when a typical
service such as httpd was flooded with many almost idle TCP
connections.  I happen to run a couple of dedicated server boxes in a
data center that host a few amateur websites (amateur in the sense
that it's a hobby and it is in no way making me a profit).  I starting
thinking about how Apache would handle a connection flood attack.

So I wrote a computer program that tries to flood a service with TCP
connections.  The program does the following.  It first determines
what data to send to a server (array of bytes), and where to send it
to (sendTo hostname and sendTo port).  In my case for purposes of
running this test, the data to send is specified as an HTTP request
that I assembled by hand (well actually I intercepted an actual HTTP
request and modified it slightly).  Another parameter the program
takes is now many simultaneous TCP connections to open to the sendTo
host.  The program creates that many threads, and each thread creates
a socket to the sendTo host.  Each thread starts sending the data at a
very low speed.  It sends some small number of bytes after random
amounts of sleep/delay time, and keeps sending the data until all data
is sent.  It then reads socket input until the end of the input
arrives (using "Connection: close" in my HTTP request).

So what I did was run my program with 100 threads (100 simultaneous
TCP connections) that connected to my Apache httpd server.  The
program sent a few hundered bytes worth of HTTP headers in each
connection during a timespan of about one minute.

The httpd server that I sent this data to is configured with
"MaxClients 80", and it's using a pretty standard configuration that
comes with apache22 from ports on FreeBSD.  I believe it's using
mpm_prefork_module because I get a separate process showing up in top
for each request that is serviced (in my test case I got 80 or so
processes showing up in top).

So, when I run the 100 thread program against my max-80-clients
server, and each of the 100 threads takes over one minute to send the
complete HTTP request header, my Apache httpd server becomes
unavailable to other incoming connections.  In other words, it's a DoS
attack originating from a single client host.

I'm wondering what methods are preferred for preventing this sort of
attack.  I'm wondering this for two reasons: 1) I want to secure my
websites and 2) I want to learn techniques that address this issue
because I'm writing my own TCP-oriented server software.

I have read this page:
It seems that the best suggestion learned there is to configure a
system-wide firewall which limits the number of concurrent TCP
connections from a single IP address to port 80.  Is this indeed a
good strategy to follow?  If so, what is a good number of maximum TCP
connections to allow concurrently from a single IP address to port 80?
 I know this depends on things such as my website, but I really just
want to get a ballpark figure and reasons for that figure.

I'm also wondering if there exist any other good strategies for
dealing with a DoS attack as described above, coming from a single
host.  I do have the cband_module enabled for one of my virtual hosts.
 I'm using the cband module for a particular website to limit the
number of concurrent connections from one IP address to 1.  Because of
this, it seems that I cannot place anything more than a simple HTML
page on that virtual host (if I add images to a page for example,
downloading them will fail).  That's OK, because that particular
website is only doing a very CPU-intensive number-crunching activity
for clients that connect.  I am hosting images that go on that page on
a different virtual host that does not have cband activated.  I
noticed that the cband module takes effect at a rather higher level
than just at the lowest level TCP connection.  It does not work quite
the way I would expect it to work (there are some race conditions
which allow multiple CPU-crunching requests to be processed from the
same IP address concurrently on my website).

Your thoughts are very much appreciated.

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