[users@httpd] basic question

2011-02-02 Thread Lava Saleem
I'm a new user for apache and I have simple questions first one is : I have
already downloaded apache tomcat and now I need to set apache httpd as a
proxy I have a httpd in my /etc linux box ( centos 2.6.18 and the apache
tomcat is 7.0.4 ) but I don't see apache directory beside the apache tomcat
in the /opt directory, does that mean I have to download apache and mod_jk
?if it is not there how come I have httpd in /etc ? My second question is
about uploading a website ( html embadded with java script ) into the apache
how to do that ?
ps I have looked into the documentary but didn't find the answers

Thank you

[EMAIL PROTECTED] More usage of network bandwidth with Apache Proxy Server

2006-05-05 Thread Saleem
Title: More usage of network bandwidth with Apache Proxy Server


We have been using Apache Proxy Server and we have noticed some strange 

behavior w.r.t network usage.

The network usage of Apache Proxy server and the client machine which is 

connected to it are being monitored. A download 

(http://ftp.surfnet.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/1/i386/iso/) have been 

initiated from the client machine. Before the download gets completed, it is 

cancelled from the client.

It is noticed that the network usage of Apache Proxy Server is still high, 

even if the download gets cancelled and it remains high for considerable time( 

the time equivalent for the entire download to complete). 

What are the reasons for this behavior?

To ascertain the fact that Proxy server still process the download, when it is 

cancelled from client, we did few more tests with only one client connected to 

Apache Proxy. 

1. Download initiated from client, cancelled it after 20 minutes. The after 20 

minutes, the Apache Proxy Server is stopped.

It is noticed that as soon as download is initiated, the network bandwidth 

usage (transmit bps ) by Apache Proxy Server goes high ( almost 0.8 Mbps ). 

When the download is cancelled from client, the transmit bps of Apache proxy 

serve remains same. 

Only when Apache is stopped, the transmit bps comes down (obvious). In one of 

the tests, Apache was not stopped, and monitored the transmit bps, which has 

remained high for the time equivalent to complete download time.

2. Two proxy servers were used in the second test, where the client is 

connected to first Apache Proxy Server, which is connected to Second Proxy 


The download is initiated from client, cancelled it from client, then First 

Apache Proxy Server is stopped and Finally Second Apache Proxy Server is 


When the download is cancelled, the transmit bps of both the First Apache 

Proxy and Second Apache Proxy remains high. Even if the First Proxy Server is 

stopped, the transmit bps of Second Proxy Server remains high.

3. Different versions of Apache have been tried.

The same behavior is exhibited with httpd 2.0.48, 2.0.50 and 2.2.0. 

We would like to know why is such behavior being exhibited by Apache Proxy. 

In case, more information is required, I can send more details.




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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Issue : AllTheWeb, Altavista with Apache Proxy Server

2006-05-04 Thread Saleem
Title: Issue : AllTheWeb, Altavista with Apache Proxy Server


We have been using Apache (httpd 2.0.50) as a Proxy Server. The Proxy handles all requests except the search queries to the AllTheWeb, Altavista Search Engines.  Whenever I submit a query to these search engines, it takes me to Yahoo (403!!) Forbidden Page. 

Sorry, Forbidden.

You don't have permission to access this URL on this server. 

Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. If you're having trouble locating a destination on Yahoo!, try visiting the Yahoo! home page or look through a list of Yahoo!'s online services. Also, you may find what you're looking for if you try searching below.

And the URL that can be seen in the browser's address bar is "http://av.rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9ibyJ2Xz1pEO1EB2XiBBqMX;_ylu=X3oDMTBybnZxaHNmBHBndANhdHdfd2ViX2hvbWUEc2VjA3NlYXJjaA--/SIG=11jntcjpp/EXP=1146888471/*-http%3A//www.alltheweb.com/search?cat=web&cs=utf8&q=sample+search&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=pref"

Its an indication that AllTheWeb uses Yahoo's Index.

I've also enclosed the Apache's httd.conf file for reference. 

Kindly suggest if any specifics have missed. Thanks in advance.





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